Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb pp] [prep] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 This perversion arises when a conscious creature becomes more interested in itself than in God … the sin of pride ’ ; compare Melkor in the music of the Ainur seeking ‘ to increase the power and glory of the part assigned to himself ’ .
2 Turning to leave he saw a jiffy-bag of formidable bulk addressed to himself in Sixsmith 's tremulous hand .
3 When 40-year-old Australian Jack Brabham won the World Championship in 1966 , he became the first man to win the title in a car manufactured by himself and it reaped the rewards of a gamble he took five years earlier when he left Cooper to develop his own Grand Prix car .
4 In 1878 The Royal Agricultural Society reported in their journal : ‘ This farm , in fact , has all the requisites of a prize farm , and we had therefore very great pleasure in awarding First Prize ( in all England ) to Mr Long who will , we feel certain , consider it a recognition of the untiring industry shown by himself and his wife in the management of this pretty little farm … the arable land is cultivated like a garden , being wonderfully free from weeds .
5 MY gratitude to the people of Liverpool for the wonderful reception and kindness shown to myself and my old comrades .
6 No praise is high enough for their efforts and the kindness shown to myself and my wife .
7 The subtle mind used against itself by the simple mind .
8 Lexandro 's own schismed mind dreamed of himself ennobled .
9 The results were momentous ; a British force landed by itself , defeated the nationalists and began an occupation which was to last seventy years .
10 ( 2 ) Where a lessor is proceeding , by action or otherwise , to enforce such a right of re-entry or forfeiture , the lessee may , in the lessor 's action , if any , or in any action brought by himself , apply to the court for relief , and the court may grant or refuse relief , as the court , having regard to the proceedings and conduct of the parties under the foregoing provisions of this section , and to all the other circumstances , thinks fit ; and in case of relief may grant it on such terms , if any , as to costs , expenses , damages , compensation , penalty , or otherwise , including the granting of an injunction to restrain any like breach in the future , as the court , in the circumstances of each case , thinks fit .
11 Yeah , I think we should minute erm our appreciation of the action taken by yourself and the clerk in resolving this matter , because we did approve work erm and it became obvious after work was commenced that there was additional work that needed to be got on with
12 Right from its inception NEP carried within itself the germs of its own fatal illness , whether one looks at its fiscal organization or the economic persona ( like these Nepmen ) which it soon evoked , or in many cases re-awakened .
13 Hale justified the marital rape exemption in the following terms : ‘ The husband can not be guilty of rape committed by himself upon his lawful wife , for by their mutual matrimonial consent and contract the wife has given up herself in this kind unto her husband , which she can not retract . ’
14 Indeed so popular has it become that its designer has achieved the ultimate scientific accolade of eponymy ( having a phenomenon , method or piece of equipment named after oneself ) , for the apparatus is known as the ‘ morris water maze ’ ( Figure 9.5 ) and within the last few years has virtually replaced the skinner box as necessary equipment for all psychology labs .
15 And each had a second named after themselves .
16 1986 ) , the keeping of household pets where a child has asthma ( Franklin and Kahn , 1987 ) child labour in Nigeria ( Asogwa , 1986 ) and the mistaken diagnoses of abuse seen in themselves as a form of abuse ( Kirschner and Stein , 1985 ) .
17 The relationship was taken a stage further in the following year , when the Prime Warden accepted for himself and his successors the office of Patron of the School .
18 That night , because he could see himself , Boy thought about himself all night long .
19 The incident had led to the dismissal of Navy Secretary H. Lawrence Garrett III in June , after one of the victims of the affair , Navy Lt. Paula Coughlin , had publicly described the ordeal experienced by herself and at least 25 of her female colleagues at the hands of drunken male aviators .
20 ‘ The Committee struck into himself when he was second to On The Other Hand , ’ Homer told me .
21 Lord Brougham believed of Liverpool that : ‘ No minister ever passed his time with so little ill-will directed against himself , or had so much forbearance shown him upon all occasions . ’
22 You have heard in response to a direct question put by yourself to an expert for North Yorkshire County Council , that he regarded the village of Flaxton as making a contribution to the historic setting of York , that it had a greenbelt function .
23 This is surely a general result , that if the management left to itself would act in a socially optimal way along the lines represented in ( 4.1 ) , it is fatuous , indeed counterproductive , to constrain it .
24 Should you be successful in raising the required funding for your projects , then you will require specialist advice ( particularly when negotiating with the funding source ) on the financial structure of the new company , both in terms of gearing and should venture capitalists be involved , on the proportion of dilution of the equity stake held by yourselves as founder directors .
25 The story that is told is a story which never ends — and which risks losing shape and momentum — because it is a story told of himself by a living author , an author who has yet to end , whose isolate 's imaginative fury lives on to tell another tale , some more of his own story .
26 The Maggot referred to himself as a ‘ good old country boy ’ which description provoked Ellen , who could not stand the sight of him , to comment that John Maggovertski was to country what the serpent was to Eden .
27 Again , originally groups of ‘ adventurers ’ were recognized in trade with various lands — one trading with Prussia secured royal recognition in 1391 , another with the Netherlands in 1407 and a third with the Scandinavian lands in 1408 , but eventually the Netherlands group secured for itself the specific name of the Merchant Adventurers ' Company ( 64 , pp. 143–50 ) .
28 He always understood that the papal decree imposed on himself an absolute personal obligation of obedience , but it did not give him a general responsibility for promoting the principle , or for enforcing the obedience of others .
29 You know I do n't like attention drawn to myself . ’
30 The boy seemed in pain , his lips drawn back from his teeth in what was almost a snarl , his whole body hunched into itself , as if something ate at him from within .
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