Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Carter had advocated deregulation , but he approached reform via legislation whereas his successor sought the same end primarily through administrative action .
2 If the manager had wanted to take tough disciplinary action against Johnstone another opportunity arose a few days after the drunken sailor saga .
3 But the lanky striker got no such protection from his own manager following the 24th-minute incident as Reid blasted : ‘ We all know the rules and there is no excuse for that .
4 ( Initial results on both infants reported in the text used the same procedure but with non-competition trials only and a target contrast of 88% ) .
5 But the 25-year-old flyer made the most of his come-back chance when he starred in last weekend 's win at Derby .
6 In practice the demands of the administration made the latter appointment impractical .
7 In the 1970s Australian jazz experienced the same calamitous slump that afflicted the music generally .
8 Gardner and South African Lt. K. Firth attacked the same Savoia , flown by Cap .
9 A second visit to the agent produced the same guidance of £50000 .
10 I imagine many a western pioneer got the same sort of surprise as I did when the bride eventually arrived ; except that I did n't marry the dog — there 's nothing peculiar about me .
11 A young Arsenal fan made the same point after having listened rather contemptuously to a discussion by academics about working-class ‘ resistance ’ to increasing middle-class infiltration of football .
12 electoral pacts between Liberals and Unionists to resist municipal Labour created the same direct contacts and in some places the pacts remained for the rest of the inter-war years .
13 The administration demonstrated the same speed and foresight in recognising that those who control the monopoly of the means of destruction can translate into the monopoly of gain .
14 In the fine litter of sawdust and shavings under the bench the morning light found a few abrupt blue glitters of metal .
15 The coalition involved the former ruling and sole legal party , the National Republican Movement for Democracy and Development ( MRND ) , and four main opposition parties : the MDR , the Social Democratic Party ( PSD ) , the Christian Democratic Party ( PDC ) and the Liberal Party ( PL ) .
16 Last night 's shooting occurred a few hours after the previous victim , a former Irish Republican Army man shot dead by the Provos for allegedly turning police informer , was buried in Belfast .
17 This time potential risks were only coded if at least one subject from the other condition described the same information from the five second section of film .
18 The more rarefied modernism played no such role .
19 Just like her father , the priest told the same parishioners .
20 It is true that the National Deaf Club attracted a few members from the provinces , but by and large , its membership has been confined mostly to London and its environs .
21 In Dynmouth the antiquated and inadequately heated Essoldo showed the same film for seven days at a time and the shops were totally uninteresting .
22 The other side showed the same ear of barley , in reverse , a template to cast the image ; if you pressed candle wax into this side of the coin , you would get an impression of the other face .
23 It has been shown that a potency of a homoeopathic remedy has a higher viscosity than a straight dilution , without succussion , of the same remedy repeated the same number of times , suggesting that large molecules are present in the potency which do not occur in the straight dilution .
24 The album pulled a few Manhattan fads ( salsa , jazz , R&B ) into snappy pop figures and also revealed a newly flexible capacity in Jackson 's voice ; previously hard-edged and impatient , it could now sit comfortably on the grand slopes of a ballad like ‘ Breaking Us In Two ’ , a Top 20 hit in America .
25 Speakers at the demonstration included a former general , Albert Makashov , dismissed after the August 1991 coup attempt , Col. Viktor Alksnis , and the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party , Vladimir Zhirinovsky , who had been a candidate in the Russian presidential elections of June 1991 [ see p. 38273 ] .
26 One of them had also set a maximum on the number of hours that would be offered , so that whilst its regular labour force was largely full-time , its temporary labour force worked no more than three-quarter time .
27 A second charge over the side brought no more response than the first , and a rising moon showed up the wild seascape .
28 Later , when the car crossed the same crossing , police followed it and after about half-a-mile put on their blue flashing light .
29 His original appeal in Air Mail reached no fewer than 40 of the 250 survivors of that grim episode in Far East war history .
30 On the book 's cover there is an appealing family portrait of a shy little girl in a pretty white dress , sitting on an elderly gentleman 's lap , with an appropriate caption : ‘ A pictorial survey of the most interesting decade in English history , when the generation gap meant no more than the gap between grandfather and grand-daughter . ’
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