Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb pp] out to " in BNC.

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1 There is a complex tension in the Prioress 's Tale between the intense maternal sentimentality of the narrator 's treatment of the child martyr of whom she tells , the deeply symbolic nature of the tale , and the sublimated violence meted out to the " " cursed Jewes " " .
2 Nor did the general public have a very high regard of embalming , believing it to be another unnecessary luxury meted out to the corpses of the rich .
3 Graciously the principal did apologise for the ferocity of his attack but that encounter prompted me to produce this leaflet in defence of the Word of God and the integrity of some very important person who are in effect made out to be liars if the theory of evolution is true .
4 Give us an 'and wiv this rope , ’ the foreman rigger called out to them .
5 A seal called out to him , goodbye Angus , goodbye .
6 Please send an s.a.e. with a cheque made out to York Early Music Festivals Ltd. to YEMF .
7 Paint and sign work carried out to toilets on the recreation grounds .
8 The rate for waggoning increased and in a few years up to about 11/ per 100 kibbles was paid for ore brought out to the Bonsor Mill .
9 He also points out the song 's crucial omission , astonishing in a work of the protest movement : Dylan never says that Zantzinger is white and Hattie Carroll black , and forces the listener to assume that she was because of everything we are told about her : her name , that she had ten children , her position as a maid who ‘ did n't even talk to the people at the table ’ and , more tendentiously , because of what was done to her and the mild punishment meted out to her murderer who ‘ at 24 years/Owns a tobacco farm of 600 acres ’ .
10 The ruthless punishment meted out to senior officials who fell from favour reflected the general lack of legal safeguards for life and property .
11 Subordination is , in the Genesis text , the punishment meted out to woman .
12 Was this the treatment Roman meted out to any female who presumed a little too much , grew a little too possessive ?
13 I WAS impressed by Billy McKenna 's powerful article , ‘ Pushing up the daffodils in Brazil ’ and horrified — even as an Amnesty International member of some years ' standing — to read of the brutality meted out to Antonio Gilvan da Cruz and others .
14 I still have that room booked out to other folk like I told you . ’
15 Carefully he retied the neck of the sack and was about to leave it where it was , concealed in the bush , when the Leader called out to him : ‘ What have you got there ? ’
16 Some spend their time inland on headwaters where streams are small and flows are low , while others work on predominantly tidal rivers where dilution is easily achieved and any pollution carried out to sea .
17 A sentry on the wall called out to Burun as he rode the narrow path below .
18 Four minutes later United 's best move of the half involving four players ; eventually the ball laid out to Simpson down the left , the cross came in , it fell to Lee Nogan off Jim Magilton , but from some five yards out , somehow Bolder got his hands to Nogan 's shot and the chance had gone .
19 As they left the beach and walked back across the green lawn Laura did n't have the opportunity to shatter Carole 's totally incorrect , if highly romantic illusions as the other woman called out to Ross .
20 As we were stepping on to the adjoining barge , the man on the bench called out to us .
21 The receptionist called out to her as she went to the lift .
22 What he had taken to be a gate turned out to be a wall , the hump on the ground near by a heap of gravel and the massive bulk on the other side of the road a barn whose gable end still bore the faded icon of a helmeted Mussolini and the slogan ‘ It is important to win , but still more important to fight . ’
23 Immediately the standing man called out to him , " Nothing for you to bother about , sir , thank you very much .
24 Thérèse called out to the wooden spoon clotted with Dijon mustard .
25 David 's familiar deep voice called out to her as she walked into the hall and she felt herself smiling involuntarily .
26 Fletcher had needed all his diplomatic flair to unscramble the arrangements at the hotel and have the luggage brought out to the car .
27 It is a hole dug out to a sufficient size to accommodate a sea kale forcing pot .
28 The root of our belief is that people do care about the places where they live , work and shop , that they are concerned about the devastation meted out to historic towns since the Second World War .
29 Moreover a series of causes and scandals sustained them — from the iniquities of the Contagious Diseases Acts to the scandalous leniency meted out to high-class ‘ madams ’ , from the exploitation and abduction of young girls in the White Slave Trade to the marriage and other scandals of those in high places : the divorce case of Charles Dilke in 1886 ; of the Irish leader Parnell in 1890 ; the scandal of the Cleveland Street homosexual brothel , 1889–90 , said to involve the eldest son of the heir to the throne ; and the Tranby Croft gambling scandal of 1891 , which involved the Prince of Wales himself .
30 Except in a case to which Ord 11 , r 4(2) applies , the plaintiff is entitled to have the accepted sum paid out to him without any order of the court , if he accepts it within the time limited by the rule ( Ord 11 , r 4(1) ) .
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