Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] for the " in BNC.

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1 A consequence of this duty is that a fiduciary must make available to a [ customer ] all the information in his possession which is relevant to the [ customer 's ] affairs ; ( 4 ) The duty of confidentiality : a fiduciary must use information obtained in confidence from his [ customer ] , the beneficiary , for the benefit of the [ customer ] and must not use it for his own advantage or for the benefit of any other person .
2 Usually , but perhaps not necessarily , this right was earned by the student through the performance of some service , far and away the commonest form of which was acting as or repetiteur for a muderris , though one occasionally also finds students becoming through acting as for a kazasker or for the Mufti .
3 The role of women in the English Civil Wars is interesting , because the fact that nearly everyone in the country took sides either for Parliament or for the King , and all able-bodied men would be recruited and this meant that women were left without protection , and had to survive somehow .
4 Members can also choose how long they wish to stay at the ‘ weekend ’ , whether for just a morning or afternoon or for the whole day-and-a-half .
5 They were : ( a ) murders in the course or furtherance of theft , ( b ) murders by shooting or causing an explosion , ( c ) murders in the course or for the purpose of resisting lawful arrest or of escaping from legal custody , ( d ) murders of police officers in the execution of their duty and persons assisting them , and ( e ) murders by prisoners of prison officers in the execution of their duty and persons assisting them .
6 Natural science is happy to take a spectator 's view of the workings of nature , and any retreat , as in quantum theory in physics or for the philosophical reasons in the last chapter , is reluctant .
7 Most prejudicial to the reputation of the Church was the sin of simony , the buying of something of spiritual value for money , such as ecclesiastical office or advancement , or charging for ordaining a clerk or for the performance of any other spiritual service .
8 At the hearing there is a right of audience for counsel or for the agent — usually exercised only by counsel , and indeed sometimes the parliamentary agent is not even involved at the inquiry stage .
9 An order for payment of money or for the transfer of assets can not be an order intended to restore parties to transactions to their former positions unless it is known in relation to each transaction in question ( a ) who were the parties ( b ) what the nature of the transaction was and ( c ) what assets or money each party to the transaction had paid or transferred to the others .
10 This is commonly done where information needs to be transferred from one computer to another as in banking or for the operation of a fax machine .
11 Buyers are usually the people fearful of their contract being overreached who register an estate contract , but sometimes lessors will register , or require a lessee to register an option for renewal or for the purchase of the reversion contained in the lease , lest they be pursued under their covenant if , in the meantime , the reversion has been sold before an estate contract has been registered .
12 But now the solar influence is beginning to turn around to contribute a further warming influence up to the year 2010 , boosting the greenhouse effect where for the past 30 years it has been counterbalancing it .
13 It would be nice to know who these nobles were ; or even to know whether the chronicler 's choice of phrase was due to ignorance or a desire for brevity or for the sake of discretion .
14 Save as provided by s3 of the Administration of Justice Act 1982 , in the case of causes of action accruing after 1 January 1983 ( see below ) , no sum can be awarded to relatives under the Act for their own mental distress or for the loss of society of the deceased .
15 Dana had not appeared for the promised fitting or for the rehearsal , excusing herself at the last minute because Roman had wanted her for alterations to one of the outfits she was to wear .
16 The project aims to investigate the design of ‘ automatic ’ foreign-language dictionaries for visual look-up or for the purposes of machine aided translation ; to analyse the linguistic strategies needed for this and to study the operationalisation and computerisation of such methods .
17 ( c ) is travelling against the advice of a qualified medical practitioner or for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment .
18 These are : 1 the differences between speech and writing ; 2 the nature and internal organisation of written texts ; 3 the processes of writing — and concomitant with this , the appreciation that for the purposes of teaching , the process is of prior importance to the product .
19 Our cooker is about 35 years old , but is still in excellent condition except for the sealing ring .
20 ‘ Oh my boy , my boy , home at last ! ’ cried Mrs Clare , who at that moment cared no more for Angel 's lack of religion than for the dust on his clothes .
21 Is it any better to act for the National Rifle Association than for the Cote d'Azur Development Agency , to take one name from his appendix ?
22 He writes in the last paragraph , ‘ It should be borne in mind that for the creation of a climatic regime managed by man , further progress of science and engineering is necessary which would permit a considerable increase in the present production of energy .
23 Also , bear in mind that for the single horse owner a bag of coarse mix will be used up while the feed still retains its value .
24 ‘ Oh , yes , the Wheel was ready for the ceremony except for the foliage ; we do that on the day of the event so that it is fresh ; laurel and yew .
25 Calculation of standard errors of sample statistics is generally more complicated for the sampling schemes described in this chapter than for the simple random sample .
26 For these reasons I shall make a declaration to the effect that for the purposes of Part II of the Act of 1987 , an assignee of part of a deposit as defined in section 5 is to be treated as entitled to the assigned part of the deposit and as having made a deposit of an amount equal to that part .
27 Hall and Honey ( 1989a ) report a further study ( experiment 3 ) in which the procedures were exactly the same as those used in their appetitive conditioning experiment except for the use of shock as the reinforcer and conditioned suppression as the measure of behaviour .
28 Trade ca n't be too bad , not for the priest nor for the prostitute .
29 An alderman of Leeds in 1858–68 , he was mayor in 1860–1 , as well as being a magistrate for Leeds borough and for the West Riding of Yorkshire .
30 As events unfolded and the Library Association failed to act it is to be viewed as a piece of misfortune for the Code , and hence the Association and for the profession .
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