Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There is also a Segregation Unit , used both for punishment and to isolate men for their own protection or for other reasons ; a hospital unit , and a hostel from which eleven men can work in the town during the day , returning to the prison each night .
2 Some products will benefit from being generally available for photography or for legitimate testing .
3 Screens can be created at several levels , allowing for rising levels of difficulty in one case or for thematic treatment , or for a mix of information and questions and exercises .
4 This may be in live coverage , for news programmes , for special programmes reporting the proceedings of Parliament or for other documentary , current affairs or educational programmes .
5 Only when the opposition are right back on the defence or for free kicks .
6 In the hard sell of this linguistic and cultural economy , claims are made for English , not unlike those formerly made for Latin or for certain styles of French , that it is better suited to particular intellectual and scientific purposes , notably in the current situation , those for which consumers want to buy languages .
7 The adventurers could use the information to denounce the suppliers to the authorities and hope for a reward ( or perhaps a Chaos cult declaring war on them ) , or less scrupulous characters might turn to blackmail , either for money or for magical training .
8 Enquiries at Enterprise Agencies suggest that many people wishing to set up businesses are doing so with redundancy money or for other reasons connected with the difficulty of finding employment and their first need is to find a suitable idea .
9 Similarly , where the defendant is charged under Category 2 with threatening the complainant with an offensive weapon or instrument with intent to have sexual intercourse , he may state that he brandished a knife to persuade the victim to hand over money or for some other purpose unconnected with sexual intercourse and that sexual intercourse in fact took place with consent .
10 In his New Year message on Jan. 1 , 1990 , President Ibrahim Babangida ordered a general amnesty for prisoners held without trial or for minor offences .
11 Nevertheless , one does not have to be a hedonist to agree that a person is somehow impoverished by living too much for the future or for other people , and ‘ Be aware ’ can show us why .
12 5.10.2 Not to use the Premises for a sale by auction or for any dangerous noxious noisy or offensive trade business manufacture or occupation nor for any illegal or immoral act or purpose
13 At postgraduate level the Bucher and Fraser Scholarships provide opportunities for further research or for advanced studies in composition or performance .
14 Thus anything the slightest bit controversial is left out as are , with a few exceptions , references to what private individuals and companies are doing in sending objects out of the Earth 's atmosphere in the interests either of research or for financial reward .
15 Elder abuse has not been a priority for research or for developing practice guidance for social workers and other staff who have direct contact with older people .
16 Sites suspected through documentary research or for some other reason may also need to be more precisely pinpointed before excavation can take place .
17 If you live in or are visiting the Bristol area , ring her to arrange a demonstration or for more information about the program .
18 The Group of 77 , as the developing countries called themselves , had already discovered the capacity of the opposing phalanx of rich , aid-giving industrialised countries either to stonewall their demands for more aid or for preferential trading arrangements , or to fob them off with empty , symbolic gestures .
19 If you do n't like it , the cost is too high for its usefulness or for any other reason whatsoever , you need only scrub the disk clean by reformatting and what have you lost ?
20 if relocation takes place during a school term , the company will reimburse day school fees for the remainder of that term or for such periods as required by the school for pupil removal .
21 It is possible to gain credits either for complete areas of study or for single elements .
22 The evidence given to the Select Committee showed that in Norway and Belgium it was the practice to keep in solitary confinement prisoners ( whether sentenced for murder or for other crimes ) who had not a criminal record , but this method was adopted for reformative purposes and for protecting such prisoners from contamination by other prisoners .
23 An important general rule was in an Act passed in 1967 , which allowed arrest without a warrant for murder or for any other crime for which the jail sentence could be five years or more , but this was merely in addition to the motley of other provisions .
24 Meantime the British were trying to evaluate the seriousness of American proposals for decolonization or for international trusteeships as staging posts on the road from colony to self-government and independence .
25 If you are a creature that needs to locate things rapidly in a three-dimensional world , whether as a hunter or for other purposes , binocular vision or ‘ binocular sonar ’ are essential .
26 These included such ‘ subversive ’ bodies as wartime committees for Soviet-American friendship or for Russian War Relief .
27 Fees for the service range from £750 for a sole practitioner or for individual use , through to £4,000 for commercial organisations with up to 10,000 employees and practices with up to 10 partners .
28 Finally , you may wish to subdivide these blocks into smaller areas , either permanently or for short periods for even greater control when strip- or paddock-grazing a ley or for folding stock over roots .
29 It is central to his thinking that for most communities , each code has its own symbolic value in terms of " we " and " they " .
30 And you can actually see it from everywhere in the club except for that corner there .
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