Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The new issue market is not a distinct and separate organization within the Stock Exchange , rather it is merely a tag given to the collection of processes by which companies acquire both a listing on the exchange and new equity capital .
2 South Uist in sunshine in March is not common but the visual beauty is hard to beat and Lochboisdale Branch situated at the waters edge looked in as good fettle as I have ever seen it .
3 ( ROS goes upstage : Ideally a sort of upper deck joined to the downstage lower deck by short steps .
4 He was pleased with the support received for the practice of joint confirmation and particularly , welcomed the first ever united service for Christian Unity week .
5 All the keywords can be left in the configuration file , as the parameter given for the keyword HCMAP dictates whether a volume set will be prepared for hard copy or omitted from the hard copy run .
6 He had driven straight into a brick lorry , and car and driver coalesced in the final spasm .
7 From these expressions it is clear that , for specific choices of initial data , the curvature singularity formed by the interacting waves degenerates to a coordinate singularity .
8 The baby had rejected milk given by the foster mother .
9 He found it hard to believe that the 3 per cent of allegations of racial discrimination sustained by the authority could reflect the true picture , and he supported an independent investigatory agency to handle all aspects of complaints against the police .
10 China also ‘ could not tolerate ’ the award given to the Dalai Lama in Paris , and ‘ condemned ’ France for permitting the exiled democracy campaigner , Yan Jiaqi , to ‘ conduct activities against the Chinese Government ’ .
11 China also ‘ could not tolerate ’ the award given to the Dalai Lama in Paris , and ‘ condemned ’ France for permitting the exiled democracy campaigner , Yan Jiaqi , to ‘ conduct activities against the Chinese Government ’ .
12 In Spain , we took Hal Hambra from a loss to a profit and the award of the Albanta Prize by the Spanish government and this is an award given to the best new text book in , in the Spanish educational system each year .
13 An abandoned truck , its snout rammed into the steep bank of a cut , caused me a moment 's panic .
14 She screeched while his rump heaved , her snout rammed between the bars of the pen .
15 ON December 14 TODAY warned of the threat posed to women by the dangerously short sentence given to the multiple rapist Dr Thomas Courtney .
16 THE family of the young Donegal woman dismembered by a 19-year-old man today slammed the three year prison sentence given to the killer .
17 The hearing will be adjourned pending the delivery of the High Court 's opinion , at which time it will be relisted and a decision given on the merits in the light of the High Court 's opinion on the law .
18 The impetus behind this increase was probably provided by a decision given by the United States Supreme Court in 1954 which declared forced segregation unconstitutional in all public educational institutions .
19 The recurrence of Gough 's injury looks , if the reaction of his team-mates was a reliable barometer , to be a serious one and is the latest blow sustained by the Ibrox captain in a season that has been punctuated by mishaps .
20 Nearer our own time , in 1830 , when the extensive manor of Ingleton changed hands , the new owner had a tower intended as a hospice erected on the summit , made from stone pillaged from the wall and the foundations of the huts .
21 Outside stood a young man in oilskins , the hood blowing back from a soaking tangle of brown hair blackened by the rain , and one hand gripping a duffel bag .
22 Both words were used to push the Morrissey vision of men 's liberation ; not , as it may sound , a freedom given to the Penthouse reading hordes but a glimpse of Morrissey 's ideal world where gender barriers are entirely dispensed with .
23 Among the most beautiful are the ‘ Morgenlied ’ ( track 3 ) and the autumn song , Phoebus hunting with his horses ; the freedom given to the three vocal parts is a conspicuous feature of the latter .
24 The cynic may perhaps be forgiven for commenting that the freedom given by the Use Classes Order and the GDO is so hedged by restrictions , and frequently so difficult to comprehend ( though he may note with relief that painting is not subject to control , unless it is ‘ for purpose of advertisement , announcement or direction ’ ) that it would be safer to assume that any operation constitutes development and requires planning permission .
25 Differences between the studies include the fact that Canadian workers ‘ receive a substantial proportion ( 20–40% ) of their total exposure as an internal dose ( largely due to tritium ) , ’ that workers in Ontario did not have the types of chemical exposure received by the Sellafield workers , and that some of the control fathers with high doses were uranium miners .
26 Throughout the Johannesburg commuter system , all station platforms were divided in half , for Whites and non-Whites respectively , and the trains were similarly divided so that the appropriate part stopped at the relevant stretch of platform .
27 A special book has been illustrated by Sister Frances Therese at the Carmelite Convent to record every donation given to the hospice in memory of someone who has died .
28 However , Jardana stated that implementation of the budget depended on the availability of foreign grants , aid and easy-term loans .
29 He was stripped to the waist and as he jogged along between the shafts a few coins — obviously his meagre earnings for the day — jingled pathetically in a leather pouch fastened to the back of his belt .
30 All four children had acute lymphoblastic leukaemia diagnosed between the ages of 2 and 4 years , the year of diagnosis ranging from 1972 to 1988 .
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