Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The illicit drug in commonest use is cannabis and the majority of low or moderate users of this drug rarely experience adverse effects on their health although they may , of course , find themselves at odds with the law .
2 This measure effectively makes competitive tendering compulsory for designated services , replacing the former ( largely discretionary ) powers which had been used by relatively few authorities in specific areas ( Ascher , 1987 , especially ch. 7 ; Stoker , 1988 ) .
3 After an initial burst of enthusiasm the male slowly loses sexual ability and interest over the years .
4 To acknowledge any such standard would be , in effect , to accept a principle that might lead to a lesser religious or other liberty , if not to a loss of freedom altogether to advance many of one 's spiritual ends .
5 It also gives the outside temperature , which in our case rarely exceeded zero .
6 The LTTE effectively took total control of the north when the Indian Peace Keeping Force ( IPKF ) pulled out in March 1990 .
7 Further modification and mineralisation eventually produced two flat protective shells .
8 Third , how can a speaker or writer successfully communicate certain opinions and attitudes without explicitly putting them into words ?
9 The Crusade successfully united all women to the right of the Christian Democrats , while the Front is unofficially known to be controlled by the ultra-right ARENA Party .
10 Zhao was allowed to retain his party membership and would face no further charges , but the decision effectively foreclosed any possibility of his early rehabilitation .
11 The tow truck eventually arrived three hours later , but broke down on the way to her fiance 's home near Norwich .
12 The Prince laughingly trod some capering steps about the bedroom .
13 Camp thereby negotiates some of the lived contradictions of subordination , simultaneously refashioning as a weapon of attack an oppressive identity inherited as subordination , and hollowing out dominant formations responsible for that identity in the first instance .
14 These later evolved into tribes , and these in turn swelled in size and complexity eventually to become fully-fledged states .
15 ‘ It usually starts with truancy and bunking off then they get into shoplifting and drug taking and on to burglary eventually becoming habitual criminals . ’
16 ‘ It usually starts with truancy and bunking off then they get into shoplifting and drug taking and on to burglary eventually becoming habitual criminals , ’ he said .
17 Thinly veiled portraits of actual people in fiction vastly outnumber this type of unlucky strike .
18 The history of unceasing conflict and division within provides ample evidence of the failure to give that guidance .
19 Hesitation slowly became determined silence ; the line of her mouth tightened .
20 Thus while newspaper accounts and other sources ( including this one ) , often talk rather loosely about volcanic ‘ ashes ’ during an eruption , a vulcanologist properly restricts this term only to the smallest particles .
21 Choosing one category as a base effectively turns any polytomous variable into a series of dichotomous variables known as dummy variables .
22 This framework presumably imposes interpretative limits .
23 Over the longer period changes in population , income etc. shift this relationship in measurable ways .
24 Some work of the former kind altogether avoids social considerations , and passes out of our present context .
25 The sack effectively feels lighter , it is claimed .
26 The public grew to hate the licensors , and Parliament eventually uncovered widespread corruption in their operation — fraud , extortion and intimidation had made the whole system a scandal .
27 Pliny perhaps had this in mind when he wrote that art ceased in 296 BC .
28 Any story which carries the imputation of discreditable conduct by somebody will be actionable by a plaintiff who can show that at least some readers would recognise him as the person being criticised , or that the facts in the story necessarily imply such an allegation against him .
29 In the cinema , another growth medium inter-war , Hollywood money so dominated British film production that the government introduced protectionist policies .
30 Thus segmentations of the speech wave necessarily exclude some information about the unit under consideration and include information about its neighbours .
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