Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was hard to believe that Katharine had n't done much more than a shoulder-in only an hour earlier !
2 She went into the tiny pantry and busied herself , preparing the ingredients she had had brought from the kitchen only an hour before .
3 To combat the opposite extreme of jerry-building , we would make membership of the Housebuilders ' Registration Council 's register compulsory upon all contractors for local authority houses , with a view to rendering the building industry eventually an industry subject throughout to publicly-approved standards .
4 With this in mind perhaps an emphasis needs to be placed on the more practical application of embalming and a greater value placed on course examinations and assessment .
5 And even if the signature is original it would only be of value to an autograph hunter not an art collector .
6 While I appreciate that you are quoting the system Inventor 's personal opinion I feel it is irresponsible to say that freeze branding spoils a horse/pony 's looks , especially as the item is in the format of a News Review not an advertisement .
7 A boat is a boat not an airport hotel .
8 I have retarded the ignition to run on lead-free , but find that the vehicle is an uncertain starter and will not achieve 50 mph in third gear up an incline .
9 Spreading : The name given to the effect whereby an increase in exposure causes a subject to be seen as larger .
10 Or was the whole episode simply an occasion for our own informed superior merriment ?
11 It provided that in civil or commercial matters a judicial authority of a Contracting State might , in conformity with the provisions of its legislation , communicate by letter rogatory with the competent authority of another Contracting State in order to request that the latter should , within its jurisdiction , effect either an examination ( un acte d'instruction ) or other judicial acts ( actes judiciaires ) .
12 He had finished his piece over an hour ago and the night was wearing away towards dawn .
13 One source gave a graphic description of an 1850s party in the club where an attempt was made to emulate some of the wickeder deeds of the Hell-Fire Club , black masses and all .
14 The Tridentine reforms were in practice essentially an Italian , even a Roman affair , except where they were enforced by the Jesuits , the ‘ soldiers of the Counter-Reformation ’ .
15 His breath clouded on her skin just an instant before his mouth found hers .
16 This is a way of holding an anaesthetized animal ( by now of course not an animal at all but a ‘ preparation ’ which ceases even the pretence of life once the support system is switched off ) gently but firmly so that its brain can be exposed and an electrode lowered into it , according to known coordinates .
17 The icon mediates a presence not an absence .
18 Blueprint for an effective audit committee Only an audit committee which is properly constituted and which has the board 's wholehearted backing will realise its full potential
19 I stopped the car in the entrance to the farm and would the window down an inch or two .
20 All you have to do to compete is pick up an entry form , match Italian cities to specified colours on the map , and use your nous to come up with a pithy advertising slogan for Rowney 's Designer Gouache .
21 If you 've got a slightly different attitude also an attitude .
22 You may also be eligible for a range of services if your child is considered to be ‘ in need ’ ; a technical phrase which is likely to include many children with HIV , or children living in a household where an adult has HIV .
23 The figure would be even higher , she adds , if the guidelines included children who live in a home where an adult has been convicted of a sexual offence with children .
24 By s 45 of the Act where an action or matter is transferred from the High Court to a county court , and no order to the contrary has been made in the High Court , the costs of the proceedings prior thereto are in the discretion of the county court judge , and will be taxed in the county court upon such scale , whether of the High Court or county court , as the judge thinks just ( a statement to the contrary can be found on p 868 of the County Court Practice , 1991 but this has been adjudged incorrect : Forey v London Buses Ltd ( 1991 ) 2 All ER 936 ) .
25 It can help to speed up the work where an investigation involves the results from several different cases .
26 He was in any case always an innovator .
27 Both existed in isolation of each other ; business merely an adjunct of the game , the means of administering a club .
28 One Olympic athlete broke a world record only an hour after intercourse and a British athlete ran a four-minute mile just ninety minutes after getting down to it .
29 A circle will knit as a circle not an ellipse , a square , a square not a rectangle and so one .
30 All right , the team are going through a temporary loss of form and that is not what you pay to see but , remember , football is a business not an entertainment .
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