Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] a [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 If a European Union of this kind were ever to be formed , it would either introduce new tensions and resentment when countries found their policies increasingly dependent on the most powerful country , and thereby lead to the break-up of the Community ; or , if it did somehow succeed , the future union would in effect be a greater Germany , balancing uneasily between East and West , inheriting and perhaps magnifying the complexes and instabilities of post-Bismarckian Germany .
2 The burden of Nordhaus 's model is to suggest that a democratic economy will exhibit an inflationary bias with the gains from exploiting a ‘ fooled ’ electorate being a higher rate of inflation at point 3 than at point 5 .
3 High level gene expression may then result from this protein being a stronger trans-activator than NF1 allowing it to direct a higher level of gene activation even following displacement of NF1 .
4 The actual skirt , the skirt 's a blueyer green .
5 Waterman et al. 's ( 1981 ) alternative to structural change in isolation is a broader change agenda encompassing , strategy , structure , systems , style , staff , skills and superordinate goals .
6 The 20–25 litre drum discharging through a controlled dispenser is a better option .
7 You trainer is a nicer guy who can advise you about the next fight .
8 However , now that it has been decided that a Sunday game of 50 overs per side is a better idea ‘ for cricket ’ , many are already beginning to rue the demise of the 40-overs game .
9 Like them , they are made from a 50% cotton , 50% polyester mix , though the result is a thicker and slightly stiffer material — undoubtedly more hardwearing , but not as comfortable in texture .
10 If the increase in a Government 's spending outstrips the increase in the country 's income , the result is a bigger tax burden , a heavier debt burden — or both .
11 But a second more ominous result is a larger amount of plastic scrap , mashed up with car seats , brake fluids , coolants and oil .
12 The result is a lighter weight fabric , but one which still shows off the yarn .
13 The result is a flatter seven-layer management structure , the closure of seven factories , a tightening of the time it takes to bring products to market , and a concentration of effort on selling to industry sectors in which the company has established expertise .
14 The result is a straighter shot with a higher trajectory and greater distance .
15 We hope that as your Medau News — with its views , information and diary of events — comes through your letter box this September , you will agree that by receiving it by direct mail is a better system than sharing a few copies round from class member to class member .
16 This question will be approached in two stages : this chapter develops the conceptualisation of social collectivities and the relations between these and political forces , and attempts an historical outline of the development of these relations in Britain since 1945 , while the following chapter is a fuller essay in the analysis of the specific relationships between economic class structure , social collectivities and political forces in the period of emergence of Thatcherism and of Thatcher 's government 1979–1982 .
17 Frivolity is a better marketing strategy for the bottled-water industry than actually telling consumers about its products .
18 What might arise with practice is a better routine for coping with jet-lag , and this is the aim of the next chapter .
19 Because the car is a bigger killer than violent crime .
20 The usual illustration is a car dealer stating that one car is a better runner than another .
21 If your offering 's a blinder , though , you 'll be handsomely rewarded !
22 And the second effect is a further reduction in real competence , so that jobs take longer to do , require more resources to do them , and are done increasingly shoddily .
23 In general he is close to Adam Smith 's 1s 6d ( 7½p ) as the " common price " per day of labour in London in 1776 , although Smith 's 8d ( 3p ) for country labour is a wider differential .
24 What is needed in the long term is a larger worship area which can be adapted for other uses .
25 Alternative action in the High Court under s.100 of the 1936 Act requires no such permission but uncertainty as to whether the defence of best practicable means is available to such an action is a further deterrent to local authorities contemplating taking action under this section .
26 A skilful dealer may get considerably more money than that out of the punter by implying , sometimes even saying directly , that this OTC stock was a better buy even than Rolls Royce .
27 The introduction of the card was a further extension of that aim but it required the establishment of a network of businesses which would accept the cards and provide a service to the cardmember .
28 Next to this bedroom was a smaller one , but it was never used .
29 The result was a further outbreak of hostilities between the three sons of Ferdinand , with Sancho pretending to side with Garcia against Alfonso , while really waiting his moment to annex Galicia and Portugal .
30 The result was a broader pilot scheme during 1992 , covering fibres , packaging , chemicals and films businesses .
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