Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is the hall mark of a contract of sale of goods that the parties enter into a mutual commitment that the buyer thereby acquires or shall acquire ownership of the goods .
2 She sat in front of her turfed teepee like a re-located squaw — the mass of brown hair loosely braided and heaped on her head like a parcel carelessly tied with twine , her forget-me-not blue eyes looking at Mary only when she thought she was unobserved , at all other times intent on the middle distance , her small , slight , quick body quivering as she enjoyed the rare comfort of proper sat-down company and felt the physical , close interest of another human being .
3 The émigrés , ranging from monarchists to anarchists , were of course bitterly divided and carried on a fierce polemical battle over the responsibility for their common defeat .
4 ‘ Meaning ’ theists and ‘ meaning ’ atheists are able to accept that a common definition of ‘ God ’ can be found and the evidence for and against God 's existence duly weighed and argued over .
5 In most of the models of temporary equilibrium the only financial asset which is explicitly modelled is the stock of fiat money effectively notes and coin in circulation .
6 Such success as it had from its first performance in 1936 onwards has been of the kind discouragingly dubbed as ‘ of esteem ’ .
7 ( The vet eventually amputated and Tulley became a different dog — getting about so much quicker . ) ;
8 Few elitists now hold to the notion of a single dominant elite effectively exercising or directing the exercise of all important functions , and few now use the term ‘ elite ’ as the all-embracing explanatory concept which it is for the classical theorists .
9 Environmentalists point out , however , that the fall in emissions was largely due to the economic recession ; if the UK economy revives , consumption and emissions will increase as a result and further measures will have to be taken to meet the target , which is in any case widely seen as very modest .
10 It is advisable to leave the bucket loosely covered and not to skim off the yeast head .
11 Taken together , the evidence assembled under the four points of assessment rather suggests that the conventional model of responsible party government is at odds with the facts and so does not provide an adequate explanation for party politics and the making of public policy .
12 With many more illustrations , a shorter text rigorously checked and edited , decent notes and index , the book would be greatly improved but is is sad to reflect on a great opportunity missed .
13 It might therefore have been recommended were it not that it would take someone already well-versed in galactic studies to interpret a text badly translated and poorly proof-read , abounding in misspellings and obscure turns of phrase .
14 As they turned a corner on the path , the clerk suddenly stopped and grasped Ranulf by the arm .
15 Its domination of the final text only means that it is Raskolnikov 's favourite way of rationalizing his malaise .
16 Antares in the Scorpion is also the centre of a line of three , but the colour-difference alone means that there can be no confusion ; Antares is fiery red .
17 Without the case for these assumptions being established , the formal description merely signals that the writer knows roughly what a sonnet is .
18 The difficulty only arises when there is communication .
19 That is why I can not find it within me to sympathise with the poor punters who once besieged the offices of the Daily Mail demanding their £35,000 in prize money only to find that when the music stopped there were more winners than chairs for them to sit upon .
20 This should ideally be dealt with under the insurance provisions , but should it appear in the provisos , the tenant should ensure that it is a bilateral right and that in any event the landlord shall not be permitted to terminate the lease until it has taken all reasonable measures to procure the rebuilding or reinstatement of the centre or the part so destroyed or damaged ( as appropriate ) .
21 Cars may be taken as far as the Hall and , with permission , parked there , a concession especially appreciated when returning .
22 The manager does not have the opportunity gregariously to share and sort out ideas with staff colleagues .
23 But so do many private individuals , and we do not believe that a citizen 's sphere of personal freedom necessarily shrinks as his power and influence grow .
24 He told me that hair only shone after much combing , and that the same could be said of style .
25 Miraculously , we surfaced the other side of the wave only to find that we were rapidly sinking ; my spray deck had caved in with the force of the water .
26 It says it can accept these only under protest , a response apparently regarded as ungracious .
27 But this enthusiasm swiftly evaporated and soon it became difficult to find anyone who was satisfied with it , let alone enthusiastic .
28 And when we say , or the A N C and democratic organizations say , that you need a five percent vote to cross the hurdle to get in to the assembly and then you , you , you 're a member of their parliament so to say and then what do we hear ?
29 The link with sovereignty and with the ultra vires doctrine is provided by implication : parliament only intended that such discretion should be exercised on relevant and not irrelevant considerations , or to achieve proper and not improper purposes .
30 But later in the nineteenth century operative technique greatly improved and the advent of anaesthesia ( 1800 for nitrous oxide , 1848 for chloroform ) made surgeons more adventurous .
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