Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb base] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The hills , lakes and coast lend themselves to a variety of outdoor pursuits such as fell walking , mountaineering , pony-trekking , fishing , sailing , canoeing and swimming .
2 The Artisans and the main Aldeburgh club find themselves in separate halves of the draw at the semi-final stage to be played on June 27 at neutral venues .
3 A palaeontologist and a journalist find themselves in Callimba , where Cleopatra 's sister Berenice once reigned .
4 Good luck to all those , and there are dozens , who this spring find themselves beyond the dressing-room doors .
5 The Kennel Club defend themselves against accusations that they do not do enough to curtail irresponsible breeding .
6 BOY GEORGE has revealed that he and his lover see themselves as a married couple .
7 Most coastal features attached at both ends to the coast orientate themselves at right angles to the resultant provided that the fetch is approximately the same in all directions .
8 In Germany , workplace representatives in this industry see themselves as part of the administrative framework for the smooth conduct of industrial relations and work within given administrative and legal constraints .
9 Chamois drench themselves in perfume by shaking their bodies as they urinate , and camels use their tails to whisk their urine into an odorous shower .
10 The journalists in question consider themselves to be the media equivalent of the praetorian guard .
11 The men amongst the ultra-religious Chasidim immerse themselves in a mikva before the onset of the sabbath in order to purify themselves spiritually .
12 In theory there was a simple enough answer to that problem : have the machine protect itself by looking several moves ahead .
13 Well over two million of that diaspora regard themselves as victims of the 1948 war ; the half million or so who fled Palestine in 1948 have had children — in many cases grandchildren — who regard themselves as Palestinians .
14 The band run themselves on a democratic basis and have their own voting system .
15 It was vital that the Community compose itself in order to present a united front at the Second World Conference on Climate Change to be held in Geneva , where world levels for carbon dioxide emissions are to be discussed .
16 Ninety percent of them said yes , that it depends on how you present the figures , so in actual fact I wonder how our tenant farmers all of a sudden find themselves in a position that they perhaps would rather sign a petition and not put their heads above the parapet bearing in mind you are in a community , bear in mind you are connected , bear in mind that your livelihood is with those others and I have to say it is true that a certain business in my area connected with farming has been threatened .
17 The surprising thing about this debate is its relative neglect of the administrative dimension of corporatism ( Etzioni-Halevy 1983 , pp. 63–73 ) , especially since the relationships between state and economy which compel a corporatist interpretation of modern capitalism manifest themselves through institutions which are grafted on to the administrative system .
18 Well , it 's erm , fairly local incident , that this paper has been er borne , er to give the er permission for borrowing , when the labour , liberal er controlling group find themselves in this embarrassing position , er , of having to find an extra eleven million pounds to maintain their services .
19 However , Nottingham Forest find themselves at the foot of a Premier League where standards are low , largely due to a paucity of decent managers and where none have Clough 's breadth of knowledge and experience .
20 If our constitution does not altogether submerge us in wishful thinking , that is because pain and misfortune force themselves on attention from outside .
21 A proportion of the flights on each main operating base maintain themselves at ‘ quick reaction alert ’ ( QRA ) status , ready to move out at a moment 's notice .
22 About ten people a day kill themselves by suicide , maybe maybe one in a thousand people who take Prozac get bad reactions to it , but that has to be seen in balance , in the balance of a large number of people deriving a lot of benefit and maybe a few people having some bad reactions .
23 Two-thirds of the sample describe themselves as head of their households .
24 And apologists for Labour 's refusal to organise in Northern Ireland can not in all conscience describe themselves as democrats .
25 Such an invitation should give an indication of what pictures could be taken or which parts of the event lend themselves to photographs .
26 As not only Chubei and Umegawa but also Yohei and his wife find themselves under sentence of death from the Shoguns ' inexorable laws , both couples make a suicide pact .
27 Now that 's not particularly sensational , and that 's where the drugs and the alcohol abuse level comes across , and that is the emotive term , but what I 'm saying really is the symptoms which that teachers are displaying of stress manifest themselves in an increase in er abuse of alcohol which could only be the odd extra drink , or the odd 5 cigarettes a day , and sleeping tablets , and that becomes an issue when you have n't got a teacher who 's not in control the following day , but you certainly have a teacher who 's not 100% , and that 's where the effect on the child tends to occur .
28 When you have translated the above text into your target language , discuss any differences between the source and target versions in terms of grammatical meaning , paying particular attention to the use of passive structures and the reflexive take himself to Malta ( paragraph 6 ) .
29 A gradual reversal of the parent/child roles may have to be adjusted to , as the elderly parent moves further on into old age and becomes more dependent in every way , and sometimes the inner fears and insecurities of an old person express themselves in jealousy , possessiveness and resentment of the daughter 's contacts with other family members or friends , which can create many embarrassing situations , and the need for small deceptions to keep the peace .
30 To relish the full history of the occasion take yourself on a tour of the Farm or just enjoy the peace and tranquillity of this beauty spot by meandering around our enchanting Nature Trail and grounds .
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