Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [pron] first " in BNC.

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1 He scored a bagful of goals to help the club book their first passport to Europe two years ago and went on to star in their Ulster Cup winning team the next season .
2 Alto is Mex for a bald-top hill and Loving was an old trail boss who first named it . ’
3 The International Association for the Study of Pain set up a Taxonomy Committee whose first job was to generate an agreed definition of pain .
4 It was the former Home Secretary who first noticed the deck chair , its legs awash with the incoming tide , part-hidden by the Victorian metal-work of the pier .
5 Head teacher Marcus Thacker said he hoped the Roughwood Drive schoolwhich now tops the Knowsley table of arson-hit schools will finally get the £70,000 security fence it first requested four years ago .
6 Head teacher Marcus Thacker said he hoped the Roughwood Drive school which now tops the Knowsley table of arson-hit schoolswill finally get the £70,000 security fence it first requested four years ago .
7 For that , Rogers will be eternally grateful to Betty White , the casting director who first suggested him .
8 So George , a carpenter , bought his primary school teacher wife her first ewes , although at the time she admitted ‘ not knowing one end of a sheep from the other . ’
9 It is a moving end to a moving story for the son of a Tyneside lorry driver who first began wearing his mother 's clothes at the age of eight and soon after began the inner turmoil which has caused him so much anguish .
10 Established as a privately-financed institution by a Planning Board which first met in January 1969 , UCB had at an early stage to consider what awards it might offer in advance of the Charter it hoped to obtain .
11 The Divisional Court of the Queen 's Bench Division which first heard the action refused Bromley 's application but the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords upheld it and quashed the precept and so the scheme .
12 Project Galileo ( it was actually the Polish astronomer Copernicus who first proposed that planets , including the Earth , orbit the Sun ) sets out to define and develop an overlay for current graphical user interfaces that operates and behaves the same way , regardless of which operating system and hardware lies underneath , providing a common working environment .
13 Meanwhile , the three pioneers are readying themselves for a surge of interest : Marcos has appointed its Coventry engine supplier , JE Engineering , as its first distributor , Westfield is looking at a trio of dealers and Caterham plans to appoint half a dozen Rover distributors as service agents for the K-series engine that will power its first ‘ turn-key ’ car .
14 She gladly gave her blood for a substantial blood transfusion , and the patient was told after-wards by the doctor , ‘ You owe the fact that you are alive today to the crossing sweeper who first detected a movement in you when you were in the mortuary and then gave her blood for you . ’
15 It was his own early instincts as a risk taker which first put him on the path that was ultimately to lead to him becoming chairman and chief executive of Hilton International .
16 JUNIOR education minister William Shelton did not know whether he was coming or going last week when he gave an experimental communications system known as Project Universe its first public airing .
17 JANE SIXSMITH yesterday grabbed the glorious goal that earned Britain 's women 's hockey team their first ever Olympic medal .
18 JANE SIXSMITH yesterday grabbed the glorious goal that earned Britain 's women 's hockey team their first ever Olympic medal .
19 Despite these setbacks , which essentially put Intel back on the delivery schedule it first mapped out for Pentium , Unisys is quick to say how delighted it is it chose Intel 's part over any of the RISC technologies .
20 Despite these setbacks , which essentially put Intel back on the delivery schedule it first mapped out for Pentium , Unisys is quick to say how delighted it is it chose Intel 's CISC over any of the RISC technologies .
21 Host training you first received can you remember it ?
22 ‘ As a mountain rescue doctor my first responsibility is to make sure the other members of the team are as well trained in first aid medicine as possible .
23 Climb up sunshine mountain I first learned this song about three years ago when I was doing a show for some of London 's police at Faringdon 's restaurant in London .
24 So if you come to try and analyze sea water you first of all have to separate the er aqueous base and those things in solution from this particular material .
25 In The Clock Tower I first block in the spider web of interconnecting darks which I visualise as one large dark shape .
26 In The Clock Tower I first block in the spider web of interconnecting darks which I visualise as one large dark shape .
27 Despite storming figures that saw the company report its first $5,000m quarter , and just miss its first $10,000m half , putting it on track for close to $20,000m this year ( see Company Results ) , chief executive Lewis Platt is not cheering his head off .
28 Despite storming figures that saw the company report its first $5,000m quarter , and just miss its first $10,000m half , putting it on track for close to $20,000m this year , chief executive Lewis Platt is not cheering his head off .
29 And only a great save from Perry Suckling denied the master blaster his first hat-trick for Blackburn 's .
30 To depict the aggregate supply function we first need to draw a distinction between aggregate supply in the short run , where expectations may be sluggish in reacting to external events , and the long run where money is neutral and where the supply of output is invariant with respect to the nominal money supply and the absolute price level .
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