Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] a small " in BNC.

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1 Other components of the programme are a small grant to study urban environmental management : a series of seminars on environmental conservation and development , and a conference on the siting of hazardous technological facilities ; a joint ESRC/NERC research fellowship in Common Agricultural Policy impact studies and a joint ESRC/AFRC research project looking at the interaction of technology , attitude and policy in the practice of crop protection .
2 Around this entrance were a small group of tinkers and pedlars selling brightly coloured ribbons , gloves , plums and green apples .
3 The memory card is a small plastic card about the size of a credit card .
4 The guest bedroom is a small room with a tiny window , and it has nothing in it but a single bed , a lamp on a nightstand and Jesus hanging , plain and formidable , above the bed , I sit above the covers , staring into space .
5 We might even feel that any financial loss is a small price to pay for the satisfaction which woodturning brings .
6 On the north side is a small block of red sandstone bow-windowed apartments built at the turn of the century , after the handsome private villas .
7 This may not necessarily be useful to a band if the agent is a small or new company .
8 The Sulawesi warty pig is a small , fierce animal , weighing up to 80kg , with well developed facial warts .
9 A closed mind is a small mind !
10 What I have in mind is a small selection of visual material with a minimum of caption text .
11 Orkney Islands Council 's Social Work Department is a small one .
12 The Department is a small but happy one !
13 Completing the AIB complement is a small secretarial and administrative staff and an information officer who is , in reality , the custodian of all papers , reports and information generally relating to aircraft accidents of all kinds throughout the world .
14 It would have been sufficient for me to say : ‘ A duiker is a small antelope . ’
15 LEFT The Wire-haired Dachshund is a small hound , evolved originally for hunting badgers .
16 The price the Government has put on the water industry is a small fraction of the values of the assets shown in the prospectus . ’
17 When I refer to ‘ large quantities ’ I mean only that they are large in comparison with the amount of other types of bait one would normally use , i.e. 1lb of tares represents many thousands of particles , whereas 1lb of groundbait is a small amount .
18 A richer alternative is a small proportion of ground almonds .
19 Oger is a small hamlet , its few houses set well back from the D10 towards the Forêt d'Oger , and barely noticeable from the road .
20 Wenlock Manor was a small Georgian country house , which had been sold as a hotel twenty years ago .
21 Taking the lead against the coalition was a small but implacable group of diehards ; they were never more than a few dozen in the Commons and , although they attracted shifting support on particular issues , they never threatened the coalition majority .
22 The result was a small foot in the proportions likely to be found at Hadar .
23 At the back of my mind was a small , warning voice , telling me it was ridiculous to go on with this , that I could n't change Nonni 's mind , nor would it alter anything if I could .
24 Over the doorway was a small plaque .
25 On top of the roof was a small gun .
26 Tucked behind the dock was a small sheaf of papers , old letters and bills , perhaps , pushed there and forgotten , presumably by the last tenants .
27 The car was a small yellow Volkswagen .
28 Past it and through yet another archway was a small vestibule , off which was a perfectly adequate bathroom , and another door to the sun terrace .
29 There was a spontaneous revolt against the local authority by Meadowell tenants over rents and repairs but , until 1974 , Tyne mouth was a small non-Labour controlled authority with a quiescent and right-wing Labour party .
30 My own wedding was a small affair with just two dozen of our closest friends and relations present .
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