Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] not to " in BNC.

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1 While different kinds of discrimination are not to be conflated , I believe there is something to be learned from homophobia about other kinds .
2 According to this account the formation of associations during pre-exposure and the loss of associability are not to be thought of as rival interpretations of latent inhibition .
3 TNT let-off CONTRACTORS who tried to demolish the former Brymbo steelworks melting shop with explosives without first obtaining the necessary council permission are not to be prosecuted .
4 Yet the limits of his moral perception were not to be enlarged .
5 And er a g a good er and er , can be er the mi the name itself , the Scottish Old Age Pensions Association is not to be mistaken from er , sometimes it 's misread as the Scottish Old Age Pensioners ' Association .
6 In both cases it can be argued that the succession is not to the treaty , but to the territory as defined .
7 The Minister might then argue , with some validity , that huge revenue is not to be gained from such disposals .
8 Mind is not to be found in molecules any more than the works of Shakespeare were to be found in his genes .
9 If this possibility of fraud is not to be an insurmountable barrier to recognizing such unions as marriages , what is the solution ?
10 Whereas your letters indicate that loyal subjects who have previously supported the Monarchy now feel that mistakes need to be acknowledged and if Her Majesty is not to be seen as hopelessly out of touch and out of date it is time she stood up and publicly said sorry .
11 The function of ideological practice is not to ‘ deceive ’ ready-made subjects , but to constitute individuals as subjects .
12 While this practice is not to be recommended , it does happen and even without the wording of clause 17.1 Section 2 of the Law of Property ( Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act 1989 could be instrumental .
13 Their intention is not to drink , but to dance for hours on end .
14 By section 5 of the Act , liability for contempt under the strict liability rule is not to be incurred if the risk of prejudice to the proceedings is merely incidental to such discussion .
15 If fishing is not to your taste , Craigendarroch offers the irresistible lure of many more of the world 's finest sports …
16 In discussing Holy Communion , Hooker turned gladly from theories of transubstantiation to remind his readers of the fundamental truth that ‘ The real presence of Christ 's most blessed body and blood is not to be sought for in the Sacrament but in the worthy receiving of the Sacrament .
17 The condition is not to be taken lightly .
18 I mean I , I rather suspect it was the , the former it was n't th the driving force was not to be the needs of the mass of the population , but the needs of the mass of the population could be used , could be harnessed to build the Red Army
19 But by the evening HQ 5 Corps and the Army commander personally had been instructed that force was not to be used .
20 The president was not to be deterred .
21 The inquest into the Greenwich defeat was not to be a debate about the future direction of socialism in multi-cultural inner-city areas ; it was to be an appeal to homophobia .
22 Even here , as the fact of policing came to be established , opposition was not to the police per se , but to specific operations or tactics .
23 She was one of the few people in Iran who dared speak her mind to him ( perhaps the sole person ) , but what was on her mind was not to everyone 's liking .
24 Gyggle was n't to be put off by this ; instead of retreating or retrenching he suggested even more radical measures .
25 The precocity displayed by Ypres and Ghent in securing a candidate favourable to their industrial future was not to be imitated in the rest of France in the twelfth century ; still , other rulers , particularly those of Champagne , learned from it of the profit to be derived from allying with the increasingly powerful mercantile or industrial classes .
26 Jonadab was not to be hurried and methodically finished changing into his working clothes before putting in an appearance .
27 Instructions had gone out from on high that the boat was not to be rocked , and Margaret Thatcher was as good as her word .
28 But John 's heyday was not to be long-lived .
29 While most of the cases which were decided under the heading of gross negligence would be decided the same way under reckless manslaughter , from cases such as Lamb , above , manslaughter by gross negligence may survive despite Lord Roskill 's statement in Kong Cheuk Kwan v R that the term was not to be used .
30 But the horse was not to be restrained :
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