Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] [adv prt] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the silence we hear a cow tearing up grass by the roots and chewing .
2 This was achieved partly through capitalist agriculture driving out family farms .
3 For every evening wasted in the contemplation of Tubular Bells we spent no more than the time it takes to finish a vodka-and-lime soaking up Sugar Baby Love by the Rubettes .
4 It made no sound , and even seemed to absorb the sounds around it , like a sponge soaking up water .
5 Talent going down drain .
6 on the Rhone pouring down snow
7 Amid the build-up to the great birthday extravaganza , North Korea watchers have gone on the alert for signs of the president handing over power to Kim Jong Il .
8 Every firm or department carrying out building surveying work will , to a certain extent , be different from those in its peer group .
9 It may well be that children younger than nine years have difficulty picking up information about intentions from pictures .
10 He is also facing an inquiry over the taxpayer picking up part of his £24,000 bill to evict a self-styled sex therapist from his home and was embarrassed by revelations about his Access card .
11 When they reached the railway station it was already plying for new hire and the sound of an engine gathering up steam could be heard .
12 The car seems equally at home eating up motorway miles and nipping around a traffic-logged town .
13 Acer is the latest PC company to jump on the bandwagon signing up handwriting recognition software expert CIC to develop pen based applications to be run on Acer hardware .
14 After the Wall Street crash of 1929 , with the slump forcing up tariff barriers around the world , Ramsay Macdonald 's Second Labour Government clung dogmatically to Treasury orthodoxy and the defence of free trade .
15 This is achieved by encouraging people to becoming actively involved in the broadcasting sending out information packs and providing off-air counselling .
16 Knees buckling , legs trembling like jelly , an undignified scramble down the ice on his ass and two days in a bar throwing down Bourbon .
17 But at this stage I have no idea so there 's no point writing out information which is already in place , as it were , and then I can reference him .
18 She trailed around the room picking up beer bottles , looking oddly like a bee with broken wings .
19 write to him as well disgusting , as if you do n't , you do n't need that sort of aggravation from a teacher stirring up trouble like that making the kids making him a laughing stock , he does not need that , its just not on is it ? , and as he says I 'm sure she does it on purpose .
20 At school she was more at ease belting out Jasper Carrot 's Funky Moped than she was deciphering textbooks .
21 Likewise , a dealer wo n't want a record taking up space in the racks of his or her shop unless he or she thinks the public will ask for it .
22 The CSO 's new director , Bill McLennan , said the changes were not only part of general tidying up operation to standardise distribution but also to prevent leaks .
23 They only become annoying , meaningless rituals if they are too rigid or obsessive — when a routine tidying up session turns into a ‘ you must always put away all your toys and clothes before you get into bed ’ command , no matter what the unusual circumstances may be that night .
24 I am not sure why the idea of an old woman in an unlit room reading out newspaper headlines for her grandson tickles me so , but it does .
25 The Pack spent a busy evening making up gift parcels to take round to the orphanage and to other people on the Guider 's list .
26 Above which , an embroidery of light flickered in and out of existence , stitching hints of a sampler spelling out death .
27 A further revolution that has not yet taken hold widely in Japan is that of networking personal computers and word processors , and one American working for a large Japanese company in Tokyo complained to Reuter of hours spent every day hunting down paper documents written on dedicated word processors and then stuffing them laboriously into facsimile machines — when an efficient personal computer network could save all the effort .
28 There is a banker paying out money , and it is possible for the two players to link arms and laugh all the way to the bank .
29 It needed people to work all night sending out subscription copies , getting them down to the all-night post office .
30 Trying out various ideas they eventually settled on the use of a Ring Modulator , which sets up a low frequency hum breaking up speech patterns into juddery , intermittent tones .
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