Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] go [adv] " in BNC.

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1 However , record contracts tend to last longer than management agreements ( a management agreement might last for three years while a record contract may go on as long as ten ) .
2 Oh shit let's go downstairs and do it
3 Postgraduate special subject courses — However deep a conversion course may go there will always be a need for summer schools and for taught masters courses which investigate a narrower subject to the full depth of current knowledge and seek to probe even deeper .
4 It would appear therefore that changes in the nature ( location ? ) of the management function must go along with all the other changes with which we are involved .
5 belief is that er if you get the trustee balance right , that 's the first place where the decision ought to be made , but there should be a fall-back position which Good has given , which they the trustees could go to the regulator in the case of er not being able to solve things , but are feeling very much on surpluses , that the money is there first of all to pay pensions and until pensions are paid up to Inland Revenue levels , whatever they are , then no money should go back to the company .
6 I M P A Cs belief is that er if you get the trustee balance right , that 's the first place where the decision ought to be made , but there should be a fall back position which Good has given , which they they trustees could go to the regulator in the case of er not being able to solve things , but our feeling very much on surplus is that the money is there first for to pay pensions and until pensions are paid up to Inland Revenue levels whatever they are , then no money should go back to the company .
7 It is of great importance that some of this money should go directly to support pupils ' learning .
8 This guarantee covers the period of time in which defects will be remedied , the procedure that the buyer must go through in order to take advantage of the guarantee , and the remedies which the seller offers in respect of the defects .
9 British Rail should go back to the drawing board , look at the line and the station together , and produce a new , properly worked out Bill that addresses both the line and the station .
10 Is this a consideration which helps anybody to decide which district the new settlement should go in ?
11 NORWEB , in the process of increasing its supplies to the villages in the Rossendale Valley , was subject to a planning authority caveat that part of the cable route must go underground for environmental reasons .
12 Subject always to the judge 's discretion in individual cases , a dialogue of that kind which was clearly admissible in part should go in in toto in the ordinary case .
13 I mean if anything , the physics should go in with the maths exam , rather than chemistry and biology .
14 Expressing his view that the case should go on , the judge made clear that he thought Mr. Gilbert was ‘ a witness of truth and a very accurate and careful one , ’ whereas Mr. Everett was ‘ patently false . ’
15 If the court decided that the case should go ahead , it would then have to decide by which procedural track it should proceed .
16 The Minister is backing away from the commitment that the Scottish Transport Group and the Government gave , and is now saying that the money must go back into the Treasury 's coffers .
17 Talk ought to go on , even if murder went on at the same time ; at the sideboard Twomey turned his back before he smiled .
18 Such a bid may go ahead immediately , provided the voting rights attached to the shares are not exercised .
19 Fighting may go on intermittently for days and the original owner does not tire easily .
20 A disabled teenager who 's being treated by a Russian physiotherapist has been told his trainer must go home because his visa has run out .
21 On page one seven five you 've got how to check the circulation , after you 've put the bandage on to make sure it 's not too tight , it 's not stopping all the blood supply , press a fingernail if there 's only a finger nail and the , it should go white of course if you press it , then the blood should go back and it goes back pink again or an area of er skin , always check your circulation after you 've put your bandage on .
22 He was surprised to find , for example , that men who make their living out of reporting news and gossip should go away from a private lunch with him and the Princess and talk about it .
23 The viewing figure must go down by a half now .
24 The retailing industry must go further in its professed commitment to environmental protection by developing more sustainable shopping patterns , guided by the land use planning system .
25 Despite Home Office objections the Court of Appeal ruled that the programme should go ahead .
26 Yes , we 've got to educate the public that crime must go down , and certainly we 've put in closed circuit televisions and tried to fence off wherever possible .
27 Because our winter closes in so sharply , whatever we sow for overwintering must go in earlier , and that means August .
28 Despite his continuing reservations the UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali on Feb. 13 recommended to the Security Council that the deployment of the UN force should go ahead in eastern and western Slavonia and Krajina .
29 The SACHR said that affirmative action should go as far as positive discrimination , e.g. the tie break , but this is not in the legislation .
30 Webb 's move back to his old club should go through within the next 48 hours .
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