Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 For instance , could the infield fly rule be in some way analogous to punctuated equilibrium ?
2 Accusations of republican and Communist domination of NICRA and attempts to link the civil rights movement to subversion and violence were to some extent understandable responses by Unionists to the events in Derry .
3 The entrance to Pennistons Court was through an opening between the Burdens and the next cottage which was occupied by the Stanford family — the court entrance being under some of Burden 's bedrooms .
4 But though the churches are failing , religion is in some ways more powerful than ever , if by ‘ religion ’ we mean some way for people to make sense of their lives , and particularly suffering .
5 The ‘ happy ’ ending in which the Toons inherit their own ghetto is in some ways positive , but the Toons remain happy infants — has anyone ever tried to imagine the bedroom scenes of Roger and Jessica ?
6 Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG has stepped up its relationship with Burlington , Massachusetts-based Xylogics Inc , and is to integrate the firm 's Annex communications servers into its Intel Corp-based MX and MIPS Technologies Inc RISC-based RM300 and RM6000 Unix systems : the deal is worth some $5.25m over three years .
7 On the other hand ( or should it be ‘ in the other hand ’ ? ) men believe that the penis is in some way a magical and versatile instrument that all men are proud to possess and all women should be desperate to acquire .
8 ‘ An out-party sometimes forgets that the power it exercises as an opposition is to some extent in the hands of journalists ’ ; the more supportive the press is of the opposition party , the more pressure it can bring on the party in power .
9 Ritual is in some ways akin to routine , the process of regularizing actions .
10 Swedish international Limpar 's future is in some doubt at Highbury .
11 For a statute or a past decision poses problems of consistency in strategy only when it has assigned people legal rights that a judge forming a new rule is for some reason powerless to change , rights that would work badly with the new rights he wants to create .
12 It is possible to argue that the SR compatibility effect is in some sense due to the nature of the anatomical pathways involved .
13 Because of the substantial sums of money being provided by the profession and the Government , if for no other reason , both can be assumed to continue to have an important say in policy making , but clearly the effect is in some sense to establish a middle ground .
14 A useful piece of advice to avoid this is to tell users that they should be trying to decide how attractive the industry is for some SBU that is strong in that industry .
15 The criticism that extracts are leading the brewers into the same realms of flavouring technology as the food industry is to some degree unfair since the extracts are modifications of existing ingredients .
16 This term is in some respects a misnomer , for within it are the hepatic lipocytes ( fat storing or Ito cells ) and a specialised basement membrane-like matrix , which consists predominantly of type IV collagen , laminin , and proteoglycans .
17 Ultimately the universe in its totality is in some sense perfect , as also are its elements understood as required by the overall nature of that totality , but from the point of view of us who struggle within it things are called good or bad ( or by some such words ) according as to whether they promote our particular struggle to actualise our own nature .
18 A final question which must be asked in this section is whether Leapor 's view of female friendship is in some sense lesbian .
19 A second satisfaction of indeterminism is in some relation to the first .
20 My thinking was in some way parallel to that of the generative semantics school , but at the same time I developed my own ideas independently of them .
21 The Shah had always preferred Republicans to Democrats and he had felt that Carters human rights programme was in some senses directed against him .
22 That slag was at some times tapped during the period is shown by the debris at Shakenoak , which was accompanied by the day linings from four furnaces and forging hearths .
23 Moreover , that history and that revelation to which Christians necessarily make reference are in some sense normative for the religion .
24 Currently world sales of photovoltaic equipment are worth some US$ 100 million .
25 The years of slavery are in some measure paid for by the clothes and jewellery heaped upon them by the Egyptians , now only too anxious to see them go .
26 Many hundreds of cousins , the majority of the proliferation that linked the Fairleys to the other great families of England , the Pagets , the Cavendishes , the Churchills , the Devonshires , and the Spencers , did not choose lives predicated totally on loyalty to the ruling house ; those who did entered a circle in which birth and wealth were of some consequence but far less important than the taste for maintaining the moral code of the élite in all its ramifications .
27 A comfortable position for writing when work needs to be undertaken at close range is in some respects more difficult to achieve than it is for reading .
28 Occasionally a married man , particularly if his sexual capacity is for some reason declining , may find pornography more attractive than the " real thing " .
29 There are critical windows of time during which maturation must be achieved ; failure of maturation is to some extent irrecoverable .
30 The skill is in some danger of being lost , but I insist that there is so much fun and pleasure in it and the methods are so effective that it should never be allowed to die out .
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