Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] [vb -s] the " in BNC.

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1 However , little is known about the mechanism by which pepsinogen I reaches the serum or about the mechanism of its renal excretion .
2 Next morning off they go to the shops she goes turns all her lights off and ignition it 's in the car she starts the car up and off she trundles coming in along .
3 In her mind she associates the act of translation with transubstantiation through a chain of associations ( see 13/407,20/414,112/506,139/533,164/558 ) , and the lapse in her relations with God corresponds to similar ‘ flaws ’ in her use of language .
4 ‘ Forget it , ’ she says , and with thumb and forefinger she flicks the cigarette across the room .
5 In the authorised biography she describes the Australian lawyer as ‘ tall and distinguished looking ’ .
6 Some might worry that he is allowing the Californians to influence him too much , but I ca n't help feeling that so long as he manages to stay on his horse he remains the best sort of Englishman aborad .
7 After all , if he does n't like the future he has the personal possibility — and responsibility of moving to another outfit whose potential he thinks is greater .
8 In future he wants the recreation committee to have the chance to veto controversial exhibitions .
9 In The Form of Living he charts the sacramental understanding at the heart of the Mass , as a whole way of life and perceived growth in consciousness ; his Meditations on the Passion engage with different stages of such growth and , indeed , are designed to act as catalysts for its progress .
10 Under this guise it probes the ‘ labyrinths and inward turns of the mind ’ in abuse of power in human relationships , especially that of mistress to servants or ‘ humble companion ’ , with acute psychological insight , no doubt won while living as a dependant .
11 A hunter turned safari operator , Oskar Koenig , describes a ceremony he calls the Festival of Love which he purports to have witnessed : ‘ One of the young men knelt by the cowhide near a hole in the ground , which , as I knew , was meant to resemble the vagina .
12 Flight lieutenant Fraser Boyd does n't like heights ; With that in mind he hopes the final adjustments he 's making in dock in Plymouth will render a return visits unnecessary while half way across the Atlantic .
13 In his 1985 study he develops the notion of a value chain from earlier similar notions of complete business systems discussed and used by both McKinsey and IBM .
14 In the New Testament it provides the terms in which the death of Jesus Christ is explained ( see for instance Hebrews 9:11ff . ) .
15 Here the reader has once again been won back onto Pip 's side after his care of Magwitch which seems especially significant as upon hearing that he was his true benefactor he loathes the man and tried to distance him from him , physically and socially .
16 Once it is made clear that the judge makes new law in these circumstances , as conventionalism insists , then it seems plausible that he should choose the rule he believes the actual legislature then in power would choose , or , failing that , the rule he believes best represents the will of the people as a whole .
17 It is getting into the position of an excellent prize of war ; strategically it points right into the heart of Japan and into the hands of an enemy it weakens the Japanese bastion of Western defence .
18 This is difficult to define satisfactorily , but in the context of brief therapy it involves the therapist suggesting to the patient the possible motivation underlying his behaviour , with the objective of increasing understanding as a step towards behaviour change ( e.g. overeating may be explained in terms of a patient 's need for comfort at times of loneliness so that the patient may be more able to tackle the problem ) .
19 If you are employed , is your boss getting the quality of labour he has the right to expect ?
20 In effect it shows the flow of money through the company for the trading period .
21 He argues that if anyone questions the suitability of a designer as a captain of industry it displays the lack of understanding about the true nature of design that has plagued this country for many years .
22 He refers to reality as Truth and by the use of the term he preserves the metaphysical and ethical connotation of such traditional Hindu terms as dharma , universal law or duty , and ta , the cosmic moral law .
23 If anyone is looking for an experienced goal scorer he fits the bill .
24 London have all the entertainment , music and modern technology , famous buildings , statues , and money ; but on the opposite side it has the ugliness , violence , loneliness , homelessness , lots of pollution , litter , the poor run-down parts of London .
25 In a chapter of the book entitled Hebraism and Hellenism he traces the roots of these views .
26 For if it relates to the BBC per se then it conveniently overlooks its seedier and more questionable aspects , whilst if it relates to some imaginary institution it ignores the real pressures on institutions which make them somehow less ideal than one would desire .
27 Office Management I provides the theoretical framework to allow students to respond to direction and to operate within the necessary constraints of the organisational environment .
28 At the beginning of the session she lights the candle , the children sit round it in a large circle and she asks them to watch the flame , to concentrate on the flame and nothing else .
29 Italian pop star Loredana Berte told a judge she needs the massive handouts to keep her in the luxurious style she enjoyed when they were together .
30 No wonder it tows the Peter Lynn Buggy ( with himself steering on board ) all over wherever land surfing and similar buggy racing is permitted .
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