Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb base] like [art] " in BNC.

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1 The question really was , did being alone with me on a boat seem like a good idea or not ? "
2 To non-riders dressage must appear to be the art of making the noble horse look like a wally with an even bigger wally on top in fancy dress .
3 The wind whisked past her ears , her stomach lurched ; she opened her eyes and saw the white , freckled child screaming , his mouth open like a great dark cave , clinging on to the side of the boat with his frail clean-scrubbed little hands .
4 25TH OF May are enough to make the most rabid Trot of a pop fan feel like an enemy of the people worthy of a vicious kneecapping , since their political stance is laudable to the n th degree in such grim times as these .
5 ‘ This helps make the gallery seem like a friendly place to them , rather than just somewhere other people go . ’
6 Side Two 's opener , ‘ The Slim ’ , typifies Sugar 's ability to slow things down , with a grinding , winding melody that backs Mould as he tumbles through a drawn-out flashback nightmare , which makes temporary amnesia seem like a healthy option .
7 Here , at a round table , Christian Lacroix was seated with his wife , Sylvie Guillem ( now changed into a ballgown of great splendour and so contrived , with such shortness at front and fullness at back , as to make the wearer look like an emu ) , and a number of stock Parisian luminaries , like Guy and Marie-Hélène de Rothschild .
8 And for the youngsters , the Old Swan makes the old village hall seem like a hangover .
9 Clapton is a graceful , authoritative performer , even sitting down , and his ten acoustic country-blues tunes made the 6,000 seat Royal Albert Hall seem like a club .
10 Ditherers and mums-the-worders who 'd make even the fossilised Football Association Council look like a Brains Trust .
11 In a volte-face that makes Germaine Greer 's change of heart look like a tiny emotional trifle , the former feminists ' champion has switched from the red corner to the blue corner without a blush in the process .
12 Had he been , he would have made Michael Codron 's chastisement seem like a love paean .
13 There 's enough explosive power in a really big display to make the twenty kegs of powder Guy Fawkes planted below the Houses of Parliament look like a damp roman candle .
14 Sound feminist argument usually means making the nearest male look like an idiot , which in Ellen 's case was not a very demanding task .
15 Ben saw Rosten 's body tauten like a compressed coil .
16 Rincewind relaxed slightly , which was to say that he still made a violin string look like a bowl of jelly .
17 In this world of clean fast-running water , of inimitable oaks and meadows which made the Bayeux tapestry look like a traycloth , there was no place for somersaulted cars and carnage and broken bodies lying on the wet and bloody tarmac .
18 What on earth can have induced Labour and Conservative politicians alike even to consider hitching their wagons to something which , at first sight , makes the poll tax look like a pre-election bonus ?
19 The years taken to prepare the poll tax look like a model of wise and thoughtful government by comparison with the pretence at consultation and the shockingly truncated parliamentary timetable with which we are now confronted .
20 Mario Andretti , who won the 1978 world championship with the 79 , boasted that the new car , the 80 , would make his former charge look like a double-decker bus .
21 The civilization flourished for more than a millennium until , about 1400 BC , the comparatively nearby volcanic island of Thera erupted in a fashion that makes the 1883 Krakatoa event look like a mere squib .
22 FACTORY CIRCUS look like the result of a particularly sadistic fashion designer 's bad acid trip .
23 A trip to North London in the middle of the week is hardly an inviting prospect but the Cube Club at the Bull And Gate in Kentish Town on Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday nights has made the nearby tube station seem like a home from home for the discerning music lover .
24 A trip to North London in the middle of the week is hardly an inviting prospect but the Cube Club at the Bull And Gate in Kentish Town on Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday nights has made the nearby tube station seem like a home from home for the discerning music lover .
25 Unable to restrain the anger that welled up within him , Richmann swung his cut-down Winchester round and , with an animal roar , blew the man 's head open like a dropped melon .
26 Today it had doubled , crossed from one side of his forehead to the other , and reinforced a series of furrows rather than wrinkles , that made his broad white forehead look like a new-ploughed field covered in snow .
27 When used it can quadruple data throughput , making a 2,400bps modem look like a 9,600bps one , making it faster and cheaper in terms of phone time .
28 Many situations of stress feel like a tangled knot of coloured threads — the more you pull at it the worse it gets .
29 Then suddenly one or two break ranks and begin to ‘ porpoise ’ shorewards : the rest follow like a school of flying fish !
30 The EFTA deal , which includes extra tonnage of north-east arctic cod , seems to do so , but there is a fear that , when the common fisheries policy comes up for review and renewal , the wheeling and dealing over fish then will make Maastricht this week look like a teddy bears ' picnic .
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