Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 Your overall objective should be to ensure that a deal that at first sight looks attractive is not , in the long run , undermined because you have to expend significant additional sums in order to maintain a reasonable life-style abroad and fulfil your duties adequately .
2 Deep inside her had been awakened a nameless , primitive fear that at first had ached away in the background , but slowly had grown more evident , more pronounced , like a stared-at , half-perceived figure in the shadowy corner of a bedroom .
3 ( Actually , it is surprising how facts often can be proved in practice that at first sight seem to be unprovable if the defendant is prepared to contradict them .
4 For example , for a diamond anniversary you could create a diamond-shaped picture , so try a little lateral thinking if at first an idea does n't come to mind .
5 A ceremony of Confirmation and of First Communion are inserted in the House Beautiful , and finally , in the most fundamental change , the pilgrims are enabled to cross the river and enter the Heavenly City by virtue of their acts instead of by their faith .
6 There was no sign of a forced entry and at first detectives on the tax-haven island were baffled .
7 The father was a wild-haired rough-looking young man , very cheerful , and with such a strong local accent that at first I thought he was speaking Gaelic .
8 The discrepancy between men and women is greater at higher degree level than at first degree level .
9 Lastly , when acting for a buyer prepare your land registry cover or application form ( which you 'll require when lodging your application to register the transfer or for first registration of title , as the case may be ) at the same time as you make your requisitions and prepare the draft conveyance or transfer and other documents preferably in that buyer 's package described at p22 .
10 As seen from statistics provided in Table 13 , the pattern of this relationship assumes a " J " shape ( i.e. , lower at second that at first order and inclining progressively thereafter ) in the developed countries , and tends towards a " J " or " U " form in some developing countries for which data are shown .
11 He knew so little about the serf question that at first he thought it involved no more than granting the peasants their personal freedom .
12 The focus is upon demographic factors of age at marriage and at first birth , maternal age , order of birth and family size , and the amount of time that elapses between births .
13 The value of the correlation coefficient is high , indicating a very strong relationship between age at first marriage and at first birth .
14 It may be observed that the linear regression line in Fig. 1 represents only the general tendency of the association between women 's age at first marriage and at first birth .
15 In other words , there is a negative correlation between median age at first marriage and at first birth .
16 On average , the interval between the median age at first marriage and at first birth is two years .
17 Also , the more moderate negative impact of teenage childbearing upon infant mortality in several countries , first of all in the Western Hemisphere region , where infant mortality in the maternal age group under 20 is lower than in the age group over 40 , may reflect , among other things ( such as later age at marriage and at first birth , higher educational and living standards , etc. ) the lower overall level of infant mortality .
18 Joe Longthorne is an abundantly talented performer and on first meeting him during the early days of his success I was struck by his lack of conceit .
19 The former German capital , which had been under joint administration since 1945 , lay deep within the Soviet occupation zone and at first it seemed that the Western sectors would be starved into submission .
20 I went out on to the roof to have a look and at first I could see nothing amiss .
21 This was chiefly because Mr Jones was absorbed with what he had read about ‘ problem children ’ being in desperate need of love and attention and at first all he wanted was professional guidance on how to give it more effectively .
22 That at least had a light showing and at first I thought the rest of the building was in total darkness , but as I crunched gravel and got closer I could see they used extra thick curtains , maybe left-overs from the Blackout .
23 I knew he had had the breakdown and at first I did n't mind .
24 Juvenile can be either grey or red-brown , with conspicuous white patch on nape and at first appears very round-winged .
25 Most certainly and if you do you will be saving money because with First National you are only charged interest on the amount you owe , calculated on a day-to-day basis .
26 A Most certainly and if you do you will be saving money because with First National you are only charged interest on the amount you owe , calculated on a day-to-day basis .
27 The Hollywood blonde added : ‘ It 's such a powerful role that at first I was afraid .
28 The son of one of the Sheriffs of Glasgow , he lost his hearing at an early age and after first attending an ordinary day school , became one of the private pupils of the Headmaster of the Glasgow Institution .
29 President Yang Shangkun was removed from the politburo and as first vice-chair of the Central Military Commission ( CMC ) .
30 But at this point the story takes an abrupt turn , and takes us into territory that at first seems quite strange , beyond even our imagining , let alone our experience .
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