Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] on the " in BNC.

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1 to bringing the claim , if it is pursued , the claim maybe good , it maybe bad and it depends upon the circumstances of the underline agreement , that 's one example where something maybe good or it maybe bad , it 's like an intellectual property ride , depending on how you exercise the right , it maybe good or it maybe bad , if you use it to block parallel imports or for some anti competitive purpose then it may be bad , erm it , it 's not necessarily the case that if you have a clause in the contract it is always in every circumstance bad , where the clause itself allows the undertaking concerned , to exercise it in a particular way , now , erm so so that as a matter of principal not all clauses could be automatically said in a standard form contract to be good or bad and it may depend upon how they are to exercise in a particular way , what we have said is the , the , erm , the provision in on , on the , the unfettable authority , er , erm and powers of the agent , erm is void it would depend upon the facts of each individual case whether or not every other restriction as your Lordships seen again only through and the cases they side , erm that other provisions in a standard form contract may on the facts be had , it depends upon the significance of the particular clause in the circumstances , my Lord in , in answer to your Lordships question , I do n't think it necessary follows that every clause is bad , but we do say it depends upon the facts and we have pleaded that not all loss might be erm defensible against .
2 Christine flicked the ash from her cigarette into an empty lager can on the table .
3 And increasingly complaints from businesses , complaints about unfair competition , erm the second point is that the , the report has been sent to vote upon now , but also to a number of er business and consumer organisations in the county a range of views is being expressed in response , as you 'd expect , but in general terms most recognised there are particular trading , trend and pattern which needs to be addressed erm but most have all especially with the er display of this same as registration some form of registration must on the national basis would be erm a , a solution to this support .
4 However , such a transaction is valid as between the company and the other party to it , and the court may on the application of the company or the other party to the transaction , affirm , sever , or set aside the transaction on such terms as the court sees fit ( s. 322A(7)CA ) .
5 If a creditor is dissatisfied with the decision of the trustee , the court may on the application of the creditor reverse or vary the trustee 's decision ( r 6.105 ) .
6 Where a minor is sued for a liquidated sum , which includes the cost of repairs to a vehicle or to any property in , on , or abutting a highway ( Ord 1 , r 10 ) , the court may on the plaintiff 's application dispense with the appointment under Ord 10 , rr 6 or 7 of a guardian ( Ord 10 , r 8(1) ) .
7 As well as the procedure of giving directions on the pre-trial review , the court may on the application on notice of any party , or of its own motion , give directions at any time ( Ord 13 , r 2 ) .
8 Where a bankrupt has been discharged , whether automatically or as a result of an application to the court , the court must on the request of the bankrupt issue him with a certificate of discharge , and the bankrupt may also require the Secretary of State to gazette and/or advertise in any newspaper in which the bankruptcy was advertised a notice of the discharge ( r 6.220 ) .
9 He moved diagonally on the tennis court like a ballet dancer might on the stage .
10 The homoeopathic physician can on the other hand give the appropriate remedies for grief or fright , or whatever else it may have been , and experience the satisfaction of being told that the patient now feels better than she has done for years .
11 He claimed that an expanded L Detachment could on the same night simultaneously attack the ten most important aerodromes in Libya and Cyrenaica , the bulk storage points on the enemy lines of communication and the main airfields in Crete , Rhodes , Greece and possibly Sicily .
12 A holiday travelogue set in some exotic location might on the other hand merit a slightly more expansive style to suit the circumstances .
13 Should you see your way to granting this request , the cardinal 's servant shall on the morrow escort the lady Anne from the sanctuary to your abode .
14 The Tenant shall on the making of this Agreement pay to the Landlord the sum of £ ( pounds ) as a contribution towards the legal and other professional costs incurred by the Landlord in relation to this agreement Obviously , the tenant should try to avoid paying the landlord 's costs if possible as the transaction is presumably to the equal benefit of both the landlord and the tenant .
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