Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] us [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Tisseran itself is now in the Bate Collection ( illus.4 ) : its painted and gilded case reminding us of the harpsichord the princess is playing in The music party .
2 We went off to parade for lunch ; this meant ten minutes doing press-ups with the Corporal halting us in mid exercise so that we were poised between the ground and the arms-stretched position — as our limbs weakened so people started to slump and collapse , which resulted in kicks and blows .
3 We expected handshakes all round , the departure of the PM to affairs of state , and an aide leading us to an ante-room for ginger snaps and coffee .
4 I remember mummy putting us to bed at six .
5 We slanted across the river , the wind carrying us against the current , and coasted up the far bank .
6 So , on a board the apparent wind we experience when we travel at 10 knots in a 10 knot cross-wind will be a 14 knot wind hitting us at 45 degrees .
7 It 's the usual imaginative , expensive production , in this case whisking us from London to New York to New Orleans .
8 We must have looked an odd bunch to any passing motorist catching us in his headlights .
9 Her last entry reads : ‘ Letter from girl thanking us for concert tickets .
10 For the rest , the older generation and the perennially mathematically innocent , it will be best to start by thinking of a vector as something like an arrow directing us from one point to another .
11 So the real question facing us at the moment is not whether there should be a relationship , or whether there should be a link but in what way we should modernize it and arrange it today .
12 Parliamentary sovereignty is still intact in so far as Parliament can still repeal the act committing us to entry .
13 I well remember I promised the crew some spectacular coastal scenery on first arrival after an overnight passage up the east coast of Ireland , dashing across the North Channel during a lull in the gales with a tremendous swell rolling us on our beam ends until we reached the lee of Islay .
14 The lone C sharp minor Prelude , Op. 45 concludes the final disc leaving us with an example of Cortot 's art at its most fervent and deeply introspective .
15 ‘ We had a young lad ringing us from Manchester .
16 And are we to think that this loving God really wants us to linger on in pain and without dignity when , according to the same dogma , He is in any case calling us to a better life ?
17 Hence Jacques Derrida 's influential concept of ‘ différance ’ ( translated in English as at once difference and deferral ) , a concept enabling us to ‘ reconsider all the pairs of opposites on which philosophy is constructed and on which our discourse lives , not in order to see opposition erase itself but to see what indicates that each of the terms must appear as the différance of the other , as the other different and deferred in the economy of the same ’ .
18 After this build-up of the neocortex as the organ endowing us with superior mental functions , it is time to see what messages are actually passed along its nerve fibres .
19 Well that 's thursday behind us and there 's now only one day separating us from the weekend .
20 In contemporary Britain it seems almost impossible to go a single day without hearing , from some quarter or another , a senior policeman hectoring us on the deteriorated condition of public morals , while assuming the right to deliver homespun history lessons in which the past is lovingly remembered as a time of harmony .
21 One of these took Venturous to the Bristol Channel and the South Wales ' ports , and a later one was made to the north of Scotland with the Board joining us at Aberdeen .
22 And of course , from my own professional viewpoint , it is clear that even after a break of so many years , Miss Kenton would prove the perfect solution to the problem at present besetting us at Darlington Hall .
23 A Hampshire Police spokesman said today : ‘ We can confirm we are reinvestigating the circumstances leading to the death of Steven Jarvis and we now have a 15-year-old girl in custody helping us with our inquiries . ’
24 More recently we have learnt that the functioning of the immune system , that exquisitely coordinated mechanism protecting us from disease , is intimately tied in to levels of stress .
25 Not only does the text tend to be repetitious but each item of gear if prefaced by an otherwise blank page informing us of the Key Point to be gleaned in that section , pearls of wisdom such as : ‘ A file is useful for sharpening the edges of your … hooks .
26 Life was not quite a state of nature or a question of the survival of the fittest , but in times of no food parcels the partition separating us from that state was unpleasantly thin and even at the best of times it was thin enough to be able to hear most of what went on on the other side .
27 The volume telling us of the coming of salvation to Israel is complete with the death and resurrection of Jesus .
28 THE last time I saw Sting he was with Mrs Sting sitting on the TV-am sofa reminding us of our duty to the rainforests .
29 Is the Prime Minister aware , first , that people will want to study in detail what he has brought back and will need far more time to do that , and , secondly , that a treaty committing us to a European union probably represents an even bigger change than our entry into the Community in 1975 , the long-term effect of which over many Parliaments will be great ?
30 Reform was ‘ a flash of lightning illuminating us for one moment only , to leave us in greater darkness ’ .
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