Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb base] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , if the three numbers beneath the Early Reply Bonus Seal match the first three numbers of your Early Reply Bonus Code , and you reply within 14 days , you will automatically qualify for the chance to double the £50,000 first prize to £100,000 .
2 In addition , should the three numbers beneath the Early Reply Bonus Seal match the first three numbers of the Early Reply Bonus code , the entrant will also be eligible to win an additional £50,000 , should they reply within 14 days , and win first prize .
3 Though tragically killed in a recent motorbike accident , Madra was an undisputed maestro of the art , as well as an easy and informative friend whom I had known for some time , so it was a shock to witness the epic genius which came through him , and the transformation which both he and his audience underwent in that open village square the first time I saw him perform .
4 Daalny had acted , after all ; she must have taken the second key during Vespers , from the nail where at noon she had watched the porter hang the first one , but she had had to wait for near-darkness before using it .
5 We 've got , sorry , at what point do the first bits go ?
6 Let him who has never lifted the seam of a cricket ball cast the first stone . ’
7 His magnificent second innings 133 , plus a top score the first time around , has served to magnify the glaring deficiencies in the batting line-up .
8 Hartlepool 's Procession host the first show at the Empire in Middlesbrough on Monday ; Hug take the tour to Newcastle Poly on March 2 , and on March 5 the Poppyfield bring it to Perry 's in Darlington where the Autumn Divers will also be on the bill .
9 To start the game give the first player the bottle or jar and ask him to hold it on his head .
10 This potentially , means that there can now be up to 32,767 unique fonts — each with their four basic stylistic variations , although Apple reserve the first 1,024 .
11 Taking a leaf out of NCR Corp 's book of strategies , Unisys Corp will next week unveil the first of a new line of highly configurable Intel Corp and EISA-based personal computers that , with few if any changes , will magically turn into Unix-run workstations and entry-level servers early in the second quarter .
12 Other works to be performed in the concert include the first performance of Martin Read 's soprano saxophone piece The Numbers Game , which will be performed by Alex Forsyth — the college saxophone teacher .
13 Meantime Southwestern Bell Corp 's mobile systems unit and Matsushita Electric Industrial Co Ltd 's Panasonic Communications & Systems Co claim the first commercial personal communications service in the US .
14 The orchestra finish the first half of the programme with Mendelssohn 's String Symphony No 11 in F. The Priory Singers , under their director Harry Grindle , perform some unaccompanied choral pieces before joining with the Ensemble for Schubert 's Mass in G major — perfect music for the perfect acoustic of the Elmwood Hall .
15 If Mansell does put pen to paper , our own local Williams team should be right on the pace come the first Grand Prix next year .
16 Now manager Denis Smith has to decide whether to risk Dziekanowski against West Ham tonight as City chase a first home win .
17 He is understood to be siding with ICC chairman Sir Colin Cowdrey in backing the England bid , knowing he is a leading candidate to next summer become the first non-English chairman of world cricket 's governing body .
18 To illustrate Jakobson 's approach to these texts , let us take his analysis ( with L.G. Jones ) of Shakespeare 's Sonnet cxxix , ‘ Th'Expence of Spirit ’ ( 1970 ) : The analysis considers in turn the following relationships of equivalence and contrast ( which evidently depends on and emphasizes equivalence ) in the poem ( the spelling and punctuation follow the first edition ) : ( 1 ) those which oppose the first seven lines to the last seven ; ( 2 ) those which are constant features of the text as a whole ; ( 3 ) those which oppose strophes I and III to II and IV ; ( 4 ) those which oppose strophes I and IV to ( I and III ( the outer and the inner ) ; ( 5 ) those which oppose strophes I and II to III and IV ; ( 6 ) those which oppose the final couplet to the rest of the poem ; and ( 7 ) those which oppose the middle couplet ( lines 7 and 8 ) to the rest of the poem .
19 Aldershot , Farnham & District AC promote the first Rushmoor Summer Double — two 10K road races at Rushmoor Arena , one on Wednesday , June 17th and the other on Wednesday , July 29th .
20 The authors of this perfervid , crowded adventure use the first person device to plot the course of Kemp 's feelings concurrently with the bold actions in which he is conventionally heroic .
21 If you fall into this category you will find Jane Lucas ' article on page 14 of interest , and for specific help with your jumping see the first of Jane Wallace 's super new series on cross country jumping on page 36 .
22 Therefore those at the top of the pile have no first hand knowledge of the cause of a failure virus , while the employees who understand the failure have no power to change the process which caused it .
23 Moomintroll and the Snork Maiden feel the first flutterings of love and , for once , we are offered a complete family ( the Victorian habit of removing one , or both , parents was a convention that survived into Ransome 's time ) .
24 ‘ Let those that are without sin cast the first stone . ’
25 Let he who is without sin cast the first stone , I may be hearing you say .
26 Why might a computer designer choose the first scheme ?
27 These sculptures must date from the middle or later seventh century , and from much the same time come the first carved fragments plausibly associated with a Doric temple .
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