Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb base] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Other tables contained in the Working-Set provide access to text , and control of the lexicographic work .
2 Accompanying teacher 's books at each level provide answers to the exercises , ideas on how to extend them , and photocopiable tests .
3 BEFORE language students at Exeter University send letters to their European pen-pals by electronic mail , they can get help with their grammatical errors from an expert system .
4 To extrapolate from the fact that some forms of literacy practice develop explicitness to a theory that literacy is intrinsically capable of being culture-free and therefore represents an evolutionary advance in intellectual power , as some of the writers we have been examining do , is to take literacy out of the very context that enabled it to develop explicitness .
5 Rees argued that a change in his birth certificate was necessary –o give effect to his interest in privacy .
6 How then did occasional individual violence give way to the regular and organized group aggression of the ‘ ends ’ witnessed since the 1960s ?
7 Negative Richardson number corresponds to a destabilizing density gradient ; both shear and buoyancy give rise to turbulence generation .
8 Eruptions of lava give rise to a diverse range of surface forms depending on composition , viscosity and gas content .
9 Three strengths of the study add weight to its conclusions .
10 Under section 224 a company may at any time before the end of nine months from the date of its incorporation give notice to the Registrar specifying what its accounting reference date is to be .
11 Sociological explanations of the same condition draw attention to the hospital environment in which mothers have their babies , and to the debilitating effects of medical procedures and technology during labour and delivery .
12 The tight linkage between genes and encoded protein allow packages to be selected in rounds of binding and growth , leading to selection factors of more than one in a million .
13 Archaeological units are also being tempted by the impressive capabilities of geographic information systems , which in essence allow maps to be stored , displayed , overlaid and updated on a computer screen .
14 Transportation recommend schemes to Committee ; Designcare or Roadcare get tender documents ready and Inroads build the final product — all part of the Department 's service to the public .
15 A second convention met in July 1833 and in an effort to improve the bill had a delegation denounce apprenticeship to Stanley 's face and managed to unite behind a Buxton amendment that apprenticeship should be for no longer than was required for the welfare of the slave .
16 ‘ Well , as you know , Mr Caretaker , all the Chapter have keys to all the doors except the Bishop 's door . ’
17 While all the steps and grids of a career lattice may exist in principle , in most instances only a small proportion of the paraprofessional work force have access to or can take advantage of existing formal training opportunities .
18 Bidding the law make curtsey to their will ,
19 These conventional rules all have one ultimate object : ‘ Their end is to secure that Parliament , or the Cabinet which is indirectly appointed by Parliament , shall in the long run give effect to the will of the power which in modern England is the true political sovereign of the State — the majority of electors or … the nation . ’
20 Their end is to secure that Parliament , or the cabinet which is indirectly appointed by Parliament , shall in the long run give effect to the will of that power which in England is the true political sovereign of the state — the majority of the electors . "
21 Fault is defined by s. 4 : " negligence , breach of statutory duty or other act or omission which gives rise to a liability in tort or would , apart from the Act give rise to the defence of contributory negligence " .
22 The fault of the plaintiff means an act or omission which would , apart from the Act give rise to the defence of contributory negligence .
23 Both the recommendations of the Warnock Report and the legislation of the 1981 Education Act give impetus to this demand .
24 This would also bind an eventually merged Germany , which the Soviet Union recognises might be born when Nato and the Warsaw Pact give way to a new European security system .
25 This would also bind an eventually merged Germany , which the Soviet Union recognises might be born when Nato and the Warsaw Pact give way to a new European security system .
26 Here we see him and his queen give rein to their unbridled passion !
27 Comment is made on the possible relevance of the Formation Continue system to the UK .
28 Given the power of the managerial hierarchy to dispense or withhold rewards , open acts of defiance expose individuals to reprisal .
29 To help the long trek to some of the tees , the Committee allow cars to be driven over the course to suitable parking lots .
30 LDL carry cholesterol to tissues where the cholesterol is off-loaded to be used for building membranes or for conversion into various hormones .
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