Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb base] me [art] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd take a stool , stack up coins as high as they 'd go , and have the barman bring me a two-bit shot every couple of minutes , removing the price himself , until the tower was gone .
2 Then the cheeky four-year-old showed off by singing her favourite song — the drinker 's ditty Show Me The Way To Go Home .
3 ‘ I 'm tired by the constantly disturbed nights — and the aggressiveness and abuse worry me a lot . ’
4 Some boy give me a single red rose and I 'd say , What you done with the other four , given them to your other girls ?
5 Lancashire County Council tell me the skip will be provided from Tuesday 30th March to Tuesday 6th April .
6 honey give me the midday paper please dear
7 Now can I have my jacket , you just dropped my bag across the bloody park give me a cigarette now Liam .
8 REGARDING the wolf whistling debate , should I ever receive such a gesture I think I 'd die of shock , But should some young , dishy male give me a whistle I would probably give a wink and a whistle back .
9 My mum give me a kiss and went .
10 ‘ For God 's sake give me a drink , Kit . ’
11 ‘ For Pete 's sake give me a lift .
12 ‘ For God 's sake tell me the truth .
13 Can someone post email me the lineup against Liverpool ?
14 ‘ Your — your integrity cost me an awful lot of misery , ’ she whispered .
15 If you want to join me you can pick up the phone give me a ring O nine O four six four one six four one .
16 Will my right hon. Friend give me a categorical assurance that that order was decided solely on price ?
17 Alice my friend give me a cookie please .
18 She says : ‘ It was the only personal appearance I did , but now some of the crew call me The Opener .
19 Right there are two iron oxides commonly used in the blast furnace , one of which is named because of its colour Excuse me a moment .
20 ‘ Oh , Merry & Co pay me a lump sum to stage the mystery .
21 Can any of you who are meeting up for the spurs game do me a favour , please ?
22 At one time my major ambition was to have my father buy me an excavator so that I could make really big dams .
23 If you want to know more about the Aquarian electronic thermostat drop me a line at
24 thanks a lot be in touch give me a buzz , any time okay bye
25 I have n't tasted it anybody taste give me a call .
26 She was a French Resistance girl in the series Moonstrike , a ballet dancer in a spy thriller , a nurse in Emergency Ward Ten , a secretary in Compact , and in the film Mix Me A Person she played Adam Faith 's girlfriend .
27 And I 'll see you again next week , but if you need anything in the meantime give me a ring will you ?
28 Go on Gal give me a nice easy one
29 if you 're still at the factory give me a ring and I 'll come and fetch you .
30 Since the Government obviously have no idea what to do about it , will the Prime Minister give me an undertaking that he will call a general election very early in the new year ?
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