Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [Wh det] can " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , there is uncertainty about what can be kept electronically , and what should be kept .
2 The modes which he adopted were such as to licence elisions and lacunae , to enable him to leave out bits of his life — a procedure which would seem to be connected with his scepticism about what can be known about people by biographers .
3 It is much harder to move from a visual , qualitative appreciation of what can be seen under the microscope to more quantitative measures of how much or how many of any component is present ; yet unless something entirely new was being synthesized as a result of training , then what we might anticipate observing would be small changes in the number , pattern or distribution of existing structures , particularly synapses .
4 Those who have not tried to sell — and particularly sell in a highly competitive market where there are very large contracts , the possession or loss of which can have a fatal effect on one 's whole business — do not know how testing it is of courage and nerve .
5 New forms of behaviour are the result of what can be regarded as a ‘ mind climate ’ or group mental energy creating a morphogenetic field .
6 It is designed as a case study of what can be achieved on almost any upland farm in Britain , and the changes are being scientifically monitored so the results can be shared with other conservation agencies .
7 It was an impressive demonstration of what can now be done .
8 They are given as an indication of what can happen and a suggestion of some of the ways in which similar ideas might be explored by different children in different circumstances .
9 The AEF 's concept is being taken forward by representatives of two groups which might be seen as having totally opposing interests : the IATA-sponsored Air Transport Action Group and the AEF — a co-operative effort which is in itself an encouraging indication of what can be achieved .
10 This week 's threat by Ofgas regulator Sir James McKinnon to take legal action against British Gas if it does n't reduce its prices is an indication of what can be achieved by forceful regulation of the privatised utilities . )
11 Shaking our heads in grateful disbelief to the darkness of a deserted car park , the empty witness of which can not prevail against us , whose minds have been imprinted thus .
12 Lyrical Ballads nevertheless remains a very strange publication , the full effect of which can only be appreciated by studying a facsimile edition , or one of the reprints of the first edition .
13 In the meantime , of course , he had become a Schopenhauerian , the relevant effect of which can only have been to confirm the validity of his preoccupation with music and his suspicion of the new musical idiom .
14 A side effect of which can be that you can develop gout .
15 The caveat , to state it simply , is that it is to be taken as a view of only our conception of what can be called standard effects : all those where the effects are not decisions , choices , like mental acts of persons , or ensuing actions .
16 Doctors at the National Epilepsy centre at the Park hospital in Oxford carry out research into what can trigger epileptic fits .
17 Does my right hon. Friend agree that that shows that there is scope , through a range of Government and quasi-government bodies , to encourage action beyond what can be done with direct Government money ?
18 They help to keep the structure open while adding substance and weight to what can be an inconveniently light product .
19 My own family was at once strongly nuclear and part of what can only be called a clan .
20 Further north along Corso Venezia is Palazzo Serbelloni , an enormous building in Neo-Classical style created in 1793 for Duke Serbelloni by the enlarging of a seventeenth-century palazzo , part of which can still be seen — the brick section in Via San Damiano .
21 You get plenty of choice with the memory-resident monitors — you can opt for the enhanced protection of VSAFE , part of which can reside in Upper memory , or you can go for the smaller VWATCH .
22 The given connection between causal circumstance and effect is in fact the principal instance of what can be called fundamental nomic connection or fundamental necessary connection .
23 The argument continued into the following year , Samuel Whitbread being deluged with medical journals and copies of letters in support of what can now be recognised as an untenable position i.e. that the stomach in this case had ‘ really taken up in some measure the office of the kidnies ( sic ) ’ .
24 More complicated manipulations may require the introduction of extra instruments , such as straight or recurved solid needles , a description of which can be found elsewhere ( 27 ) .
25 Only the tower of this church remains , a few yards west of which can be found Cook Senior 's last resting place , marked curiously by a stone commemorating a boy who died at sea .
26 We have experience of what can be done , what is realistic to expect , and if industry responds we shall all make progress . ’
27 Incidentally , I listen for my own information and education to the early recordings of the Busch quartet to get the measure of what can be achieved , and what pianissimo and dolce really mean .
28 You can also defrost and clean your fridge and freezer with the Steamatic , making short work of what can often be a long and messy job .
29 There was , however , no control of length of exposure or parent/teacher fluency and so the effects may be an underestimate of what can be achieved .
30 Michael Lawrence says that the Government accepts there is a problem and that ideally something ought to be done about it : ‘ It 's now just a question of what can be afforded ’ .
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