Example sentences of "[noun sg] [art] same [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 New tees lurked in the trees on several holes , and were skilfully placed to bring into play the same hazards which threatened the club players from their tees .
2 In this case the same precautions apply and it is even more important to deal with ownership of copyright otherwise the agency ( as employer ) could turn out to be the ultimate owner of the copyright .
3 In each case the court seeks to assess and award damages that are equivalent to the loss sustained by the plaintiff — in each case the same heads of damage are recoverable and in each case similar deductions have to be made .
4 The Canine Defence League refuses to find new homes for abandoned animals until well after the holiday , in case the same dogs are given as presents and then dumped again .
5 Climbing sports originate for the most part from bush types ‘ sporting ’ extra long canes which still bear the same flowers as the parent .
6 Tallymen and check traders , and perhaps to some extent local moneylenders ( sometimes in practice the same individuals ) , exercise — on a very much smaller scale — an influence opposite to the one which will be described below under ‘ Banks ’ .
7 Within marriage the same events are continually being interpreted in different ways .
8 Should not he announce that he will withdraw those parts of the Bill and give people seeking political asylum the same rights to legal advice as anyone else would have , rather than introduce this appalling system under which they will not have the same equality before the law ?
9 Because a limited amount of statistical information may be extracted from the frequency curve the same facts are most commonly used to construct the cumulative frequency curve .
10 But she looked down through the glass skylight and recognised in Maggie 's cropped hair and long white body the same contours that she had seen in that other virgin warrior whom she had inspired into battle .
11 Yet each time a house is acquired in the community the same problems inevitably arise with local people .
12 Every day the same visits , every visit different from the last .
13 As her own people had done before their captivity , the newcomers laid petitions at the sorceress 's door , clandestinely , while by day the same Englishmen , from a safe distance , mocked and mimicked the bent hag and laughed loudly to show they were not afraid of her .
14 Our third gear figures in 1965 included 30–50 , 40–60 and 50–70 each in 3.4secs ; even in top the same increments were despatched in between 4.1 and 4.3secs ; 80–100mph and 90–110mph occupied 4.5 secs and 6.8secs in third , or 5.4 and 6.1 in top , underlining the Cobra 's staggering flexibility .
15 For very big fish in weedy water the same rigs can be used but the line and hook strength geared up a little .
16 The balanced and reasonable manner in which the Report was written and presented , produced on the whole the same characteristics in the media coverage of the proposals it contained .
17 Within the human spirit the same processes are present .
18 I discovered soon after my illness the same energies walking beneath the cliffs of Lyme Regis , in the shadow of Mary Annan and the ichthyosauruses as I do in this hamlet .
19 According to the Ministry of the Interior the same documents also contained orders from the ETA leadership to all of its commando cells to stage a general offensive .
20 As excise duty is the subject matter of this offence the same vehicles that are exempt vehicles excise licences are also exempt the necessity for a trade licence , therefore refer to offence 8 ( C ) 3 for more information .
21 It will offer holders of the outstanding 26 per cent of the PPFE capital the same terms and also make a fractionally higher cash offer than under the privatisation proposal to the larger number of warrantholders .
22 Garway 's learning and his frugality were widely admired , and he seems to have demanded of the government the same standards .
23 There was no reason for him to do so because the claims that he wished to make were quite simple ( they did not involve complex interactions of different speaker variables ) , and because in his analysis the same patterns were repeated for every variable studied , tending in the same direction in every case in terms of both class and style ( several classes and several styles ) .
24 In support of this suggestion the same workers ( Shattil et al , 1977 ) found that platelets from patients with Type 2 hyperlipoproteinaemia had a higher cholesterol/phospholipid ratio and other workers have found an elevated platelet-free cholesterol in patients with the same condition ( Miettinen , 1974 ) .
25 Independence requires , however , two things missing in Britain and America : the regular rotation of auditors ; and the banning of conflicts of interest between work done for the shareholders ( auditing ) and the increasing amount the same firms do for the managers ( consultancy ) .
26 A difficult question is whether in the case of an employee who is not a fiduciary the same principles also apply .
27 Draw his attention to the way the same syllables recur in different words : pic-ture o-pin-ion frac-ture on-ion. tor-ture Many common errors can be cured by syllabifying .
28 In any particular economic system the same patterns will be found to recur in many different social contexts within many different kinds of institution .
29 The Order , when he came across its several agents down by the waterside , was civil for no doubt the same reasons .
30 And out at sea the same companies ' trawlers suck up their catches through giant vacuum pipes … with little thought to the future of the region 's fish stocks .
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