Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adj] for any " in BNC.

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1 There are a number of print options which complete this professional training aid fit for any professional or amateur team .
2 Agents , who are responsible for the underwriting syndicates , will be compelled to inform investors specifically about the type of business being handled and underwriters will be obliged to join the market association responsible for any class of insurance written .
3 Agents , who are responsible for the underwriting syndicates , will be compelled to inform investors specifically about the type of business being handled and underwriters will be obliged to join the market association responsible for any class of insurance written .
4 John had spent months on a diet which would have counted this country meal as a feast fit for any Honourable Member of Parliament in the land .
5 Also keep an eye open for any aphids on chrysanthemums .
6 I kept a wary eye open for any of my old friends , in particular the goldsmith Waller , even as I was distracted by the sight of the apprentices throwing their caps in the air as they shouted for custom , pompous city officials in their fur-lined robes and , of course , those beauties of the night , the high-class courtesans in their satin dresses and flowery head veils .
7 Few candidates , though , are prepared to run too many risks for fear of having their elections challenged and declared void : expenses have to be declared and opponents keep a wary eye open for any infringement of election law .
8 The shareholders are thereby given the power to judge for themselves whether the directors are using their managerial powers for their own benefit at the expense of the company and if this is so to veto the transaction or at least hold the director liable for any profits thereby made .
9 This would be mainframe-driven with suitable terminals in all branches , and the person responsible for any information item would ensure that it was copied to the master file for other parties with the necessary authority to access .
10 There still remains the primary need for all agreements , however limited in scope , which affect the partners to be set down clearly and exhaustively in writing to avoid subsequent dispute : such writing may range from the proper minutes of a partners ' meeting to a separate manual describing a firm 's management process as a guide , in the largest firms , to enable every partner and every employee to identify the person responsible for any particular aspect of the firm 's administration .
11 You also have the phone available for any emergencies and , in many ways , the whole event is more fun and less formal .
12 Harvard Graphics Windows is one of the latest generation of presentation packages that make it easy for anybody to produce a stylish and professional looking presentation suitable for any type of audience .
13 I prefer white wine to red and I sometimes keep a bottle of champagne in the fridge ready for any impromptu celebrations .
14 Floating plants assist by shading the surface of the water and making life intolerable for any of the green water-discolouring algae which try to dwell beneath them .
15 Moreover , information that is filed is not necessarily reliable , or in a form appropriate for any comparative analysis ; for example , the methods of calculating depreciation differ .
16 It wants the Interim Advisory Committee , which will determine the profession 's pay increase for the 1990-91 year , to be allowed to remedy the error by using new money over and above the £600m limit the Government has set on the global sum available for any increase .
17 a contingency fund will be a fund available for any particular unforeseen occurrence in the future
18 In order to extend the discussion beyond the sphere we must introduce a definition of curvature valid for any such surface .
19 This is not to argue that these practices should not be abhorred and punished by society but it is to say that the underlying tendency may be addictive in nature and may therefore require the specific treatment appropriate for any addictive disease .
20 If you are foolish enough to close this binder whilst holding it upside down on your lap , I am in no way responsible for any damage that it causes .
21 This liability would only be avoided if careful records of the sources of drugs were kept so as to pass on liability to the manufacturer responsible for any defect .
22 Mills worked for it and was the officer responsible for any new Polish operations , amongst others .
23 As an absolute minimum they will hold the member liable for any failure to supervise .
24 Eqn ( 4.34 ) is of course true for any closed circuit upon which a time-varying voltage is impressed .
25 Some form of automatic operation is vital if you 'll be leaving the greenhouse unattended for any length of time .
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