Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [subord] bring " in BNC.

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1 By design they had entered the grounds quite close to the front entrance , and they angled their progress so as to bring them into contact with the main driveway as quickly as possible .
2 The universal element here is that human beings use their resources of language and technology to simplify the world of experience so as to bring it under control .
3 Sir : In her article ( 'The child as a piece of disposable property' , 2 October ) , Sue Wells argues for a change in adoption law so as to bring it nearer an open adoption system , whereby adopted children remain in contact with birth parents .
4 Teaching , then , can be conceived of as a research activity whereby experimental techniques of instruction are designed to correspond with hypothetical principles of pedagogy , with provision made for mutual adjustment so as to bring validity of principle into as close an alignment as possible with the utility of technique .
5 The time limit in Ord. 53 suffers from three major defects : first , the basic limit of three months is too short and may , indeed , be contrary to EC law ; secondly , not even the three months is an entitlement : a case may be struck out for undue delay even if brought within three months ; and thirdly , there is a discretion to extend the time limit on vague grounds , and this creates uncertainty .
6 Although such behaviour corresponds closely to the descriptions of other feral children , it is impossible to know whether these children might have developed similar patterns of behaviour even if brought up in greater contact with people , and it has been suggested that feral children might have been abandoned by their parents because of their behaviour problems .
7 Of course , this does n't stop a Mob squabbling amongst itself , but at least this only halts one unit for a turn rather than bringing two units to a standstill and inflicting casualties .
8 Try to stick to the subject of the row rather than bringing up 25 years ' worth of misdemeanours .
9 Use the open item method and show all unpaid invoices individually on your statement rather than bringing forward a single unpaid and undetailed balance from last month .
10 If the map can be represented in raster format ( Chapters 2 and 5 ) then image-processing operations can be used to enhance the map image so as to bring out linear features more clearly , and automatic line-following algorithms can be employed to generate the numerical coordinates of points along the lines .
11 find their healing rather than bringing the remedy to the person , and we may again find healing in the landscape by tending and restoring old clumps .
12 The position could be eased slightly , said Mr Hampton , if the council were to stage the increase rather than bring in one huge rise .
13 When Captain Cook visited the nephrite zone of the South Island of New Zealand , the Maori described jade as a fish that became stone only when brought to land .
14 The justice would not , in my view , be inquiring into the offence as examining justice so as to bring the matter within section 5(1) nor would she be ‘ adjourning the trial of an information ’ to bring the matter within section 10(1) of the Act of 1980 .
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