Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb base] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is appropriate in this case that there should be an interim residence order , and there should be directions attached to that order that A. be returned forthwith to the care of his father and that G. , R. and M. remain in the care of their father and that there be an inter partes hearing with service of the application as quickly as the Portsmouth County Court can make it possible to be heard , which means within a matter of days not a matter of weeks , because it would be quite wrong for this matter to die down once the child is returned .
2 Privet and yew combine in an effective two-tone design
3 If there is an incongruous response sit in the light to assist lip reading , and repeat the question more slowly and loudly , facing the client , but without shouting or exaggeration .
4 IT has taken a year for the new formula to be agreed — at a time when ITN was coping with a budget squeeze in the wake of the crippling cost of covering the Gulf War .
5 The result of this substitution is of course change in the meaning of the sentence .
6 For our part , we have learnt a considerable amount about the world beyond school , made many friends , and seen our school and its curriculum develop in a positive healthy way .
7 On the basis of this information , the law of reciprocal proportions tells us to expect that carbon and hydrogen combine in the weight ratio , 12:4 .
8 Coalport figurines are very English and the vast majority sell in the UK .
9 Although radical politics of this kind remain in the minority , for both left and right , their development means that councils can experience large changes in their policies whilst remaining under the control of the same party - so increasing political variation at the local level .
10 It was emotionally captivating to see a truck laden with consumer goods draw up at Tazarbu , to hear the driver announce that he had a new poem from Muhammad Dabub in Ajdabiya , and to see shopkeepers , customers and driver sit in the shade to listen to the poem .
11 May the Town Crier remain in the very capable hands of the college students and lecturers for a long time to come .
12 Now for Tendulkar : how many Test runs will this elegant little genius make in the next dozen years ?
13 The whole station was like some vast and awkward school dance , where need and constraint mingle in a heady , violent ferment of suppression .
14 Like graphic images of cinema , his moments of demolition linger in the mind .
15 Significantly , the statutorily required information compilations emanating from these bodies for the most part appear in a defined physical format :
16 Occasionally I treated myself to a half hour browse in a bookshop .
17 And its feminist interests in social relations link it with disciplines like sociology and history , making it more interdisciplinary than most psychology , maintaining its hopes for change and even a complete paradigm shift in the discipline ( e.g. Parlee 1979 , 1981 ) .
18 The paper was dismissed and then ignored until , in the early 1960s , the crucial geophysical evidence supporting Wegener 's theory led to a rapid paradigm shift in the earth sciences .
19 That was when I saw it , right in front of me , a large lump of rock bang in the middle of the track .
20 Five Democratic Party ( DP ) members of parliament ( MPs ) joined the African National Congress ( ANC ) and announced on April 21 that they would in future sit in the whites-only House of Assembly as independents ( the ANC not being registered as a political party ) .
21 Small amounts of blood remain in the syringe which could be infected — if you share works then you could inject this into your bloodstream .
22 What does majority rule mean in the context of the United Kingdom ?
23 In them clarity and fluency combine in the spirit of Matisse .
24 All these different kinds of thinking appear in the examples that follow .
25 I like to watch the phosphorescence curling away from the hull and I like to watch the brilliant specks of light fade in the black deep water far in the ship 's wake .
26 The Quireboys and Betty Boo appear in THE O-ZONE .
27 A zoom lens is the visual equivalent of a continuous gear shift in a car : merely by turning a handle , the operator can move from a long lens , giving a narrow view but a deep-focus telescopic shot of the subject , to a short , wide-angle lens , with a wide view .
28 A statutory power to make delegated legislation will not empower the delegate to make rules designed to oust the jurisdiction of the courts unless very clear words to this effect appear in the enabling statute .
29 The detailed results of the Programme appear in a set of eleven volumes being published ( by Oxford University Press ) during 1986/87 .
30 Guarded by a collective representation in which theft and violence reside in a dangerous class , morally elevated by its correctional quest , the state achieves the legitimacy of its pacific intention and the acceptance of legality — even when it goes to war and massively perpetuates activities it has allegedly banned from the world .
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