Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 difficulties that the primary sufferer may have in concentration id in accuracy of memory .
2 Fetal ultrasound studies suggest that this damage may occur in utero .
3 Both these factors may apply , but the sequence of learning may also be the result of choices for whatever reason , which those formulating and operating the curriculum may recommend in the light of teaching experience .
4 some residual contamination may remain in the soil owing to concentrations which do not induce microbial degradation ;
5 Any one instance may lie in several clusters .
6 A difficulty may occur in the interpretation of metabolite concentrations and pain response .
7 But conversely if the government raises interest rates the supply of money may fall in response to a lower demand for money .
8 Two recent reports have focused on the part that early nutrition may play in the later development of diabetes .
9 Issues of equal opportunity may arise in a number of contexts ; for example , those of gender , race , disability and religion .
10 In many coastal locations the maritime lichen Ramalina siliquosa may grow in profusion far inland , while cliff-top saltings occur on many exposed western coasts , notable in Uig , Lewis .
11 ‘ Another major issue is the reluctance of small businesses to invest in a PC may lie in doubts about their ways of use ’ , the survey said .
12 Here consultation of an inverted file which has been constructed in the indexing of the text may aid in identifying word forms and search terms .
13 The sentence may occur in speech as a borrowing from the syntax of writing , but speech , typically , is organised on the basis of clausal complexes which are not sentences .
14 ( iv ) If workers in a particular industry become more polarized in their commitment to the labour movement , membership will fall unambiguously but the wage change may go in either direction .
15 Third , price discrimination may appear in the guise of loyalty bonuses , rebates , and discounts .
16 Another important element the retailer may consider in planning an advertising campaign is the success ( or failure ) of earlier promotions .
17 The discussion in the preceding section has emphasized how insights from the corporate-strategy literature may help in arriving at a sensible assessment of individual project cash flows , and that models need to be based upon theories about market success .
18 This primary ego-feeling of an all-embracing kind may persist in some people , alongside the narrower and more clearly demarcated ego-feeling of maturity .
19 Hunt suggests that conflict of this kind may act in a group of individuals to :
20 When ewes are affected , the consequent agalactia may result in the death of the suckling lambs .
21 We have noted that , given a certain type of search space , the A* algorithm may behave in the same way as breadth-first search , since the latter is a special case of the former .
22 One reason for the apparent failure of whooping cough immunization may lie in the ability of the virus to mutate to new forms which evade destruction until a new vaccine can be devised and introduced ; this problem does not arise with diphtheria and measles .
23 This relates to autonomy in that creativity may flourish in freedom , but the two goals are not necessarily found in the same person ( creativity ) .
24 Suddenly stopping the drug may result in acute " withdrawal " effects such as delirium tremens for alcohol or " cold turkey " ( which feels like a bad bout of influenza ) for heroin .
25 Abnormalities of gastrointestinal motility may occur in all forms of amyloidosis and intestinal pseudo-obstruction has been reported in secondary or primary amyloidosis , including amyloidosis associated with multiple myeloma .
26 Two distinct trends may be discerned , though the same writer may work in both conventions .
27 Thus , the record of many negative movements of base level may remain in the landscape to be interpreted by the geomorphologist .
28 He devoted his life to politics for a twofold purpose : to ensure that the useless slaughter of the First World War was not repeated , and that the survivors of that horrific experience should live in a better world .
29 Within that framework schools and education authorities are in the best position to judge the particular form which the curriculum should take in the light of each school 's individual circumstances and the needs of its pupils .
30 Plato was not alone in believing that some kind of physical change must occur in the brain when information is stored in memory , and neuroscientists have been looking for Plato 's ‘ wax tablet ’ without success since the beginning of this century .
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