Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] help [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ To know the law now offers such protection should help some of the difficulties associated with house purchasing which , for many , can be an extremely harrowing experience .
2 However , the increased productivity of labour may help many firms to cut costs , enabling them to reduce prices and to expand their levels of output , thereby increasing their demands for all factor inputs , including labour .
3 Conference , to have a sign in the front and rear of your car may help all new drivers to understand that as a new driver you are entering a system that we are not aware of , speed , which is associated with many other items causes the very things that we work in our day-to-day lives under health and safety to stop .
4 Mind you , cycling should help that .
5 ‘ I do n't think people should have to work for their dole money , although some sort of ‘ workfare ’ programme might help some people in terms of references or whatever . ’
6 Bringing in an outsider might help both banks conduct a badly-needed rethinking of their business .
7 The early hope was that the Council would help this process by encouraging and disseminating good practice , and by providing a broad framework within which diversity would flourish .
8 Aromatherapy can help many disorders , but for the best results it should form part of a holistic health regime .
9 Although aromatherapy can help many ailments , it works best in the context of a holistic health regime .
10 ‘ Playing against a side at the top of their form and peak of their confidence ought to help this Welsh side now that they 're playing with commitment and determination .
11 Rain may help some farming
12 A department rest room would help this .
13 ‘ The council also hopes that the package will help many women who are subjected to violence to overcome the problems which prevent them from seeking help . ’
14 Relax , Jenny , relaxation will help that as well .
15 Counselling can help all sorts of crises and the reactions they cause .
16 Masturbation may help some people with particularly acute pains .
17 But the Autistic society hopes its new service will help more children live as full a life as possible .
18 The therapist can help such ventilation or expression of emotions by indicating that it is normal and appropriate both to have and to show such feelings .
19 According to some West German sources , a softening of Whitehall 's hardline on the social charter would help that process .
20 A buoyant US economy will help that country 's once-great car industry .
21 The use of a microcomputer will help these individuals be more effective at whatever they do and , as an effective tool , the micro has no equal at the jobs it does well .
22 ‘ We hope this new exhibition will help all our visitors to understand and appreciate this beautiful area and to recognise the huge challenges we all face in caring for it . ’
23 Hopefully , Chris 's advice will help both sides bypass that unnecessarily drawn-out confrontation with a previously friendly dealer/customer .
24 Private health insurance may help some elderly people to gain access to hospital treatment more quickly than would otherwise be the case , although there seems little justification for a National Health Service which can not cater for the needs of people in acute pain or discomfort as and when necessary .
25 Conversely , a more realistic preparation for birth would help most first-time mothers , many of whom are terrified by the level of pain involved in childbirth and fear something is wrong .
26 It says he believed that the historical awareness will help any linguistic scene to profit .
27 Preparation , good preparation will help that .
28 We very much hope that that money will help many countries to phase out CFCs much earlier than they might otherwise have done .
29 Combining the experience of age and the energy of youth might help all of us to understand God better and recognise him in our lives today .
30 Antiwhaling notices in the press and on television by , for example , the Japanese branches of Friends of the Earth and World Wildlife Fund would help this campaign .
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