Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 For you must really endeavour to get ahead with your composition , and that you can do if you have in readiness copies of symphonies and divertimenti to present to a Prince or to some other patron … the divertimenti can be copied very quickly , even though it is true that yours have a number of parts and are rather long …
2 For example if the next record is requested , is it the next at that level or at a parent level or at some other level ?
3 ‘ Guidelines for Teachers and Lecturers of Students with Special Needs ’ is intended to help teachers and lecturers who wish to deliver modules to students with special needs , whether these arise from a learning difficulty , a sensory impairment or from some other reason .
4 Louis and Hyman were out , probably at the cinema or in some coffee-shop in town .
5 Yet they see nothing inconsistent with objecting to a well-engineered nuclear waste disposal plant which is clearly necessary to dispose safely of irradiated material already created ; or to properly regulated high-combustion chemical waste disposal plants that are the only alternative ( unless we get rid of the chemical industry ) to toxic wastes being dumped surreptitiously in some field or on some beach .
6 I am not talking about the absence of an ad hoc electrical connection or about the presence of other things , either specifically or under some general description or by some general means , when I make the conditional statement .
7 You know a small stake , stick or of some sort .
8 Similarly , where the defendant is charged under Category 2 with threatening the complainant with an offensive weapon or instrument with intent to have sexual intercourse , he may state that he brandished a knife to persuade the victim to hand over money or for some other purpose unconnected with sexual intercourse and that sexual intercourse in fact took place with consent .
9 Sites suspected through documentary research or for some other reason may also need to be more precisely pinpointed before excavation can take place .
10 The professor shall , for seven weeks in each term , be ready to give instruction in the subject of his chair to such students as shall have been admitted to the laboratory or department under his charge ; and such instruction shall be given in the laboratory or department or in some classroom connected therewith .
11 Sometimes , on Sundays and other holidays , the squadron marched in force , fully armed , through the city to join in some public ceremony or to some quinta on the outskirts of Funchal where dinner awaited them .
12 This cleaning takes place at a definite cleaning station , usually by a large rock or near some other bold feature on the sea bed .
13 This may be done on the machine if it is available , or on a simulator or on some kind of mock-up of what the system will be like .
14 Woman is defective and misbegotten , for the active force in the male seed tends to the production of a perfect likeness in the masculine sex ; while the production of woman comes from defect in the active force or from some material indisposition , or even from some external influence ; such as that of a south wind , which is moist , as the Philosopher [ Aristotle ] observes .
15 It must be appended to the document either by the signer or by some person acting at the signer 's direction and in the signer 's presence .
16 Yet in intellectual and to some extent in practical terms her attitudes were overwhelmingly conservative .
17 The family had obviously taken its name from the land-holding and at some stage this was likely to have been written as de Forstershey , or something very similar .
18 A king depended on the administrative structure of the civitas for tax revenue and for some of the manpower required for his armies .
19 It therefore moved towards them , and its commitment to Scottish home rule and to some measure of home rule for Wales became firmer .
20 In general the cosmic gods were represented in human form , but this was not an absolute rule and in some aspects the god might assume an animal or hybrid shape .
21 Labour 's employment spokesman , Henry McLeish , was startled to find that male unemployment in London marginals like Streatham , Hornsey , Lewisham West and Dulwich was worse than in his own Fife seat and in some of the grimmer parts of Glasgow .
22 So in the two things that can happen in conversation to give it To make it stop running smoothly are overlapping and interruption and like some of them are quite difficult to tell apart but usually it 's If you 're transcribing stuff it 's fairly obvious .
23 It was a profound release of tension and in some hazy way gave her a sense of control over herself and a means of releasing the anger she felt .
24 Patrick had been interested to see that all traces of the damage the insurgents had wrought in the Green — the trenches they had dug , the trees they had felled — had vanished , and the only evidence of the 1916 Rising were the bullet holes in the stonework of the hotel where the rebels had fired on the British troops positioned on the roof and in some of the upper rooms .
25 " Popular power " and " government by the people " are not , I would suggest , vacuous slogans , but it is easy for critics and sceptics to dismiss them as mere rhetoric so long as those who use them fail to specify what they imply , in practice and in some detail .
26 The behaviour initially appears in a crude form , and then , with practice and in some cases maturation , it improves into the normal form of adults of its species .
27 In Brinkibon Ltd v Stahag Stahl GmbH [ 1983 ] AC 34 Lord Wilberforce said that " No universal rule can cover all such cases ; they must be resolved by reference to the intentions of the parties , by sound business practice and in some cases by a judgment where the risks should lie " .
28 And many of the potential suitors for Ferranti face complex and in some cases insurmountable government objections .
29 Evidence suggests the changes have a minimal effect and in some cases might even cause more damage , the report says .
30 The increasing price of low-sulphur oil and the reluctance to rely upon imported oil in the future brought a growing demand by industry and by some politicians for the adjustment of the 1970 Act requirements in the light of economic and energy realities as well as technological practicability ( Lundqvist , 1980 ) .
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