Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 British Rail are to remain the employer of the British Transport Police for the immediate future , in order to ensure that the British Transport Police will continue to police the whole of the restructured railway er a an order amending the British Transport Police Force Scheme in nineteen sixty three will be laid before Parliament shortly .
2 Engineers from British Rail are to visit the site at Wylam Hill , near Thompson Street East , in a bid to improve safety .
3 The AIMS of the CUCGA are to sustain the position and influence of Convocations and similar bodies as continuing but independent constituent parts of their institutions ; to promote the status and development of Higher Education ; to provide a focus and forum for the expression of graduate opinion on matters relating to education ; and to foster the development and use of graduate bodies for the support and enhancement of universities , polytechnics and equivalent institutions .
4 Open Software Foundation founder members Hitachi Ltd and Hewlett-Packard Co are to enhance the organisation 's one-year-old Distributed Computing Environment .
5 Open Software Foundation founder members Hitachi Ltd and Hewlett-Packard Co are to enhance the organisation 's one-year-old Distributed Computing Environment ( DCE ) .
6 The main ways of reducing indoor exposure to radon are to make the floor a better barrier or to divert any seeping radon to the open air .
7 The Jockey Club are to consider the the whip issue more fully at a Disciplinary Committee on September 8 .
8 The prime objectives of this research are to explore the impact on firm performances of the early or late adoption of new technology .
9 The main objectives of the research are to estimate the total compliance costs of personal income tax and capital gains tax in the UK , ie the costs incurred by taxpayers over and above their tax liability .
10 The main objectives of this research are to estimate the total costs of operating the tax system ; to estimate the benefits accruing to businesses as a result of the operation of the system ( particularly cash flow benefits ) ; to compare costs of operating the main taxes ; and to identify areas of high compliance costs with a view to their reduction .
11 The objectives of the research are to assess the product quality of a broad range of articles manufactured in the Soviet Union , and consequently their marketability in Western countries .
12 The aims of this research are to identify the conditions that have already led to either of these diverging trends in other countries and the likelihood of their influence in Britain ; the consequences for job opportunities and skill-use following from either of these patterns ; and the possibility of a conflict in relevant training and labour requirement arising from contrasting work practices .
13 The prime objectives of the research are to establish the determinants of higher fertility in the Province , the magnitude of the main fertility differentials , and likely trends in fertility in the short term future .
14 The traditional and generally uncontroversial legal obligations of the citizen are to obey the law , to pay taxes , to serve on juries and to do military service .
15 They also wanted some data at higher current densities , , but were nervous that increasing the amount of current could lead to another disaster — the vaporised palladium block still haunted Fleischmann — so they decided to achieve this by keeping the total currents approximately unchanged but using rods that were only 1.25 cm long instead of 10 cm , the effect being to increase the current density eightfold .
16 In some instances local authorities have approached housing associations suggesting that the problem might be remedied if an association were to buy the properties and convert them into assured tenancies or into shared ownership .
17 In the preamble to around a dozen eighteenth-century statutes prohibiting trade unionism in specific English trades , combinations are already described as unlawful , the purpose of the statute being to offer the employers the chance to secure quick , summary punishment .
18 Likewise , the dictator of Asturias 's The President is identified not only with Satan but with Tohil , the Maya Quiché deity who demanded human sacrifice , the effect of that association being to present the Central-American political despot as a modern incarnation of an ancestral tradition .
19 The aims of the present study were to characterise the antibody response to Giardia in these children and to investigate the significance of antibodies to Giardia heat shock antigen in chronic infection .
20 The aims of the present study were to characterise the dose response relationship for cholera toxin after intrajejunal administration , to develop a standardised model of intestinal secretion using an intestinal perfusion technique , and to expand our information on the action of cholera toxin on the human jejunum .
21 The aims of this study were to determine the frequency of the 3849+10 kb CT mutation in Israeli CF patients and to assess the disease severity in patients with this mutation compared with that of patients who have the mutations that are known to cause severe disease .
22 She must be careful to betray it as little as possible if the interview were to go the way she wanted .
23 About this time it was announced that pensioners whose means were insufficient to pay their rent were to have the amount made up by social security allowances even if they were living in a private home , so with a light heart I set about making application .
24 On a much busier occasion the calls before break were to attend the home of a widowed pensioner who thought she had heard an intruder , two road accidents , a near hit-and-run accident , and to move on youths .
25 The aims of this new coalition were to press the British government into acting more forcefully against terrorism and to force a return to something like the old majority rule at Stormont .
26 Both the Keynes effect and the real-balance effect were to form the essential ingredients of the professional consensus which emerged in the years following the publication of the General Theory known as the neo-classical synthesis .
27 Monotheism is first a critique of nature religion , but then of tribalism — that is , of the notion that the function of religion is to ensure the coherence , survival , and prosperity of the tribe .
28 Assuming a valid haulage contract has been made and one party is in breach of one or more of the terms , the usual remedy is to sue the party in default for damages .
29 Where either party may apply the tenant is not entitled to serve notice making time of the essence of the landlord 's right to apply : if he is prejudiced by delay his remedy is to make the application himself ( Factory Holdings Group Ltd v Leboff International Ltd [ 1987 ] 1 EGLR 135 ) .
30 The remedy is to renew the thermostat .
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