Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] [verb] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Hardship and discontent may declare themselves there , in a victim 's revenge .
2 This fixation may manifest itself in adulthood in one of two extremes ; either stinginess , orderliness , and excessive cleanliness or sloppiness , lack of organisation , and impulsiveness .
3 There 's an article of the Constitution which lays down the fields with which Parliament may concern itself .
4 The pure economist may see himself or herself as occupying a different space from that of the applied economist ; the ‘ scholarly ’ critic from the ‘ responsive ’ one ; the ‘ objective ’ social researcher from the ‘ interpretative ’ one ; the doctor who ‘ delivers ’ health care from the one who ‘ responds ’ to his or her patients .
5 One distinguished-looking delegate , who Mark recognised as the Chairman of the British Conservative party , introduced himself to say that people with his experience should put themselves forward to serve in the European Parliament .
6 The basic argument was that traditional conservatism should re-establish itself by an uncompromising opposition to liberalism and socialism and by combating the supposed international Jewish conspiracy whose sole purpose was the undermining of the British Empire .
7 As with the early stages of reading , the teaching of literature must set itself the objective of stimulating pupils ’ enjoyment .
8 Immediately the caveman must prepare himself for two possibilities .
9 To solve the problem , any UK subscribers who have bouncing mail difficulties of this kind should re-subscribe themselves as follows : Write to saying
10 On the negative side , the small shareholder may find himself scaled down to such a small stake that a sizeable portion of profits would be wiped off by share-dealing costs .
11 After the preliminary rounds , the competition only starts in earnest today , though the Royal Air Force may find themselves outclassed by a strong Somerset team .
12 This guilt-anxiety-fear-anger complex may attach itself to other things than self-view or self-confidence .
13 Negative feedback may show itself as disappointment at one 's achievement , particularly when compared with other members of the group , or as boredom or frequent teacher disapproval or not enough attention from the teacher ; it could be personal problems to do with one 's family , love life , accommodation or money difficulties .
14 But in certain circumstances , the defendant may exculpate himself from liability either by raising doubts as to whether he had such an intention or awareness , or by establishing on a balance of probabilities the defence that he lacked mens rea .
15 In certain extreme circumstances , Her Majesty may find herself in a position in which she is called on to use her discretion in making a political decision .
16 The Madeirans were worried , in particular , in case a post-revolutionary Communist dictatorship should install itself in Lisbon .
17 That is why I believe the time has come when Labour should commit itself to a Bill of Rights based on the European Convention of Human Rights .
18 It is not surprising then , if over several months , this oversight should reveal itself in these small but telling ways .
19 While this is obviously demanding of professional time and effort , it need not be particularly difficult to achieve , and the investment should repay itself with dividends .
20 British business and industry must sell itself better , certainly in Europe , and maintain its markets with the rest of the world , which may turn away from us as we turn more towards Europe .
21 The 200 units under her command should brace themselves for a forthright style .
22 It should nevertheless be noted that the foreign lawyer must satisfy himself or herself that the rules of his or her home bar or law society are not breached in relation to the particular partnership or incorporated practice involved .
23 In his article in your March issue Mr Royalton-Kisch roundly criticizes Benesch 's serial method of making attributions to Rembrandt : as a result almost any Rembrandtesque drawing might find itself not just in the catalogue raisonné but might be used as a starting point for further attributions to Rembrandt .
24 It was undesirable to make an order which would in practice be executed before the defendant could avail himself of that opportunity .
25 The racing industry could help itself by improving what its new management consultants have taught it to call the ‘ product ’ .
26 Mobsters had enormous influence in America and , if his manager was poorly connected , a good boxer could find himself waiting for years for a title fight .
27 ‘ It is a serious offence , but it means first-time offenders committing that crime could find themselves in prison . ’
28 Knowing both men as well as I did , I was one of the few who did not think there would be any major friction between them — both men were far too smart for that-but I did think Niki would find himself struggling for a primacy which he had long taken for granted .
29 Either he would lose Doctor Who , in which case his small Department would save themselves a very large overhead , or the BBC would let go its purse strings a little and permit Kine to take on more staff and resources to handle such a project .
30 The nature of the two eyes of the Fate of the discworld was this : that while at a mere glance they were simply dark , a closer look would reveal — too late ! — that they were but holes opening onto a blackness so remote , so deep that the watcher would feel himself inexorably drawn into the twin pools on infinite night and their terrible , wheeling stars …
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