Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It ( almost ) goes without saying that all curricula , whether at primary school level or at universities , should be similarly scrutinised and overhauled .
2 Since it runs on an expensive AI computer with an equally expensive tool kit software , some of the PLANIT members funded an extension of the project to translate the IPA into a more readily available and cheaper expert system running on an IBM PC or AT class of machine .
3 They are allowed to read out agreed statements in libel cases in the High Court and to act as advocates in Crown Courts at committals for sentence or at appeals against conviction or sentence from a magistrates ' court if they took part in the original hearing .
4 THE ONLY automobile that you could use to compete in the East African Safari or at Le Mans , drive to the theatre or thread through New York city traffic ’ .
5 Moreover , Walpole , described in the same book ( p. 83 ) as someone who " thrived on gossip , and on playing at loo or at hazard with a duchess or two " , could very well have been a sufficiently astute observer of social mores to deduce that the first manifestations which he had seen of the new way of dressing constituted the beginning of a major trend .
6 The book will remain a valuable source of permanent reference , whether in the store , in a museum , at auction or at home .
7 The horse 's trainer Robin Dickin said : ‘ It could have happened at any time , on the racecourse or at home .
8 The question is how do you break into the cycle and make that happen , and I think the answer is , as I said , in two ways — one by making teachers more aware during their period of initial training , either at college or at university or polytechnic , and secondly by looking very carefully at the amount and type of in-service training erm that goes on for teachers once they 've left college and are in the schools .
9 The question is how do you break into the cycle and make that happen , and I think the answer is , as I said , in two ways — one by making teachers more aware during their period of initial training , either at college or at university or polytechnic , and secondly by looking very carefully at the amount and type of in-service training erm that goes on for teachers once they 've left college and are in the schools .
10 Often , a graduate has to complete a year at college or at law school after taking a degree .
11 To follow our example through , leaving school is often a traumatic time : there is usually much regret but , on the other hand , there is also great excitement at the thought of doing new things and meeting new people at college or at work or wherever the next part of our life takes us .
12 The one proviso here is that assessment centres , whether based in college or at work , have to be approved by City and Guilds as an Awarding Body .
13 There are no randomised studies of the efficacy of surgical ablation of endometriosis either at laparotomy or at laparoscopy on future fertility .
14 Now the boatmen they used to erm the name , the family of a name of , and the old man , the grandfather his name was and then they had three sons who were boatmen , one was called Arthur John , one had a nickname of Snowball , the other one 's name was George and they used to er , some of them at times used to row from the lock gates out to the Cork Lightship together to get a boat , so they made sure of roping that boat in at , at er in the dock or at Cliff Quay and course they used to get the captain of the ship to sign er a bill and they used to take that to the , to the shipping agent and then he 'd pay 'em the money .
15 Depending on whether the accident happened in daylight or at night , in good weather or rain or possibly snow , the exact condition of the runways and aerodrome and approach lighting systems must be established as part of the operational investigator 's accumulation of recorded facts relating to the accident .
16 On the other hand , if a mature woman is sexually assaulted by a stranger in daylight or at home , then she has not been raped by a man but a monster .
17 The scheme frequently ties in with work experience either at a dealership or at Rover .
18 The Magician from Datapath is just such a card and at £299 it is not frighteningly expensive .
19 We had at least seven other buck sergeants and maybe a staff sergeant crewing airplanes which had been returned to us two or three month after the deal and at times we had as high as twenty aircraft in the squadron , that according to the er roster that you were only supposed to have twelve , but er nobody seemed to say anything about it and we did n't get any extra men , but there was at least six or seven men doing the work of master sergeants getting paid for , getting buck sergeant and staff sergeant pay for which I 'm very grateful .
20 Its importance as a sire had been obvious for many years as its progeny had proved their worth in the show ring and at stud .
21 Nicol — acknowledging club triumphs at the Midlands contest and at Panmure — has not had Millard 's exposure to quality sevens fields yet , but it 's not in Nicol 's nature to meekly accept that Millard remains front-runner for a place in the World Cup Sevens at Murrayfield from 16-18 April .
22 One patient had ileal ( by barium follow through ) and rectal Crohn 's disease , one had an ileal vascular malformation ( showed by angiography and at laparotomy ) and one had Ehlers-Danlos syndrome with a slight increase in chromium labelled red cell loss ( though he also took aspirin ) .
23 He is famed for his ‘ laid-back ’ attitude , his apparent unconcern about his actions both at the crease and at press conferences , and such an easy-going approach led many people to believe that he had little real commitment .
24 We met at dinner at the vicarage and at Miss Broome 's house after the bazaar , ’ said Penelope firmly reminding him .
25 The bill also would have also allowed registration by mail and at unemployment and welfare offices .
26 The four school candidates , Susannah Hamilton for the Lib Dems , Kathie Wright , 14 , for Labour , Marina Skelhorn , 14 , for the Conservatives , and Sarah Hill , 14 , for the Green Party , have been busy campaigning in the lunch break and at morning assembly .
27 Howard himself told an interviewer in 1789 that his daily diet consisted of ‘ two penny rolls with butter or sweetmeats , one pint of milk , five or six cups of green tea and at bedtime a roasted apple ’ .
28 Romance blossomed after she offered to play the organ at choir practice and at Masses at St Patrick 's Church , Consett , two miles from her family home .
29 Endill put on his climbing gear and at Row V began to climb .
30 The University collaborates with colleges of further education in extending the opportunities presented by Foundation Studies courses to all parts of the province and as a result courses are offered at Magee College and at Newry , Enniskillen and at three locations in Belfast .
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