Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] as [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Lower down , on the same tree , coal ties flickered in the branches , seemingly as happy upside down as right way up , constantly on the move , making it a challenge to spot that diagnostic blotch of white feathers on the nape .
2 KEN Follett 's NIGHT OVER WATER ( Pan £4.99 ) builds the tension nicely as diverse characters are thrown together at the outset of the second world war during a luxurious 30-hour flight across the Atlantic .
3 JOHN MAJOR sought to break the Cabinet deadlock over the pit closure programme yesterday as Conservative rebels piled pressure on ministers to save at least half the threatened collieries .
4 I kept the boost up as long as I could ; then , when I felt it start to go , relaxed , and went back to merely running fast for a while .
5 its really cold , yeah oh that was good , I enjoyed that she 's still there , she 's a Lance Corporal now as well and I must admit well I , I did n't think she 'd ev , she was always crying but I never thought she 'd actually do very well in the T A , did n't seem to have the get up and go about it but she obviously sorted herself out and got , Spambo Man they called me .
6 Now I 'd like to bring you back to Mr Williamson 's opening remarks in which he described the allocations of land for industry and all these other things that are tied in with industry now as generous , making generous allocations , and the Civic Society would like to see those allocations rather less generous , we are like trying to develop a climate of restraint when on the expansion of Harrogate and the rate at which people are encouraged or wish to come into the town .
7 If , on the other hand , a child with a roughly similar basic disability is a cause for acute anxiety to the parents , who either make excessive demands or over-protect , and fail to make use of the available care and educational facilities , rapidly rejecting the child altogether as unrewarding and unmanageable , such a child might find low intelligence a severe handicap .
8 It is usual to regard labour mobility generally as helpful in the context of economic efficiency and structural change , but it is important to examine the special role played by internal mobility .
9 THE Princess of Wales maintained a dignified poise yesterday as renewed speculation about her marriage threatened to upset her visit with Prince Charles to South Korea .
10 CONFIDENCE in Britain 's growing economic upturn suffered a slight dent today as official figures showed a fall in credit business in July .
11 Neil Kinnock , who like Mr Foot is an MP for a south Wales constituency and came to the leadership from the left of the party , described his mentor yesterday as unique and irreplaceable : ‘ Michael is as fit and fiery as ever .
12 The show has , he said , ‘ something of the air of a school reunion about it ’ , and with a few exceptions ‘ it is the Pound business much as usual ’ .
13 SICK pop idol Michael Jackson was on the road to recovery yesterday as furious fans slammed the way his Wembley concert was cancelled .
14 In fact Vincent spent twenty-two months in this terrible black country , a period nearly as long as his stay in France .
15 out in an anguish sharp as cracking bones
16 HIGHBROOK , a horse tipped to make a name for herself at the winter game , catches the eye tomorrow as Flat racing grabs the attention for the last time this year .
17 Albert has scorned a stammer that he will tell you has got him into trouble on more than one occasion on the golf course ; and he emerged from brother Alfie 's shadow to partner his own Open champion — a player who at one time was reputed to throw a 5-iron almost as long as he could hit it , and who , it was told , sometimes sacked two caddies a week — to the prized claret jug .
18 These tendencies were carried much further by the younger men , Gibbons , Coprario , the younger Ferrabosco , Thomas Lupo , and a number of others , who would base a short section on a popular morris-dance tune ( as Gibbons does in a four-part viol fantasy ) and use motives more clear-cut in rhythmic profile sequentially as Giovanni Gabrieli does .
19 You should not be tempted by the price alone as well-chosen lilies will give you many years of pleasure .
20 Researchers enquire selectively into what they believe to be essential according to their conceptual bent , leaving the rest aside as incidental .
21 Benjamin was snoring his head off as usual , so it was n't the police after him — that would make a change .
22 No , there 's nothing , you can put any sign up as long as it does n't
23 Unfortunately , I find Heneson 's presentation virtually as abusive , trivialising the AIDS crisis while evidencing a serious lack of good taste .
24 We may describe these polar positions as thinking of education either as fixed states or as processes .
25 — ONE jump ahead as usual , the eldest bairn rang to ask what a frog 's favourite sweet might be .
26 Extrusive igneous activity is more commonly referred to as volcanism and occurs where magma erupts on to the surface either as flowing lava , or as fragmental material thrown into the air by explosive volcanic activity .
27 By Mark Davies political correspondent JOHN Major was today planning a fight back as senior Tories prepared to turn on Norman Lamont after his fierce Commons resignation speech .
28 A BATTERED John Major was today planning a fight back as senior Tories rallied round to turn on Norman Lamont after his fierce Commons resignation speech .
29 At the press conference Bush confirmed that the US forces would remain in the Gulf area only as long as they were required , and would be withdrawn as soon as the crisis was resolved .
30 A person 's autonomous choices call for respect only as long as they do not seriously impinge on another 's enjoyment of his autonomy and that other has not agreed beforehand to give up certain of his choices as a condition of practising medicine in , for example , the National Health Service .
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