Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb pp] with [num] " in BNC.

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1 Gregory and Lock were arrested at Bangkok 's Don Muang international airport on February 6 when police said they found a condom filled with 150 grams of heroin .
2 Lock and a companion , Sandra Gregory , 27 , from Aberdeenshire , were arrested at Bangkok 's Don Muang airport on 6 February after police found a condom filled with 150 grams of heroin in the woman 's body .
3 m of iodine-131 , and the NRPB Windscale accident report suggests a collective dose of 1.33 million man-rems from drinking milk contaminated with iodine-1.31 .
4 One tablespoon full of powder mixed with two of water was the equivalent of one average sized whole egg .
5 Postwar uses for converted Mk I Fireflies included the T.1 dual-control pilot trainer which featured a raised rear cockpit for the instructor , the T.2 operational trainer armed with two 20mm wing guns and the T.3 ASW in which naval observers were trained in the art of anti-submarine warfare .
6 The college opened with fourteen students , in cramped premises , in October 1885 .
7 The college opened with 480 students in 1988 .
8 Four strokes ahead at the turn he was suddenly in trouble and overtaken by Jeff Maggert , who had a three-stroke lead with two to play .
9 In Varese ( the home town of Northern League leader Umberto Bossi ) it won 37 per cent of the vote compared with 27 per cent in the April 1992 general election , and in Monza its share of the vote increased from 20 to 32 per cent .
10 The PPP list headed by Jagan received 52.3 per cent of the vote compared with 43.6 per cent for the PNC list , headed by incumbent President Desmond Hoyte .
11 Bush polled 88 per cent of the vote compared with 2 per cent for Buchanan ( who had not campaigned in the state ) and 17 per cent for uncommitted delegates .
12 The party came third , with 13.0 per cent of the vote compared with 31.1 per cent in the general election in 1988 .
13 In the Republican contest in Connecticut Bush won 67 per cent of the vote compared with 22 per cent for Buchanan , 2 per cent for Duke , and 9 per cent for uncommitted delegates .
14 The SPÖ [ not Social Democrats as stated on p. 36528 ] registered its worst result in the province since 1945 , but the centre-right liberal Freedom Party of Austria ( Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs — FPÖ ) nearly doubled its share of the vote compared with 1984 [ see p. 33357 ] and doubled its share of seats .
15 In the Republican contest in Pennsylvania Bush received 77 per cent of the vote compared with 23 per cent for Pat Buchanan .
16 The Labour candidate secured 49 per cent of the vote compared with 25 per cent in 1987 while the Conservative share fell from 51 to 32 per cent ; the Liberal Democrat received 11 per cent and the Social Democrat 2@1/2 per cent , whereas the Liberal/Alliance candidate had had 23 per cent in 1987 .
17 The final result was close , with Jordan polling 52 per cent of the vote compared with 48 per cent for Agnos .
18 Kim Young Sam , the first president without a military background to be elected in South Korea since 1960 , topped the poll in every region apart from Seoul — where he won 36 per cent of the vote compared with 37.6 per cent for Kim Dae Jung — and Kim Dae Jung 's home region of south-west Cholla province .
19 The difference between the study periods , however , was a maximum of 10 weeks in the previous study compared with 14 months in this study .
20 In 1981–2 , for example , over 41,000 young people entered the Programme compared with 30,600 in 1980–1 .
21 Of patients in group A , six ( 50% ) had detectable antibody with a perinuclear pattern on immunofluorescent staining compared with three of 19 ( 16% ) in group B. All patients in group A were symptomatic at initial presentation ( 11 patients hadright upper quadrant pain , eight had cholangitis , two had pruritus , and two had symptoms related to hepatic decompensation ) .
22 Anala ( 1974 ) thought that mussels should be the preferred prey for H. lapillus as they offered a richer source of food than barnacles ; 4.844 k cal g — 1 dry weight compared with 3.827 .
23 ‘ The last BMRC survey indicated a 90,000 business readership compared with 59,000 two years ago . ’
24 This figure compared with 1,159 deaths reported in Jammu and Kashmir .
25 According to the 1987 General Household Survey ( GHS ) 17 per cent of those aged 65 — 74 and 22 per cent of those aged 75 + consulted a GP in the 14 days before interview compared with 15 per cent for the general population ( Figure 7.9 ) .
26 In rural areas it assumes a greater significance , comprising , in 1971 , 24 per cent of the total housing stock compared with 21 per cent nationally , although this proportion is falling quite rapidly everywhere .
27 7.00 a.m. : rise from a bed in an open dormitory shared with five or six other girls ; 7.30 : breakfast , followed by bedmaking ; 8.30 : early morning lacrosse practice or running round the lake ; 9.00 : chapel ; 9.20 : three periods of lessons or prep ; 11.20 : break for buns and milk ; 11.40 : two periods of lessons or prep ; 1.00 : lunch ; 1.40 approximately : a house meeting in which each of thirty-six girls had to inform the housemistress of her activities for the afternoon , and other house business was discussed ; 2.00 : lacrosse ( tennis , cricket , running ) or , if the weather was bad , country dancing , or , with luck , a shampoo ; 3.20 : wash and change into non-uniform clothes ; 3.45 : tea ; 4.00 : four periods of lessons or prep ; 6.40 : house prayers ; 7.00 : supper ; 8.00 or 8.30 , depending on age : half an hour to be spent in chitchat with the housemistress in her room ; 8.30 or 9.00 : bathtime followed by bedtime .
28 The last chapter dealt with one type of connectivity which helps to distinguish text from non-text , namely thematic and information structure .
29 The legal aid review dealt with two issues : the payment on account scheme and the CTTs .
30 The star attractions included Chris Barber , Johnny Dankworth and the Clyde Valley Stompers , the St John 's Ambulance dealt with 22 cases of wasp stings , there were no reported rucks between rival gangs of trad and modern jazz-heads , and the sun actually shone .
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