Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When the ‘ phoney war ’ ended and British aircraft were shot down in larger numbers , the camp became too small to hold all aircrew prisoners .
2 In practice classical elite theorists ' determinist belief in the inevitability of oligarchy became as total as Marx 's faith in the dialectical development of history towards communism .
3 In the context of changing national and international social and economic conditions , the maintenance of an inflexible , narrow political framework became increasingly untenable .
4 His sister became suddenly silent .
5 Whilst updating the successful Mark 1 Flagship unit at Vogue warehouse , Eddie 's case produced even more tools .
6 The convent became more open , family and friends came in to share meals and conversation .
7 ‘ I think money became too important .
8 Notable among these is the editio princeps of the Liber Physionomiae of Sir Michael Scott , the thirteenth-century Scottish philosopher and reputed wizard made more famous by the Lay of the Last Minstrel .
9 The computer made slightly fewer incorrect diagnoses than its human rivals , although it did less well in making firm diagnoses .
10 The increase in proliferative response became increasingly obvious at two weeks ( 1.43 v 0.20% ) and was still present at three weeks ( 0.88 v 0.35% ) .
11 His curly dark hair gleamed even darker and glossier against the backdrop of red geraniums .
12 Ones does not leave the cinema stuffed as full as a foie gras goose with patronizing , politically correct dogma .
13 When they got back to the flat , Mum emptied out all the vegetables and fruit and Pete took the box to his room .
14 But under Nicholas II , active discontent became increasingly evident among wide sections of society , both privileged and non-privileged .
15 Outbreaks of popular discontent became more frequent , but were no more effective than the great strike of 1977 .
16 As the secondary schools developed the discontent became more obvious .
17 It is merely that after the Glorious Revolution this element within Tory ideology became increasingly dominant , gradually supplanting the more absolutist tendency within Tory political thought .
18 In theory , parties were free to frame their own transactions , which could then be carried out without legal impediment ; in the event that a bargain fell through , or if one party balked or proved unable to perform , the law of contract made freely available the regular judicial processes of the court system , in which economic damages would be awarded to the party aggrieved .
19 Both the rates ( then the only locally determined tax , levied on property and based on the capitalization of rental values ) and fees and charges declined as a proportion of income , while grant became more important .
20 As the government squeezed the finances ever harder , British Rail became more efficient , and while even InterCity began by pruning 10 per cent of its mileage , at the end most of the sectors were more concerned about how to handle their increasing traffic .
21 To the Marxist historian Michael Chanan the halls were merely ‘ tools of commercial exploitation ’ but a more balanced view would rely on an appreciation of the way in which ‘ live ’ variety revealed as much about showmen as it did about ‘ humanity at large ’ .
22 But if the Dictionary 's coverage became seriously antiquated , the practitioners of these disciplines would be seriously disadvantaged .
23 A £48m. scheme to turn a derelict loop of the Tees into a huge water park got underway this week .
24 But when Which ? tested it in 1988 , the ‘ safety ’ stand got very hot in use and had no handle .
25 A fat , smelly old harridan with a stick became quite offensive when Damien attempted to thrust his way to his rightful position at the front of the queue .
26 He used to live in Thirsk but his mistress became too ill to look after him .
27 By the 1930s , as cinema became more popular , the Halls ' fortunes waned .
28 His skin clung very close to his skull .
29 However , the 1990 report of the Data and Facilities Working Group of the UK Inter-Agency Committee on Global Environmental Change argued strongly that planning for the dissemination and maintenance of such data was a vital role .
30 Four of the junctions were chosen as low risk and four as high risk on the basis of the mean ratings given to that junction in Study 2 ( the mean subjective risk rating averaged over all six exemplars of the junction ) .
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