Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb base] and the " in BNC.

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1 One by one , polytechnics are becoming universities and the binary divide has disappeared , although the disparities in funding remain and the former polytechnics are very much the poor relations in terms of library acquisitions funding .
2 For of course Aragorn and the others , including Frodo , are in their feelings of confusion and meaninglessness absolutely wrong — ‘ infatuated ’ , ‘ bewildered ’ , drowning in a bog of mere events , caught in a strangler 's net of wyrd .
3 But the six-day week , the 7.5 hour shift and the other things that make Asforby possible would be impossible if things were left to the National Union of Mineworkers .
4 Figure 1 illustrates the appearance of HEp-2 cells with the strongly adherent control strain E851/71 , a weakly diffuse adherent biopsy isolate and the non-adherent control strain Sc13 .
5 If he is , he will know that the CBI opposes absolutely the reintroduction of the labour laws that the Opposition propose , the tax changes that the Opposition propose and the minimum wage that the Opposition have in mind .
6 Randy Shilts ' AIDS exposé And The Band Played On will be an HBO docu-drama directed by Joel Schumacher , a specialist in the life-death borderline after Dying Young and Flatliners .
7 By May the soft greens of spring darken and the freshness of the garden gives way to headier scents and fragrances .
8 If the trends shown by my research continue and the numbers of night visits double again within another eight years then a reorganisation of this sort will become essential .
9 The Spartans went for two points only to see the attempt fail and the score remained 13–12 .
10 If I die for it , if David must die for it in his turn , no matter , so the spring survive and the unity grow .
11 He got back into the car and she heard the door slam , the engine accelerate and the tyres slide again on the gravel .
12 There 's a bit of a lap dissolve and the full moon becomes a paper cup viewed from above .
13 The Palestinians , meanwhile , are to be fobbed off with a degree of internal autonomy — as was proposed in the original Camp David agreements of 1978 , brokered by Jimmy Carter , between Israeli premier Menachim Begin and the Egyptian president , Anwar Sadat .
14 The giant cells of the caterpillar 's body die and the dormant cell clusters suddenly begin to divide rapidly , nourishing themselves on the soup of the disintegrated caterpillar body .
15 Our own Planning Committee County Council Planning Committee recommends route A on environmental and ecological grounds and route A is the popular choice the town speak and the Brandon Action Group and indeed the Suffolk member of Parliament , however the Norfolk County Council and the Weeting Parish Council oppose for the day and the Norfolk Member of Parliament supports their case , worth noting that Breckland District Council , the local planning authority in Norfolk also opposes for a day , now though it appears to be so this is not altogether a case of
16 Crossed lines indicate hypothetical crossovers between the targeting construct and the TCR Cα locus ,
17 High , lonely hills , where the wind and the sound carry and the ground 's as dry as straw in a barn .
18 I returned after a ten minute wait and the clouds rolled away to waken the scene from its gloomy darkness .
19 But Lions manager Geoff Cooke said he was disappointed that two crucial decisions went against his side the disputed second minute try and the penalty which gave Grant Fox the chance to kick his last-minute winner .
20 The pseudopodia disappear and the platelets appear round once more ( Wester et al , 1979 ) .
21 Only when you have achieved this mastery of theory and practice , will drudgery disappear and the full joy of smallholding be realized .
22 So they had a big argument downstairs , this woman plod and the others and I said to John : ‘ Look .
23 The sex of each human being , then , is determined at the moment of conception , when the cells of a mother and father join and the chromosomes which they carry combine .
24 So the record of the group as a whole is a bit patchy , with ‘ jumps ’ in time between one fossil find and the next .
25 Perhaps it was her soft , drawling voice or the fact that , no matter how interesting the topic of your conversation , you would inevitably see her smothering amiable yawns as you talked ; you would see the muscles of her jaw tighten and the tears start from her eyes as she tried to repress them .
26 Most authorities agree that it is possibly the most difficult of all the hovering manoeuvres , and it combines the difficulties of both the nose-in hover and the pirouette .
27 His films cover a wide range of subjects and genres , from the futurist science fiction world of QUE LA FETE COMMENCE and THE JUDGE AND THE ASSASSIN to the wonderful evocation of the modern day Cote D'Azur in THESE FOOLISH THINGS .
28 Pansies and clay react and the pansies shrivel in a couple of hours .
29 That 's funny , old erm Colin came in and you know that one with a the sort of screen save and the the screen shot of that three- D
30 Watching the tramp 's face glisten and the drops on his coat
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