Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] and the " in BNC.

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1 In 1858 the Poor Law Board relented and the Workhouse Visiting Society , with Twining as honorary secretary , was set up , affiliated to the NAPSS .
2 As the owl hooted and the night train called , Erika was already slipping into the state where the real world fades and the dreamworld begins , thinking of Fritz and that last , subtle touch of two hands .
3 The investment failed and the money vanished .
4 In spite of the struggle Bomber Command endured and the casualties suffered , particularly in the first two years when the bombers did so badly , and the only positive result we could measure was the shocking number of losses in aircrew , we were squandering our seed-corn .
5 This attempt failed and the Rotonda served time as a hospital for contagious diseases and as the Milan hospitals ' laundry before becoming a permanent centre for exhibitions .
6 Thus the action failed and the case is authority for the immunity of an assignee of an equitable lease from liability on the covenants .
7 The experiment failed and the NIRC was abolished in 1974 .
8 No respiration was visible , the eyes were closed , the mouth gaped and the paws were rigid .
9 The viking army also would not let the giantesses rest , but sailed away with them and set them to grinding salt ; they ground so much that the boat sank and the mill with it , though still ( adds folk-tradition ) in the Maelstrom the giantesses grind their magic quern .
10 Last night at Elm Park the rain lashed down , the wind howled and the quest was for memories and money — and a goal .
11 The wind howled and the surf continued to roar as we explored beyond our landing point ; we visited a ruined chapel .
12 But in the cabin , the parcel tray bounced and the instrument binnacle zizzed .
13 The positive cDNA clones were plaque purified and the Bluescript phagemid ( Stratagene ) rescued .
14 Rory fell onto his side ; the shotgun roared and the rear of the couch blew open in a dusty horsehair explosion .
15 As spring came and the evenings became warmer , the boys began to serenade the girls at night with songs , accompanying themselves on a guitar or mandolin .
16 Then the mouth opened and the father 's skull smiled .
17 The ambulance arrived and the paramedics leapt out and ran up .
18 The price of cobalt soared and the industry suddenly had to pour much time and money into redesigning the magnets in loudspeakers , using less expensive ceramic materials instead of cobalt .
19 The wind blew and the snow fell , but it did n't matter .
20 Even the animals had gone — the cows and chickens to Jimale : the horses wherever they chose to wander , where the wind blew and the grass was thick : the sheep to their mountain grazing-land to the north of the village , facing Jimale across the valley .
21 ‘ After a while the sun beat down upon the mist and filled it with light and warmth , and a wind blew and the mist thinned and cleared .
22 The wind blew and the broken bars and bent mesh swayed about him .
23 A cold wind blew and the rain fell in torrents as the Spanish launched their first IACC boat .
24 In the Boston area up to 2ft of snow fell and the storm was compared to a 1978 blizzard which paralysed the city for four days .
25 The key clicked and the door opened .
26 The lean hand gripping his arm thrust him in at a door in the long encrustation of buildings that clung to the curtain wall on the sunny side , where the best light fell and the day lingered longest .
27 The Night Goblins in front were easily driven away , but just as soon as a gap appeared and the Dwarfs caught sight of the gate more Night Goblins charged in to hold them .
28 Morris men began dancing round the maypole as the tension relaxed and the climber , the laddermen , the ropemen and the polemaster had their well-earned pints whilst contemplating a job well done .
29 Then the twisty little mouth twitched and the twitch travelled up the cheeks , the eyebrows wriggled and the blue eyes danced like sunlit water .
30 ‘ Her too , ’ the Norwegian said and the Japanese held up a small woven bag with a slash down its centre .
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