Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 The NHS management executive , however , appears to have put job evaluation second only to skill mix on its list of priorities .
32 The spreadsheet application is second only to word processing in terms of popularity .
33 Of the remaining varieties , red kidney beans are the most widely known , being a vital ingredient in chilli con carne , which strikes me as being second only to ham , egg and chips on the standard pub menu !
34 Arnold himself deplored the unnatural disruption of the affections in sending a boy away to school .
35 So people were increasingly being faced with the problem of lots more dog mess close to home and how to dispose of it !
36 Young bourgeois wives , I am told , solved the problem by heaving the basket home to mother , who is still likely to have a bonne to wash it .
37 You then sail in company ( with help close to hand ) for the second week .
38 We shall take up residence in autumn , not later , for I am to have another child close to Christmas , I believe .
39 In Antarctica many such lakes occur inland , some on shelf ice close to sea level , others high among mountains or nunataks .
40 They had stopped at an inn close to Minster Lovell to buy a grand meal and sup a few tankards of ale .
41 For the sake of convenience future references to article 10 in this judgment should be deemed to include reference also to article 19 .
42 There is an arrow straight to absentee behaviour ; this says that women are more likely to be absent from work than men , regardless of the kind of job they are in .
43 The collection and computerization of data will form the basis for investigation of six areas of Korean development which are considered to be under-researched by both Koreans and Korean specialists , and which are of relevance both to development policy and to the identification of future potential economic opportunities for Britain in South Korea as well as the future impact of Korea on the world economy .
44 His attitude both to life and art , charming enough in him , when taken up by others as a general cultural ideal becomes something deadly , especially for the English , an intelligent but very lazy people , far too easily bored , and persuaded beyond argument that they are the Herrenvolk .
45 D I think John er put this question fairly to conference , If the Tories want to behave like the Labour party did , then we 'll pay an electoral price for it .
46 Swindon who won their first point on saturday are at home tomorrow to manchester city … just like old times with Brian Horton back in Central South … so much for football we 've got some new champions to celebrate tonight …
47 Swindon who won their first point on saturday are at home tomorrow to manchester city … just like old times with Brian Horton back in Central South … so much for football we 've got some new champions to celebrate tonight …
48 A MAN beat a lone woman hiker almost to death with a rock after she turned down his sexual advances , a court heard .
49 Such training and preparation brought both me and my marriage almost to breaking-point .
50 Er colleagues can I start the today 's business by extending a very warm welcome indeed to Councillor Dr. Alan , leader of the City of Portsmouth council .
51 It 's also a good idea to have a spare machine readily to hand and regularly checked so that it can be wheeled in at a moment 's notice .
52 A school , you know , is like — ’ here the headmaster came to a halt , because he had launched into a metaphor without having a metaphor readily to hand ; and in fact he had very few notions of what a school was like — ‘ is like the human body .
53 Some stormed across in jubilation , others in a mood closer to melancholy .
54 With its simple , discreet lines it will scarcely dominate the room visually ; but the anonymity ends there , for it will certainly bring the concert hall closer to home than many listeners could possibly have imagined .
55 We shall consider these changes in more detail in Chapter 6 , and relate them to spatial data by reference principally to female and part-time employees .
56 There is also a proposal afoot to re-route the Three Peaks Walk across Thorns Gill , which I hope will be rejected .
57 This theme , which relates the development of individualism and alienability specifically to homo economicus , has been a longstanding concern in philosophical and political anthropology ( e.g. Dumont 1977 ) .
58 It is important , however , to have a source of money close to home .
59 In April 1974 the rainfall in Pitlochry , Scotland , had an acidity level close to lemon juice .
60 The magazine will continue to cover American painting , drawings , prints , and sculpture from the Colonial period to 1960 , with occasional attention to decorative arts and architecture , and a bit more to photography .
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