Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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31 Now that you have had all four meetings with prospective purchasers I feel I should recap on the progress so far and set out how we move forward from here .
32 progress so far and the commissioner to investigate both your bypass and
33 A contract which covers the programme of work will be agreed between student and supervisor and students are expected to adhere to the contract so far as is practicable .
34 If there has to be a last minute addition to the contract after the document has been prepared and is awaiting exchange , it could be written into the draft contract before exchange , or some reference to it could be added to the contract so long as all that was done with the authority of the parties who signed it .
35 However , it is not necessary for the restraint of trade clause to be part of the main contract so long as it is possible to argue that it is referable to it or is in some other way of contractual force .
36 The usage must fulfil all the normal tests of a custom and it will become part of the contract so long as it is reconcilable with the terms of the contract ( Peter Darlington Partners Ltd v Gosho Co Ltd [ 1964 ] 1 LLoyd 's Rep 149 ) .
37 A big hand must go to the Canadians who took part so wholeheartedly and the many other international representatives .
38 –here property has been settled on terms which provide for one or more beneficiaries to become entitled to an interest in possession in it on or before a specified age which does not exceed twenty-five but meantime no such interest in possession subsists and the income so far as not applied for maintenance education or benefit of any beneficiary is to be accumulated , neither a payment made out of the property nor the arising to a beneficiary of an interest in possession in it is to be treated as a chargeable transfer .
39 ‘ He signed a long-term contract only recently and has made it quite clear he is very happy here .
40 As we shall see , this may well have been politically motivated to the extent that the relics of the archbishop so recently and brutally murdered by Cnut 's countrymen were perhaps serving as a rallying point for discontent in the city .
41 She plaited her hair so tightly that it hurt her , straining hair and flesh until it felt as though the white seam down the back of her head might split and the brains gush out .
42 At first it was men who were not allowed into the house and although this position resulted in a lot of criticism and ridicule , most feminists had some sympathy so long as we did n't seriously advocate separatism for all women .
43 It is ironic that theories of federalism , especially of the German variety , should stress responsibility so strongly while failing to realise it in practice .
44 Indeed , he took his responsibility so seriously that he had to be dissuaded from resignation .
45 They do n't rate freedom especially highly and their drinking habits are the most modest in our sample .
46 However , Mr Major made his frankest admission so far that the Tory campaign had been dogged by the recession .
47 Growth in earnings per share is the key short-term measure so far as the City is concerned .
48 Arcadelt was more successful than Verdelot in catching Italian dolcezza e soavita , particularly in such pieces as ‘ O felici occhi miei ’ , although of course less so than the native Italians : for instance , Festa in ‘ Cosi suav' è'l; foco et dolce il nodo ’ , and Domenico Ferrabosco , earliest of a whole dynasty of musicians , in his very popular setting of Boccaccio 's ‘ Io mi son giovinetta ’ .
49 Independent soft-commission brokers regard it as an acceptable method of payment so long as they deal at the best price .
50 As the years went by , Dexter saw the look less frequently but when he did it irked him as much as ever .
51 Yeah well that is n't a prob well well perhaps that 'll be better if I had er long wheel base down here and do that first , that goes out first ?
52 But they could not be sure of winning and they know perfectly well that Mr Mitterrand has no reason to dissolve parliament so long as there is even a small risk that his party might lose .
53 Half an hour together regularly and uninterrupted every evening is tremendously helpful to some couples .
54 It would be impossible to persuade anyone to act as trustee unless the discretion entrusted to him were very liberally conferred , and it is now possible for a trustee to delegate to an agent , not merely pieces of business requiring especial skill , but the whole business of the trust , and escape liability so long as he acts in good faith .
55 Newco might even be incorporated and resident in a tax haven jurisdiction so that a disposal of its holding in Target at a gain would not trigger any capital gains tax liability so long as there was a capital distribution of the proceeds of disposal within two years under s13 TCGA 1992 , or an avoidance mechanism could be found to prevent s13 from applying ( see the short article entitled " The Off-Shore Envelope Trick " by Kevin Prosser in Vol 3 1992/93 Issue 2 of the Off-shore Tax Planning Review ) .
56 The problem is that the two may not change in tandem ; the first may need to change rapidly , while the latter change only slowly if at all .
57 Nor was there any change so far as mandatory life sentences were concerned in the 1987 statement .
58 The tsar had been enthusiastic about change so long as he remained in the orbit of Elena Pavlovna , but in St Petersburg his convictions or his courage deserted him .
59 The brain manages the anger response so quickly because a set mental process is involved .
60 As the figure shows , the subjects came to respond only when the tone was on , but they formed the discrimination less rapidly than control subjects that had not received pre-exposure .
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