Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb base] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It is appropriate in this case that there should be an interim residence order , and there should be directions attached to that order that A. be returned forthwith to the care of his father and that G. , R. and M. remain in the care of their father and that there be an inter partes hearing with service of the application as quickly as the Portsmouth County Court can make it possible to be heard , which means within a matter of days not a matter of weeks , because it would be quite wrong for this matter to die down once the child is returned .
2 She watched her bare toe rub against the whitened concrete of the balcony .
3 Left : All five of the brightly coloured villages in Disney 's Caribbean Beach Resort sit on the edge of a huge lake , with beautiful sandy white beaches .
4 However , the capacity and temptation to take back this decision remain throughout the whole of recovery .
5 The guilty man was to be drawn on an ox hide to the gallows , where he was hanged .
6 If there is an incongruous response sit in the light to assist lip reading , and repeat the question more slowly and loudly , facing the client , but without shouting or exaggeration .
7 IT has taken a year for the new formula to be agreed — at a time when ITN was coping with a budget squeeze in the wake of the crippling cost of covering the Gulf War .
8 The result of this substitution is of course change in the meaning of the sentence .
9 A preoccupation common to all the papers in the book springs directly from the difficulties involved in reassessing how the ‘ facts ’ of one 's experience correspond to the descriptions of them offered by others .
10 Some , but only some , members of the resistance distinguish between the Palestinians who were brought in by the Iraqis to do a bit of their dirty work , and Kuwait 's large and long-established Palestinian population .
11 On the basis of this information , the law of reciprocal proportions tells us to expect that carbon and hydrogen combine in the weight ratio , 12:4 .
12 Coalport figurines are very English and the vast majority sell in the UK .
13 In the fifth group session entitled ‘ Focus on the Individual ’ , the counselling and the monitoring combine with the directing and assisting methods .
14 Although radical politics of this kind remain in the minority , for both left and right , their development means that councils can experience large changes in their policies whilst remaining under the control of the same party - so increasing political variation at the local level .
15 It was emotionally captivating to see a truck laden with consumer goods draw up at Tazarbu , to hear the driver announce that he had a new poem from Muhammad Dabub in Ajdabiya , and to see shopkeepers , customers and driver sit in the shade to listen to the poem .
16 May the Town Crier remain in the very capable hands of the college students and lecturers for a long time to come .
17 Now for Tendulkar : how many Test runs will this elegant little genius make in the next dozen years ?
18 In the theory of criminal responsibility , however , this variety of tests of responsibility is challenged on the ground that the stricter tests of responsibility deviate from the principle of individual liberty which the doctrine of mens rea is designed to respect .
19 Equally depression of prostaglandin synthesis , by diminishing pain perception , could at least in part account for the high proportion of NSAID associated ulcers that are silent .
20 Of course debate about the National Curriculum has been around a lot longer , but its popularisation and public debate is a relatively recent phenomenon .
21 At present the science curriculum is structured around physical science interests , on which boys are keener ( how motor cars work , atoms and molecules ) ; we were able to recommend that teaching build on the overlapping interests of the two sexes , because girls as well as boys want to know more about human biology and spectacular features of the environment ( animals in the jungle , volcanoes and earthquakes , acids and chemicals ) .
22 PS Send on the list of your TV dates you ca n't do ’ .
23 Like graphic images of cinema , his moments of demolition linger in the mind .
24 The only point I felt w you know we mentioned the other day that if , if there 's a rise say on the first of April then you wan na get in a couple of months before then .
25 Well when it was started up , the first unit that I was with was from the shop floor at Bloxwich Lock and Stamping and erm it took the nucleus of people off the shop floor and then after we 'd finished our ten hour shift during the summer or when we could , we started foot drill training in the yard of the factory .
26 I asked at the meeting of the city board and I asked on more than one occasion , and did n't get a proper answer , what the labour group intended to do with the three point two million pounds that will build up in reserve say for the next three years .
27 And its feminist interests in social relations link it with disciplines like sociology and history , making it more interdisciplinary than most psychology , maintaining its hopes for change and even a complete paradigm shift in the discipline ( e.g. Parlee 1979 , 1981 ) .
28 The paper was dismissed and then ignored until , in the early 1960s , the crucial geophysical evidence supporting Wegener 's theory led to a rapid paradigm shift in the earth sciences .
29 Any radial axis setting is by friction fit on the suspension tube that holds the radio-controlled shutter release system , and the camera angle Is similarly preset for each large format exposure before sending aloft .
30 I do a fair amount of charitable work — I was president of the BMC which I really enjoyed doing and I 'm president designate of the Council for National Parks which will come up in October .
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