Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] the government " in BNC.

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1 I am concerned about the contents of , lack of objectivity of and lack of thoroughness in the study that was carried out by the Environmental Advisory Unit of Liverpool University Ltd. for the Government and the promoters of the Bill , Cardiff Bay development corporation , when there was still a private Bill , in preparation for the Government 's hybrid Bill , which was laid before the House on Tuesday .
2 After advising counsel for the government that Washington could not keep on withholding relevant evidence , Chief Judge Platt ordered the government to produce all documents relating to how and where the bomb was placed on Flight 103 for inspection in camera by 1 October 1990 .
3 ‘ Now the Uridians ca n't afford to produce enough marioc for the government there to keep the Furus sweet . ’
4 I hope that there will be no opportunity for the Government to introduce the Rothschild recommendations and that a Labour Government will be returned .
5 The ceasefire was seen as an attempt to reassure the communists of the government 's sincerity in the US bases negotiations , and also as an opportunity for the government to deal with the Army rebels .
6 Hann believes that the coal controversy presents the ideal opportunity for the Government to determine the proportions of total UK electricity supply which could be derived from various sources within emission level targets .
7 This was partly the result of good news such as winning the contract for the government department data network and a voice network for the department of social security .
8 There is now an overwhelming case for the Government to undertake an urgent investigation into simplifying the structure of the benefits system .
9 The European Commission on Human Rights ruled that there was a case for the Government to answer .
10 The sole task of the Convention will be " to consider what provision for the government of Northern Ireland is likely to command the most widespread acceptance throughout the whole community . "
11 Over the period of the inquiry build-up , the funding for energy efficiency measures had actually been reduced and the budget for the government 's Energy Efficiency Office slashed .
12 The government has a list of long-promised infrastructure projects that could make up for the fall in private investment , though a bitter dispute in progress between the government and foreign banks that have lent 20 billion baht ( $187m ) for an elevated motorway in Bangkok may make finance for future projects harder to come by .
13 Cos they get money off the government do n't they , farmers ?
14 Student demonstrations increased sharply at the end of the decade and although the educated public in general dissociated themselves from the violent means and socialist ends of the revolutionaries , a large section of the press showed scant sympathy for the government .
15 Richard Crossman , for one , in 1965 lamented , ‘ How much more humane and imaginative our post-war reconstruction would have proved if government departments had been invigorated by an influx of experts with special knowledge , new ideas and a sympathy for the Government 's domestic and foreign policies ’ .3– George Brown 's National Plan of 1965 represented a belated attempt to recapture the ground perceived to have been lost since the war ended .
16 The study will be a blow for the government which earlier this year pledged to reduce the number of under-16 pregnancies by half .
17 I make a plea for the Government to consider a matter of urgency , either through independent research or their own officers , finding a long-term method of achieving a much more comprehensible system that is easy to use and that can be understood by ordinary people .
18 But this caused little permanent difficulty for the government .
19 The case was the latest episode in a long history of antagonism between the government and the Far Eastern Economic Review , the circulation of which had been severely restricted in Singapore .
20 While Uvarov 's periodization is obviously too clear cut , it is nevertheless true that Speranskii 's reform of the territory 's administration — including the operation of the exile system and the regularization of relations with the Siberian natives — created , in theory , if not always in practice , a more rational and equitable framework for the government and management of the Siberian lands which remained more or less in situ until the upheavals of 1917 .
21 Judged against the Mobilizing Ideal , therefore , both BBC-TV and ITV were guilty of failing to show enough enthusiasm for the government of the day .
22 ‘ It is concerned at the possible link between the Government 's evident desire to impose its own educational policies and the weakening of democratic local government . ’
23 The demonstration came as Préval was being rebuked in parliament for the government 's poor economic performance and for his administrative reform programme , which , his critics claimed , lacked clear objectives or a coherent policy for the dismissal and appointment of state employees .
24 The majority of the newspapers had become woefully compromised in their support for the government and good investigative journalism was one of the casualties .
25 The AUT plans to warn its own bankers , NatWest , that it may withdraw its own account in protest at the bank 's support for the Government scheme .
26 Weekend opinion polls showed strong public support for the government 's Gulf strategy .
27 The reasons given for involvement follow a clear pattern : ‘ mobilise the masses around precise objectives ’ , ‘ unifying the country ’ , ‘ to help educate the masses and rally support for the government ’ , 'to mobilise the people behind the president and party' , and so on .
28 He tried to broaden the base of support for the government , relying as far as possible on legal processes in restraining the press and arresting suspects , sacking the hated Minister of Education , Tolstoy , and planning steps to alleviate the burden of redemption payments on the hardest-pressed peasants .
29 Loris-Melikov continued to press significant innovations to strengthen public support for the government .
30 From 1916 Unionist MPs were the only reliable support for the government .
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