Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb pp] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 At first sight , the picture of word-meaning given by patterns of affinity and disaffinity is , at least in some respects , different from the picture given by semantic traits .
2 This is a field riddled with dilemmas .
3 A checklist completed by teachers will give a measure of the use of over two hundred activities in computer education lessons .
4 Replanting woodland ravaged by storms and disease , coppicing , hedgelaying and pond clearance to maintain a rich variety of wildlife habitat .
5 It has been argued that corporate efficiency in privatised industries has improved , not just by an exposure to market forces and an acceptance of the profit motive , but by the extra freedom given to managers .
6 With the wide coverage and freedom given to pupils to develop their own individual lines of inquiry , the identification of a large an detailed collection of keywords was one of the major tasks at the design stage .
7 Instead I found the field stripped of strawberries
8 The two girls held their breath , Liz sitting there with her mock examination papers , Shirley crouching by the shoe rack : their prison kitchen filled with presences .
9 The interpellation ‘ you know ’ is not considered appropriate in standard written styles of the kind taught in schools and used in the ‘ essayist tradition ’ nor in certain formal situations , for example in a television interview .
10 Booking is essential — contact centre/library listed for details of costs , times and bookings .
11 The whole orderly structure of argument and assumption of course depended on slave-owners seeing the force of and benefit to them of these laws of development .
12 But the reaction to the articles — a series that dealt with Palestinians as individual human beings rather than as some kind of refugee caste manipulated by fanatics and ‘ terrorists ’ — was deeply instructive .
13 It is to be noted that the disqualification prescribed by subs .
14 While one takes into account the concern of Calvin and the reformers for the balance between the light of scripture and the inner light and direction given to individuals an experience vouchsafe for countless times in both the Old and New Testaments also remembering our lord 's own use of silence in prayer and I believe the increasing use of silence in modern worship and may I also say how very impressed I was by Dr 's prayer at the opening of this assembly in which he asked for the guidance of God and indeed your own equally eloquent prayer on Sunday evening Moderator open to the prompting and leading and guiding of God 's spirit .
15 So they had followed their main course with torta di albicocche , a sweet pastry case filled with apricots in a creamy egg custard .
16 Liability limited by shares .
17 It is like a building erected on piles .
18 The proposals were attacked as being too weak and vague , with only the minimum legal protection given to sites .
19 It believes that theological colleges and courses must take a new look at the quantity and quality of the preparation given to ordinands for their responsibilities in leading public worship .
20 At a junk-shop a little further along I saw a china snuff-box painted with ribbons in lover's-knots , and an M on the lid , which I bought for Mavis .
21 The change depended upon changes in the wider context of controversy , which provoked the development of formerly implicit attitudinal aspects .
22 She took a BSc honours degree in Sociology at London University , worked as a community counsellor for one-parent families in Camden and was on the literature panel of the Arts Council until their decision to return to the Government some money designated for writers ' bursaries led her to resign in disgust .
23 While you should try to keep most of the hinge and latch painted for appearances sake ( unless it is brass or galvanised ) , you must accept that the main working parts will rust ; so be prepared to apply regular coatings of oil or WD40 to protect them .
24 In 1759 some of the greatest Portuguese nobles whom Pombal regarded as threats to his position , the Duke of Aveiro , the Marquis of Tavora , the Marquis of Alorna , were accused of conspiring against the king , tortured and in some cases broken on the wheel .
25 We can add also to the fact that fifteen billion dollars a year right , is lost by er third country exporters , alright so we still add another fifteen on there per year that is erm errr oh yes , same study again erm suggest that in nineteen eighty six , eighty seven the year they look looking at , over forty percent , right of support to U S farmers , forty percent , nearly half of all support to U S farmers , quote merely offset the losses created by policies of other industrialised countries alright so nearly half of the support given to farmers in the U S alright we t to get them to stand still in in er in numerative terms , right .
26 It will be apparent that much of this discussion has concerned emotional support given to women rather than men , because there is far more empirical evidence about women 's close relationships , largely leaving invisible the question of where men derive their emotional support .
27 The reason for entitling the chapter 's second main section ‘ Factors inhibiting professional development ’ is that , despite a number of favourable features being observed during the writer 's research , not least the support given to arts education activities by local authority non-arts administrators , it is the difficulty which arts educators face in mounting a coherent and sustained programme of staff development which is the predominant theme .
28 Financial or other support given to sufferers from addictive disease by well-meaning family or friends will therefore simply tend to enable more drug or alcohol consumption .
29 The support given by knitters to the events which are organised is very good .
30 Increasing union strength and a changing ( political ) power balance forced Swedish employers to deal with workers as a collectivity rather than , as Clegg suggests , the support given by employers being decisive for union recruitment .
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