Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb base] [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 Privet and yew combine in an effective two-tone design
2 Whereas Serena is concerned to domesticate her problems , Stella consciously strives to exaggerate her own eccentricity , yet her resilience and the regularity of her yo-yo-like existence testify to an underlying solidity .
3 The family says the seats are lovely and comfy , I say the driving position is good and commanding and the light , quick steering and instant V8 torque make for an effortless drive .
4 The significant point to emerge from Zeki 's work is that a perceptual phenomenon once believed to be the result of high level cognitive processing now turns out to have a single cell correlate at an early stage in the visual pathways .
5 Even marginal victory had never entered her mind save as an impossible dream .
6 25TH OF May are enough to make the most rabid Trot of a pop fan feel like an enemy of the people worthy of a vicious kneecapping , since their political stance is laudable to the n th degree in such grim times as these .
7 It sometimes happens that the wrong is so closely connected with a contract that the enforcement of liability for the wrong would in effect amount to an enforcement of the contract .
8 The signals from the switch go to an inverting DC coupled operational amplifier with lowpass filter characteristics through the addition of a capacitor in parallel with the feedback resistor .
9 What does the County Council mean by an integrated er and balanced community ?
10 The expenditure decisions of the private sector depend upon an extensive array of variables — the rate of interest , the real wage rate , the realized level of income , etc .
11 In addition to these buildings , the main exhibits in the outdoor museum consist of an original National Schoolhouse , a Presbyterian Meeting House , Blacksmith 's Forge and Weaver 's Cottage in the Old World side of the Park and a Log Cabin , Pennsylvania Farmhouse and Log Barn in the New World area .
12 Here , at a round table , Christian Lacroix was seated with his wife , Sylvie Guillem ( now changed into a ballgown of great splendour and so contrived , with such shortness at front and fullness at back , as to make the wearer look like an emu ) , and a number of stock Parisian luminaries , like Guy and Marie-Hélène de Rothschild .
13 A checker that did not have wether in its lexicon would flag wether as an error ( correctly or not ) , but one with a comprehensive dictionary would fail to do so .
14 The sense of relief , and the newfound power , of a queen who has successfully produced a healthy boy emerge in an anecdote told by Charles himself over forty years later : " In the very hour of my birth , my mother Judith sent a ring to Ebbo [ archbishop of Rheims ] , asking him , since he was an archbishop , to pray for the newborn baby .
15 The Minister cannnot intervene in an intervention .
16 Sound feminist argument usually means making the nearest male look like an idiot , which in Ellen 's case was not a very demanding task .
17 No , you 're just a pathetic monomaniac who 's lived too long and has become obsessed with the idea of making the entire planet suffer for an ancient wrong that was perpetrated by a mindless minority ! ’
18 Both music and drama unfold with an inexorable concentration to the riotously naked , yet scrupulously choreographed mania of the orgiastic final scene .
19 CREAMING JESUS , HEADCLEANER , FOREHEADS IN A FISHTANK appear at an Anti-Racist-Action benefit show at London 's Powerhaus on August 27 , tickets priced £4 each .
20 Unless the board find that one or more of the prescribed grounds of refusal apply to an application , they must grant it .
21 Couplet comprising clay/calcite/silt laminae and representing 6,000 years of deposition occur in an equivalent sequence from northeast Angola .
22 Mr A is 75 and he and his wife live in an upstairs flat .
23 Will my right hon. Friend arrange for an early debate on the future of grant-maintained schools ?
24 Will my right hon. Friend arrange for an early debate next week on the principle and number of live animal exports which , we hear , have reached record levels in the past year ?
25 ‘ Why on earth should I and people like me who actually want to put the needs of the people of the Mersey Region before the demands of a bankrupt ideology believe for an instant that your Regional Health Authority is in the slightest bit interested in our views ? ’
26 It is quite an elaborate item : Youth and Age sit on an oval cartouche flanked by Time and Eternity .
27 Only with the more entrepreneurial activities of the lower class — from bookmaking to thieving — did the gospel of urban moralizing combine with an economic imperative .
28 Although she might have been wise to add that even the life of a Television Presenter 2nd Class is a doddle compared to packing frozen peas , doing a 12-hour nursing shift in an understaffed hospital ward or for that matter being married to David Mellor .
29 Hereford 's 5 month wait for an away win in the league came to an end at Spotland .
30 ‘ I shall have to make my encounter with the captain look like an accident .
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