Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [subord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 One of his most senior colleagues , Mr Michael Heseltine , the Environment Secretary , indicated that , if the Tories were the biggest party in a hung Parliament , Mr Major would draw up a programme of legislation and put it to the vote in Parliament rather than seeking any formal deal with the Liberal Democrats or Ulster Unionists .
2 The examination , therefore , can now be seen as the culmination of the course rather than viewed as an unwelcome intrusion as it was previously .
3 Further evidence that Castro was pursuing his own course rather than responding to US actions is given by the testimony of US Ambassador Philip Bonsal , who found his efforts to meet with Castro and to pursue negotiations thwarted .
4 There is no reason why a couple should continue to have sex into old age if they decide together that they do not want to , but it is important that they make a decision rather than lapse into no sex as a result of neglect or unresolved problems .
5 Democratic centralism concentrates power in a few hands and at the end of the day produces decision rather than fudging .
6 The slow pace of political and economic change led opposition critics to claim that the overthrow of the Stroessner military regime had been an exchange of power among the ruling elite rather than marking the beginning of a genuine transition to democracy .
7 In Tanzania , the Government had control of most of the media and claimed to exercise this control on behalf of the workers and peasants in order to enhance their freedom rather than to restrict it .
8 Accordingly , there has been a gradual realization that the endeavour should advance over a broader field rather than trying to seek a ‘ universal ’ method ( Dearden , 1981 ) , that subjective methods are probably more cost-effective ( Price , 1976 ) , that any method should include room for different tastes ( Jacques , 1980 ) , and that much could be learnt from the approach of experts in the area of aesthetic and artistic judgement ( Carlson , 1977 ) .
9 Why do you think many of the farmers prefer to have a long ley in each field rather than changing from arable crops to grass every one or two years ?
10 By the use of this technique , it will be possible to gain precise information about the nature of reading difficulties at the time of comprehension rather than relying on inferences made from memory performance .
11 A major difficulty is likely to be that doctors are usually on the side of giving support rather than receiving it and will probably find it difficult to recognise their own needs .
12 It means a government whose chief policies were offered to the voters before the election rather than concocted in political trading after it .
13 He also claims DEC , leery of its margins , has reworked its low-end Alpha price structure to pitch the machines against Hewlett-Packard Co rather than get into a price struggle with Sun Microsystems Inc .
14 The other answer is that erm certainly some trials have been done with patients not being diagnosed by a computer , but by giving initial information like their age , their date of birth , erm where the pain is , etc. erm actually interacting themselves with the computer , and studies have shown curiously that patients actually prefer to use a computer rather than to give this information to a doctor .
15 ‘ She wanted to be doing things like playing on her home computer rather than looking after the rest of the family .
16 The government is running the Oil Fund , designed to maintain stable oil prices , at a deficit rather than risk passing on price increases to consumers .
17 But they will be designed to encourage you to be a long-term holder rather than to enable you to take a quick profit .
18 But before we move from discussing the lower levels of language — words , phrases , grammatical categories — to talking about the text as a unit of meaning , it would perhaps be useful to explain briefly what a text is and why we identify a given stretch of language as a text rather than assume that it is a set of unrelated words and sentences .
19 The job analysts within E L T , are Neil Butterfield , John Dennis , Anne and Claire Nichol , and they are , in fact , if you like , a sort of second or I mean you can go to them to get advice about how to fill in the job description rather than go to your manager , or if if if you have some dispute or disagreement or whatever the job analysts can can can help in that .
20 Well I , I , I , I think that you 've got to move in that direction rather than maintaining the status quo .
21 It concluded that the best graduates in these subjects tended to stay on at university rather than go into industry or teaching .
22 Ms Aloni felt the choice of words evoked fatalism and blind faith rather than struggle .
23 Were such a proof to be successfully produced , moreover — in other words if Anselm were shown to be right — then from our point of view such a success would undermine faith rather than establish it .
24 ( Gen. 12.1 ) So Abram set out on a journey where faith rather than sight would be the guiding light , seeking a home , a city , a country .
25 In reality heavy drinking is far more pervasive than is commonly realized and most drugs which are consumed to excess are prescribed by a GP rather than bought illegally .
26 This should enable the purchaser to identify and deal with risks before contract rather than seeking redress from the vendor after completion .
27 But there will be cost involved , I think about eighteen thousand , over the course of that year , in sustaining that contract rather than replacing it with a new tender .
28 Better to have your own people committed to a contract rather than sacrifice their jobs arid an element of profit to an outside sub-contractor .
29 Many in the last decade have chosen to be independent in the way they handle trade unions and collective bargaining rather than rely , as in the past , on employers ' associations and multi employer bargaining .
30 Thus , in the United States unionisation must precede collective bargaining rather than following it since extensions of negotiating rights take place at plant or company level , on an individual and piecemeal basis , and often have to be secured against adamant employer resistance .
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