Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This division eventually led to the departure of some of the laboratory 's senior staff , a loss that became the universities ' gain .
2 The earliest extensions or additions may be discreetly sited and carefully designed , but very quickly the hut syndrome is underway and the house is rapidly surrounded by one- or two-storey flat-roofed extensions of the very utilitarian kind mercilessly caricatured by Osbert Lancaster .
3 On Tuesday , the Queen was wheeled out for her first-ever appearance at the European Parliament to give what the Guardian wittily described as the ‘ royal oui ’ to the EC .
4 The grey outline of the submarine slowly disappeared into the darkness , and they were alone .
5 Her teaching mostly consisted of falling asleep while we children fought each other , but Mr Wopsle 's young cousin , Biddy , tried to keep us under control and teach us to read , write and count .
6 We intend to develop a travelling ‘ Road Show ’ with display boards , videos , literature etc. supported by live demonstrations where possible .
7 Refinements of surgical technique eventually culminated in the selective shunt procedures developed by Warren et al which were designed to decompress the gastro-oesophageal varices while preserving portal blood flow and liver function .
8 Maxim was about to explain when the lieutenant obviously came to a snap judgment on his military value and slammed out again .
9 Raymond Cusick had hoped for six Daleks from his budget but in the end the money only ran to affording four .
10 They complained that they could not get loans from LEDU and if they did , the money only came after long delays .
11 His progress only came to a halt when he had the misfortune to swop punches with one of the many irrepressible Cubans , the eventual gold medal winner .
12 His progress only came to a halt when he had the misfortune to swop punches with one of the many irrepressible Cubans , the eventual gold medal winner .
13 The missing boy was n't really interfering with the progress of the Connon case , because the progress only existed in theory .
14 Almost at once , the decibel level inside soared from an angry mumble to a full-blown shouting match .
15 Ruthven suddenly rose as if to suppress some excitement inside him .
16 One tall girl with curly hair only hitched for two minutes before a smiling family picked her up .
17 When in position the confection obviously had to be protected from the effects of the sea water until the frogman had positioned the mine and was ready to ‘ an ’ it .
18 In case anyone should question these financial allocations , can we point out that they only move the film and crafts sectors towards the level of support long enjoyed in England and Wales .
19 The barely submerged class antagonism much alluded to in the local humour is both true and false .
20 In general , though , it was considered taboo — a place scientists should not tread — until the tide apparently turned at the 1986 international conference of human geneticists in Berlin , where participants openly discussed the possibilities .
21 The small bulb inside exploded into life , displaying his clothes .
22 But Ven , she discovered , was not prepared to let her off the hook , and , ‘ Why … ’ he began to challenge , ‘ … when you 're honest , I know it , yet have begun on a path of deception to one particular end — why , when it 's so important to your sister whom — you love … ’ an alert look suddenly came to his eyes , and he broke off for a brief moment before continuing , his serious dark eyes holding hers ‘ … a sister whom you 'd do anything for , as you proved when you left England and came here — why are you ready to leave now , without another thought ? ’
23 According to Eugen Dijmarescu , Minister of State for Economic Orientation , the state was paying out some 30,000 million lei per month in subsidies , while the population 's total monthly income only amounted to 26,000 million lei .
24 The story only waned in popularity when Mandela was released : why hang on to the book , if it existed , at the time when it was most likely to sell ?
25 Her case only came to light because the Health Authority meeting were mistakenly sent to the media .
26 ‘ Do you know that in the mythology of Earth the concept of freedom only came into existence after male and female ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil .
27 The dt route suddenly appeared to be promising , though there is still a long way to go as it takes 20 to 40 times this to make a muon in a particle accelerator .
28 Wordsworth explains how his own mind slowly arrived at maturity , how he dedicated himself to poetry , and how after being diverted by Cambridge , France and Godwinism , his imagination was restored , a vision of the eternal Mind granted to him on Snowdon ( Prelude 1805 , xiii , 1–119 ) and his poetic vocation assured .
29 He caressed the baseball bat , then holding it down by his side slowly walked down the uncarpeted stairs .
30 The car eventually crashed into a bus stand , Durham Crown Court was told .
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