Example sentences of "[noun sg] [num] [conj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sir , you have enumerated all the documents which exist on our side , and with regard to the letters erm er of the fourth of February and the twentieth of April to which you have referred , they are part of the set of appendices , and are respectively appendix eight and appendix nine .
2 ‘ After all , we 're not all five foot eight and size 12 . ’
3 Part VI and Sched 4 apply to community homes , Part VII and Sched 5 to voluntary homes and Part VIII and Sched 6 to privately-run homes .
4 The Technophone Corp unit of Nokia Mobile Phones has opened a new facility in its joint venture with Tandy Corp : the Fort Worth plant will make Technophone 's PC 305 and TD 800 cellular telephones and will make other products for sale in the US , in Canada and in Latin America .
5 In a budgeting process , rather than creating BUDGET 1 , BUDGET 2 and BUDGET 3 for the different assumptions , different users could have access to the same file and contribute and see each others ’ ideas . ’
6 By 1900 the dry air refrigerator had lost its place to chemical machines using CO 2 or ammonia .
7 The difference between the 13 C of atmospheric CO 2 and leaf carbon of maize ( and certain other C4 species ) is conservative across environments and did not vary significantly with [ CO 2 ] ( B.D.M. et al. , manuscript in preparation ) , enabling us to use the 13 C of C4 leaves as a proxy for the 13 C of chamber air .
8 There was no significant correlation between arterial P co 2 and alcohol consumption ( r <0.14 ) .
9 Sodium and potassium concentrations were analysed with flame photometry ( Instrument Laboratories 943 ) , chloride concentration by Chemlab CCMI chloride meter , bicarbonate concentration by Corning CO 2 and glucose concentration by Beckman Glucose Analyser 2 .
10 Your plants also have a deficiency in CO 2 and light .
11 Percentage of the model domain north of 25°N covered by polar stratospheric clouds at 56mbar for the simulations in which the radiative heating and cooling were calculated using present-day levels of CO 2 and climatological ozone concentrations ( run 1 ) , present-day levels of CO 2 but with model-calculated ozone concentrations ( run 2 ) , doubled CO 2 with climatological ozone concentrations ( run 3 ) , and doubled CO 2 and model determined ozone concentrations ( run 4 ) .
12 Denise has used a ratio of two C F Cs , freon eleven and freon twelve , to work out where water several kilometres deep in the ocean was last at the surface .
13 The concentrations of freon eleven and freon twelve dissolved in surface waters have both increased dramatically since nineteen fifty but not by the same amount and so measuring their ratio in a sea water sample will tell us how old the water is .
14 These twin peaks on the chromatograph are directly in proportion to the amount of freon eleven and freon twelve in the water sample .
15 An Assistant Manager in AIB Bank , 5 College Street , Dublin since February 1981 , Ken joined the Munster & Leinster Bank at Arklow on 11th March 1964 and subsequently worked in Research Department 1978–79 and Registrar 's Dept. 1979–81 . . .
16 Compared with May 1990 , butterfat was up 0.02 , protein 0.05 and lactose 0.03% , resulting in a milk price of 15.5p/litre .
17 Trends in the ageing of the population since the turn of the century and projections into the next are shown in Figure 2 and Table 1 .
18 We analysed ten , newly generated transgenic mouse lines , plus two pre-existing transgenic lines Ea-16 and We32-25 ( 30,36 ) for Ea transgene copy number and abundance of Ea RNA in spleen ( Figure 2 and Table 1 ) .
19 In fact , for these 24 stimuli alone the correlation between risk rating from Study 2 and normality from Study 3 is still significant r(22)=-0.42 , p<0.05 , although the correlation between risk and speed is not r(22)=0.16 .
20 For further details about the films see Tables 4.2 from Study 2 and Table A2.1 in Appendix 2 .
21 ( 2 ) Rule 22 and Appendix 4 to the Code impose obligations on the target and its registrar to provide the offeror 's receiving agent , following the announcement of an offer , with the target 's register of members ( in computer-readable form , where practicable ) to keep the target 's register up-to-date , to provide the offeror 's receiving agent with copies of all documents which will result in a change to the last copy register provided to the offeror or its advisers , to permit the offeror 's receiving agent access to the target 's register at all times during the closing stages of the offer and to register transfers promptly during the offer ( see para 12.4 below ) .
22 16 Squadron , operating Alouette III and Puma helicopters were the last residents .
23 We have explained elsewhere in this book that the government sector gives rise to taxation and expenditure flows ( see Chapter 6 ) and that the external sector gives rise to export and import flows ( see Chapter 7 and Appendix 2 to this chapter ) .
24 Later , in Chapter 7 and Appendix B , the theorem will be presented in tensor form .
25 By an amended respondent 's notice the natural mother supported the local authority 's appeal on the grounds advanced by their notice of appeal and further or alternatively sought to contend that the judge ( 1 ) had been wrong in law , fact or both to hear and determine the applications for leave when the mother was not a party to the applications and was not aware of them and the judge had not been apprised properly or at all of her wishes in the matter ; ( 2 ) had acted contrary to the rules of natural justice and to section 10(9) ( d ) ( ii ) of the Act of 1989 ; and ( 3 ) ought to have required the mother to be notified of the application pursuant to rule 4.3(2) ( b ) of the Family Proceedings Rules 1991 , rule 4.4 and Appendix III .
26 Over one hundred drawings dating from 1912 to 1915 by Giacomo Balla will also be dispersed with estimates varying between SF 1,200 and SF 22,000 ( £476–8,725 ; $923–16,900 .
27 We never detected expression of fasciclin III or connectin at aberrant synaptic sites in the late embryo .
28 The project areas are shown in Figure 7 and Table 2 gives the report titles and main methods used .
29 In erm Romans chapter three and verse twenty seven it says that er Jesus died for our sins and I 'd just like to leave this thought with you , that n er just like me , when I could have died the other week in that plane crash , that none of us knows how long we 've got on this life and , however long or short it is , there 's no time like the present to get right with God if you , if you are n't and the only way to do that is through Jesus .
30 representing that , but you know and I know that it did n't stay like that , I do n't know how long , but it did n't stay like it for very long because sin crept in , that circle was marred , it was twisted , that intermit original fellowship with God was broken , let me read you a verse there in Genesis chapter three and verse eight , it 's , it 's Adam and Eve it says they heard the sound of the lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the lord God among the trees of the garden , for the first time since Adam had first been created they hide from God , they hear him coming , it 's the time when God will come , and they hear him that were walking through the garden using picture language , and they go and hide , they 're ashamed to see him , they do n't want to look upon him , something has happened that perfect circle has been marred , what it was like yesterday , things are different now , there 's that unclean feeling , there 's that guilt complex , we 've done it wrong , we 've failed to keep what God 's said , we 've broken the rules and when you break the rules , it 's not just the rules that are broken is it , you know it and I know it , in relationships , it 's not just the rules that get broken , it 's the relationship is marred .
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